
时间:2022-09-11 08:04:18


1. As everyone knows, the South China Sea is_____part of China, _____ important part of China, and any other country outside Asia doesn’t have _____ say in this issue.

A. a; an; /B. /; an; a

C. a; the; theD. a; an; /

2. Unfortunately, the aboriginal(土著) people tried in vain to win independence _____ the ruling tribe, and prejudice _____ them still continued.

A. of; towardsB. on; for

C. from; againstD. by; over

3. It was _____ computer games that cost the young man a lot of precious time that he ought_____on his lessons.

A. to play; to be spending

B. playing; to spend

C. played; to have spent

D. playing; to have spent

4. I spent all the money _____ for rainy days, so I started my part-time job. But it would be some time before I was _____.

A. put aside; in the black

B. put away; in the red

C. push aside; feeling blue

D. taken away; green with envy

5. The meaning of a word can be guessed according to the context, so you will not _____ refer to a dictionary the next time _____ you come across a new word.

A. really; whenB. exactly; that

C. likely; whichD. necessarily; /

6. To our puzzlement, the written record of our conversation doesn’t _____ what was actually said.

A. submit toB. correspond to

C. contribute toD. cater to

7. Men are more suited to occupational environments _____ require decisive action while women are better at jobs _____ a considered approach is most important.

A. which; thatB. /; when

C. which; whenD. that; where

8. At the back of the old temple _____ twelve huge stone statues together with _____ pagoda.

A. does stand; a 8-storeyed

B. do stand; a 8-story

C. stands; an 8-storey

D. stand; an 8-storied

9. Several diseases are believed to _____ the lives of many children annually, malaria _____.

A. claim; included

B. kill; to be included

C. be claiming; is included

D. be killing; included

10. ―Who knows the meaning of the saying “Time _____ will tell.”

―_____ Tom knows.

A. only; AloneB. alone; Only

C. lonely; MerelyD. alone; Alone

11. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _____ road conditions require _____.

A. that; improving

B. which; to be improved

C. where; improving

D. when; improving

12. The _____ fact is that some European countries are heavily in debt, _____China’s economy is generally in good shape.

A. simple; soB. bare; nevertheless

C. obvious; becauseD. clear; despite

13. ―I am really surprised that a policeman in his car _____ have hit several common pedestrians, killing one and injuring three.

―Yes. If one _____ ask for trouble, what can we say?

A. would; willB. must; may

C. should; mustD. need; dare

14. ―How do you like our city?

―It has changed beyond all _____ in the past 20 years, a completely new one in front of me.

A. realizationB. description

C. expressionD. recognition

15. According to the expert, most animals will stay here, but ninety percent of the cattle _____ the nearby preservation area in the coming week.

A. is to go to

B. is heading for

C. are being imported to

D. are to be transferred to

(如皋市教研室 杨进进提供)

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