
时间:2022-09-08 07:36:35


【摘要】 目的 探讨性激素在大鼠肝癌发生中的作用。 方法 将大鼠80只随机分成四组:第一组为对照组,饮常水,正常喂食;其余3组饮含二乙基亚硝胺(DENA)水, 自由饮用, 液体隔日更换,14周后停用DENA,改饮常水,在3组中分别加服用已烯雌酚、甲睾酮和甲孕酮,观察每组肝癌发生情况。 结果 雌激素组、雄激素组和孕激素组肝癌发生率分别为:30%、85%和55%,3组肝癌发生率具有显著性差异( P




Animal experiments of the role of sex hormones in the liver cancer

ZOU Jin-lin, TANG Cong, MO Xiang-qiong. The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University,Zhuhai 519000,China

【Abstract】 Objective

To study effect of sex hormones in the development of rat hepatocellular carcinoma Methods 80 rats were randomly divided into four groups: the first group was the control group, drank mineral water, ate normal feeding,the other 3 groups drank water containing DENA, liquid after was replaced, after 14 weeks DENA was stopped and drank mineral water, in the 3 group were added with diethylstilbestrol, testosterone and armor progesterone respectively, the hepatocellular carcinoma incidence in each group was observed. Results Estrogen, androgen and progesterone group the incidence of liver cancer are: 30%,85% and55% respectively, three groups of liver cancer incidence rate had significant difference ( P < 0.05).Most of estrogen group still were cirrhosis of the liver in the eighteenth week.However, part rats had appeared liver cancer in the 12th weeks, 16 to 18 weeks were cancerous in androgen group. Progesterone group was between the two groups. Conclusion Estrogen in rat liver tumors have stronger inhibition is a protective factor; Progesterone in liver tumors inhibition plays, is a protective factor,Liver cancer is a androgen dependence tumor, androgen in liver tumors contribute in, is a risk factors. But the three types of hormones are not induce lier cancer independent factors or main factors.

【Key words】

Liver cancer; Estrogen; Androgen; Progesterone

原发性肝癌是世界范围内发病率很高的恶性肿瘤之一,全世界每年新增病例超过100万人,尤其以亚太地区居多,是高度恶性、预后差的肿瘤。近年来,随着分子生物学、病毒学及遗传学的进展,普遍认为原发性肝癌的发生是多因素、多途径、多步骤长期作用的结果。临床资料显示:原发性肝癌在男性更为常见,男女发病比例4~7∶ 1,而且男性肝癌患者的预后较女性差,提示原发性肝癌与性激素之间有着密切关系。本研究主要通过DENA诱发癌过程中添加不同性激素,观察雌激素/性激素和孕激素对诱发肝癌发生的影响。

1 材料与方法 

1.1 药物 二乙基亚硝胺(DENA),0.95 g/mL,纯度99.9%,美国Sigma公司产品。给药浓度:第1~2 周,1 mL 原液+10 L水,第3周开始,2 mL原液+10L水。已烯雌酚1 mg/片(承德九龙药业有限责任公司),给药剂量:0.1 mg,2次/d。甲睾酮5 mg/片(承德九龙药业有限责任公司),给药剂量:0.5 mg,2次/d。和甲孕酮2 mg/片(浙江仙居制药厂),给药剂量:0.25 mg,2次/d。

上一篇:活力一夏轻运动 轻松秀出好身材 下一篇:改良根治加带蒂背阔肌皮瓣移植术治疗局部晚期...