Life Begins at thirty

时间:2022-09-01 09:42:12

Abstract:21st century is an era of information that we should see the world through completely different perspectives. In the society, craving for material things seems never satisfied. An acquistive desire would deceive your mind. Self-control, rational and confidence are vital to our success.

Key words: Confidence Self-control rational thoughts

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1672-1578(2014)8-0001-01

As the saying goes, a man should be independent at the age of thirty. My respectful head-teacher in high school sent me a book―Life Begins at thirty and some meaningful words―resolute, firm, struggle, success in life. The book leads us to rethink the relationship between China and the whole world. I regard the writer as an awesome people because of his profound knowledge, sharp perspective and long-term vision toward China.

Confidence derive from calm treatment of similarities and differences and inner belief that nobody could belittle you, nobody could discriminate you because of your nationality, status or gender. Real confidence means to persist in pursuing your own goals and dreams. We should know that the equal personality is the foundation of the society, confidence and self-esteem are true spirit in our heart. Armstrong said that one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. Even if we just have a little progress in our life, we could encourage ourselves proudly.

Japan is our neighbour but we always don't have a mutual and deep understanding. The World War II brings us disaster and prejudice against Japan. But the purpose of Patriotism education is to memorize the history and exert ourselves constantly rather than uncover the scars again and again. We should always remember: Strong, depends on strength. Great, depends on bosom. Many people are fond of complaining about anybody except themselves, they hold on the view that all the people let them down but never take themselves' disadvantages into consideration. China as a powerful nation, the citizen should both have confidence to shape our images and have comprehensive mentality to adopt the others civilization. Take the essence and discard the dregs. The White House is the highest power of the United States. Translate White House into Chinese is called“白房子”. It’s a simple and plain notion. "white" have different meaning between the east and the west. White knight, White day. White is positive, auspicious and pure meaning in western culture. Although humankind exist on different continents, the color of our blood is same. Misunderstanding is momentary.

We know that greed and fear are reflected in the true mentality of humankind throughout the financial crisis. Buffett said that fear when others greed, greed when others fear. Investment is necessary for us to increase our fortune, but we should keep a ordinary heart whether rich or poor. In accordance with your own principle to spend your money because foresee has became an important way before we make a decision. Economics is scientific and predictable. We should have a long-term vison about our future and career. I must emphasize confidence again. Public confidence is the starting point to restore the positive actions of the market. Prime Minster Wen said that confidence is an intangible fortune and more important than currency during the economic crisis. In the 21st century financial crisis, we couldn’t pay attention to our own moral uplift without thought of others, but we could devote all of our efforts to solve the problems under the cooperation of the whole world even the global finanical crisis.

The writer interviewed many famous people such as Bill Clinton Bill Gates and the former primer minster of Australia, Kevin Rudd, which gave me deep impression. They are the symbols of power, wealth and status. They all have charming personality, unique insight, judgment and analysis. During the crisis, these famous people are not only wise, humor and optimistic, but also dedicated, careful and confident.

In the book, the word Confidence penetrate the whole passage. Never fears difficulties but speeds up through with correct thoughts and methods to solve is true philosophy. As the financial crisis, perhaps called a ‘confident crisis’, many countries’ prescription to save the market is cooperating with others countries while restoring confidence because confidence is more important than gold and currency. When meet difficult position in our life, we may attempt nothing and accomplish nothing once lost confidence. Even in the most difficult time, human efforts are decisive factor as long as we boost our confidence, courage in unison.

I know I can’t compare with the top examinee in the college entrance examination, the anchor of CCTV, the scholar of Yale University. But personally, life begins at thirty, it has the same meaning between an ordinary university student and a famous anchor.

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