‘Rural development has kept pace with urban growth”

时间:2022-09-05 10:28:35

In addition to the interview at his Gandhinagar office, Narendra Modi answered additional questions in writing. Edited excerpts:

What do you think differentiates Gujarat from other states?

Gujarat represents uniformity of development as well as unanimity on the issues of development. Infrastructure development has kept pace with economic growth, rural development has kept pace with urban growth, satisfaction of workers has kept pace with industrial growth. Not only have multinationals and big companies done well, but a large number of medium, small, rural and domestic ventures have also prospered. Not only have industry and agriculture grown fast; but education and health services have also expanded equally fast.

Every state dreams of infrastructure that compares with the developed world but Gujarat is perhaps the only state that delivered. What are the best practices that help you deliver this?

Yes, we have been very keen and committed on developing infrastructure. I personally believe that infrastructure is the enabler of development. Some things that have helped us. For one, we have vision documents for 20 to 30 years. Two, while we plan for big and robust infrastructure, we also see that the remotest part of the state benefits. Three, we are aiming to build the best of infrastructure from a global perspective. Four, Gujarat is a pioneer in public private partnership.

Gujarat’s rate of growth in agriculture is running at a record level — how has this been made possible?

At 9.6 per cent for the last six years, the growth rate in agriculture is more than three times the national average. Gujarat has been a perennially water-scarce state marked by recurrent droughts, and was never known for its agriculture. We have implemented macro projects, and on water harvesting and conservation. Through soil health cards, my farmer knows which crop to sow and which nutrient to use. We are working hard for introducing drip and sprinkler irrigation. Today there are villages in Gujarat where all farms are micro irrigated. We are also bringing more wastelands under cultivation.

What are your mantras for quality governance?

If you set up proper systems of governance, if you have policy-driven governance, if you inculcate transparency in governance, speed is a natural outcome and corruption goes. Use of technology is another key factor. We have introduced a number of initiatives in e-governance. Our one-day governance centers are live examples of speedy and efficient delivery of services. More importantly, I gave stability of tenure to my senior officials, which made a big difference.

Longer version of interview at www.businesstoday.in/modi

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