
时间:2022-09-08 04:05:22



1. (2009年甘肃省) You must write as________as you can.

A. more careful B. carefully

C. careful D. care

2. (2009年北京市东城区) ―In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think.

―I don’t agree with you. Speaking is________reading.

A. as important as B. so important as

C. the most important D. the same as

3. (2009年黑龙江省) Jim is running________Bruce. They’re neck and neck.

A. faster than B. as fast as

C. as faster as D. more slowly than

[答案与简析] 1. B2. A3. B这三道题都是考查肯定句中的“同等比较”,其中的“as ... as ...”结构意为“……和……一样”,两个as中间的形容词或副词应为原级。

4. (2009年黑龙江省) Lesson Three is________Lesson Two. It’s much more difficult.

A. not so easy as B. easier than

C. as difficult as D. less difficult than

5. (2009年厦门市) This story is not________as that one.

A. more interesting B. less interesting

C. so interested D. so interesting

6. (2002年广东省) The boy doesn’t speak________his sister, but his written work is very good.

A. as well as B. so good as

C. more better than D. more worse than

[答案与简析] 4. A5. D6. A这三道题都是考查否定句中的“同等比较”。其中“not as/so ... as ...”意为“……不如……”。在not as/so和as之间应为形容词或副词的原级。

7. (2009年河北省) Now Helen works________than before.

A. more carefully B. more careful

C. much careful D. much carefully

8. (2009年甘肃省) It takes________time to go to Beijing by plane than by train.

A. more B. fewer C. longer D. less

9. (2009年北京市海淀区) It is________today than yesterday. Shall we go swimming this afternoon?

A. the hottest B. hot C. hottest D. hotter

10. (2009年河北省) The population of Shanghai is________than that of Shijiazhuang.

A. smaller B. larger C. less D. large

[答案与简析] 7. A8. D9. D10. B这四道题都是考查形容词或副词的“不同等比较”。句中应使用“形容词或副词的比较级than ...”结构。

11. (2009重庆市) Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose________one.

A. less expensive B. the least expensive

C. the less expensive D. the most expensive

12. (2009年重庆市) Of the two Australian students, Masha is________one. I think you can find her easily.

A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest

[答案与简析] 11. C12. B这两道题均考查两个人或物之间的比较。这种比较可以用“of + the + 比较范围, ... + the + 比较级 ...”表达。

13. (2009年山西省) ―Which is the________season of the year?


A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hotest

14. (2009年内蒙古自治区) Of all the stars, the sun is________to the earth.

A. farthest B. the farthest

C. nearest D. the nearest

15. (2009年天津市) Of all the subjects, I like Chinese______.

A. more B. better C. well D. best

[答案与简析] 13. C14. D15. D这三道题都是考查“形容词或副词最高级”用于三个或三个以上人或物的比较。这种比较应该用“the + 最高级 ... of ...”或“of ... the + 最高级 ...”表达。 of后面所接的人或物与主语属于同一范畴。

16. (2009年上海市) Jinmao Tower is________building in Shanghai.

A. high B. tall

C. highest D. the highest

17. (2009年甘肃省) Li Ping writes________in his class.

A. more careful B. more carefully

C. most careful D. most carefully

18. (2009年兰州市) Who’s________in your class?

A. strong B. stronger

C. strongest D. the strongest

[答案与简析] 16. D17. D18. D这三道题都是考查“在某一范围内……最……”。这种比较应该用“the + 形容词最高级 + in + 比较范围”表达。 in后面所接的名词与主语不属同一范畴。

19. (2009年天津市) This street is much________than that one.

A. straight B. straighter

C. straightest D. more straighter

20. (2009年上海市) 30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s

______than we need.

A. far more B. very much

C. far less D. very little

21. (2009年山西省) Jack is a little________than Peter.

A. strong B. stronger

C. strongest D. the strongest

22. (2009年天津市) In our city, it’s________in July, but it’s even________in August.

A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot

C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter

[答案与简析] 19. B20. C21. B22. D这四道题都是考查用much, even, still, far, a lot, a great deal等作形容词或副词比较级的的修饰语,句中常用“程度副词(短语) + 形容词/副词的比较级 ... (than) ...”。

23. (2009年安徽省) In the exam, the________you are, the________mistakes you’ll make.

A. careful; little B. more careful; less

C. more careful; few D. more careful; fewer

24. (2009年黑龙江省) The more you learn, the more________you can get a job.

A. easily B. easier C. easy D. easiest

25. (2009年济南市)________children there are in a family,________their life will be.

A. The less; the better B. The fewer; the better

C. Fewer; richer D. More; poorer

26. (2009年厦门市) ―I will give you some picture books.

―The______, the______.

A. more; better B. many; better

C. most; best D. much; better

[答案与简析] 23. D24. A25. B26. A这四道题都是考查“The + 比较级 ..., the + 比较级 ...”的用法。其意义为“越……就越……”。

27. (2009年辽宁省) Which would you like______, basketball or football?

A. good B. better C. best D. well

28. (2009年天津市) Which do you like______, tea, orange or water?

A. good B. well C. best D. better

[答案与简析] 27. B28. C第28题是考查两个事物之间的比较,第29题是考查三个事物之间的比较。两个人或物进行比较时,应该用形容词或副词的比较级形式;三个或三个以上的人或物进行比较时,应该用形容词或副词的最高级形式。

29. (2009年辽宁省) Miss Li is one of________in our school.

A. a popular teacher B. more popular teacher

C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers

30. (2009年大连市) I’d like to know if Li Tao is________second tallest boy in his class.

A. a B. an C. the D. ×

[答案与简析] 29. D30. C第30题是考查形容词最高级的用法,第31题是考查“序数词 + 形容词最高级”的用法。在这种情况下,形容词或副词的最高级前面一般有定冠词the。

31. (2009年厦门市) When winter comes, the days get______.

A. short and short B. shorter and shorter

C. long and long D. longer and longer

32. (2009年黄冈市) ―I’m getting fatter and fatter. What should I do, doctor?

―You’d better eat________food and take________exercise.

A. less; less B. more; more

C. more; less D. less; more

[答案与简析] 31. B32. D这两道题都是考查并列的形容词或副词的比较级结构。“... 比较级 + and + 比较级 ...”尤其常见。其意为“越来越……”。

上一篇:中考英语“书面表达”应试技巧 下一篇:否定结构表示肯定意义