
时间:2022-09-06 06:07:37

- Passage 1 -

1 is coming. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The trees are turning green, and the flowers are coming 2 .

3 beautiful weather it is!I like flowers very 4 . So I 5 some fresh (新鲜的) flowers and brought them home last week. Every morning I 6 them. I put them in the sun in the 7 , and moved them to my room 8 night. At noon, the sun was shining brightly. “The flowers will die (死).” I thought. So I watered them at once. 9 in the evening the flowers were really dead.How disappointed (失望的) I 10 .

( )1. A. Spring B. Summer

C. Autumn D. Winter

( )2. A. in B. out

C. at D. to

( )3. A. How B. What a

C. What D. How a

( )4. A. many B. good

C. more D. much

( )5. A. buy B. buys

C. buying D. bought

( )6. A. had B. ate

C. drunk D. watered

( )7. A. morning B. afternoon

C. evening D. night

( )8. A. for B. on

C. in D. at

( )9. A. So B. But

C. And D. Or

( )10. A. am B. was

C. did D. be

- Passage 2 -

The Spring Festival (春节) is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually comes in 1 . Everyone in 2 likes the Spring Festival very much. When Spring Festival comes, I usually 1 my parents clean our house and do some other 4 . 5 that day 6 eat

7 , new year’s cake and some other food. But I 8 dumplings. We usually 9 dum-

plings and 10 TV, I like the Spring Festival.

( )1. A. March B. November

C. February D. January

( )2. A. America B. China

C. England D. Japan

( )3. A. help B. helps

C. ask D. carry

( )4. A. housework B. homework

C. fishing D. reading

( )5. A. On B. In

C. At D. Of

( )6. A. everyone B. someone

C. no one D. people

( )7. A. eggs B. meat

C. dumplings (饺子)

D. moon cakes (月饼)

( )8. A. like B. eats

C. make D. get

( )9. A. eats B. to make

C. make and eat D. like

( )10. A. look B. have a look at

C. see D. watch

- Passage 1 -

All the parents love their children very much. They want their kids 1 well-known people when they 2 . Most of them want the kids to be actors. Many of 3 hope the kids will be singers. Actors and singers can 4 money easily in our country. When they appear in the advertise-ment, they will get 5 money which a farmer or a worker will work for all life.

C. wished D. brought

( )15. A. thanks B. satisfactions

C. expressions D. rewards

- Passage 2 -

One day, a mother brought home a small jar and gave it to her little girl on her birthday. She told her little girl that the jar was 1 , and she could write to her mommy about anything in the world, and put it in the jar. And later, in its place, there would be a note for her. Soon the jar became a special part of their lives.

The little girl loved to get 2 from her mother. They always told her how 3 she was. Sometimes, too, there would be a little 4 in the jar and a note telling her how 5 her mommy was of her. She 6 all the letters from her mommy in a pretty box by her bed.

The mother treasured each of her little girl’s letters, too. As the years went by, that little girl 7 into a young lady and then got married and started a 8 of her own. For the first time, the jar sat 9 . The mother dusted the jar every day and some-

times looked inside, 10 sadly that the magic jar years had ended.

One day the young lady came to 11 her mother. She went straight to her mother’s room, opened the chest (柜子) at the end of her bed, and found what she was looking for. She 12 on a piece of paper and put it in the jar, and 13 the jar to her mother. 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