
时间:2022-09-01 06:42:34






2.1对于墙体施工的探讨 空心砖承重墙一般采用整砖平砌,孔洞沿垂直方向且长圆孔顺墙长方向设置。墙中洞口预埋件和管道处,应用实心砖砌筑,并在砌筑时留出或预埋。提高砌块墙体的施工质量,主要从砌块质量、砌筑砂浆的质量和灰缝饱满度、砌块的整体性和均匀性、粉刷层与砌块的粘结性和变形协调等方面加强技术措施。在门窗洞口部位、屋面檐口和女儿墙、砌块与构造梁柱交接处、有集中荷载的应力变化、墙面曲折和突变等部位要给予足够的重视。

2.2对于墙体保温施工的探讨 墙体节能措施的关键环节是墙体保温系统的施工。墙体的保温层通常设置在墙体的内侧或外侧。要根据不同的保温材料和施工方法,来采用不同的施工技术措施。对于以各种轻骨料加入石灰、石膏、水泥、化学聚合物等胶结料,并加入少量助剂按一定比例配制而成的保温砂浆,一般都采用抹灰的施工方式。保温砂浆抹灰自上而下依次进行,主要的注意事项首先是基层作清洁、修平、湿润处理。表面不易粘贴的混凝土墙、梁、柱等部位应打毛或刷粘结剂。第二个方面是按设计要求弹标准水平线、踢脚线或墙裙线,门窗洞四周宜用水泥砂浆抹宽50mm护角。为保证保温层厚度墙面应做标准饼、冲筋。第三个方面是每次抹灰厚度10 mm左右为宜。当底层初凝且表面有一定强度后才能继续施工下一层。也注意保湿养护但不能水冲,砂浆硬化期间严禁撞击和振动。第四个方面是保温砂浆一般设置内侧,用于外侧必须有防裂、防水、防脱落等保证措施。


2.3对于门窗安装施工的探讨 外墙节能的关键环节是门窗框和玻璃扇的传热系数及密闭性。所以为了最大程度上使门窗达到能达到预期的节能要求,在安装过程中要注意以下方面。首先是根据设计要求选择门窗时,要复查其抗风压性、空气渗透性、雨水渗漏性等性能指标。其次是安装门窗框时要反复检查框角的垂直度,只有符合要求的门窗扇才能应用。第三个方面是在框与扇、扇与扇之间须设密封条,以防渗水、透气,推拉窗的轨槽处须增加密封处理,局部缝隙较大的位置可用单组份密封膏挤注。最后是粘贴密封条或挤注密封膏时,应事先将接缝处清理干净、干燥,无灰尘和污物。



Second, universality. The teachers ought to love every student as the sun shines the earth. It is never allowed to treat students with different attitudes, just from their own interesting or students’ behaviors. Teachers should treat all students with courtesy and dignity, regardless of gender, race, class, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, politics, or other personal attribute.

Finally, stability. So this emotion will not be an impulse action but should be a permanent one just as mother’ love.

According to statistics, only 3% students want to share their secret with their teachers and 85% students hope they can establish close relation with teachers, but 64% teachers think the students are worse and worse. One side, many teachers deem that teaching students is more and more difficult, on the other side, the teachers’ figure in student’s life is also more and more diaphanous. But why does this awkward statement occur? So we will discuss the following how to establish the emotional relation between teachers and students, what may we do as a teacher in teaching?

4. Periods of setting up emotional relationship

This emotion is a process which is dynamic and develops from distant to close, form superficial to inner, from passive to active, so it can be divided into four periods and the relation will become more and more firm. From this process, the teachers can establish the friendly and close relation with students, which is good for atmosphere of teaching.

First, close period. The teachers will establish a democratic, equal and harmonic class atmosphere which will eliminate students’ estrangement, and can also let the students feel they are very safe and happy with teachers. “Every one has its own advantage, but if watched from one side, may be only few.” So as a teacher, we will not only find the students’ advantages in class, but also observe the students’ life and praise them at the very moment.

Second, intimate period. The teachers will make contact with students carefully. Accordingly, the students will hobnob with the teachers. However, good teaching also requires the development of a personal interest in students, so teachers must balance detached professionalism with personal friendship.

Third, sympathetic chord period. If students want to continue a discussion in their spare time after class, it can be an excellent opportunity to expand your teaching role beyond the limits of the classroom and also get to know students better. The students can realize the teachers’ intention, so the relationship becomes more and more harmonic.

Finally, trust period. In this period, the students can have a heart-to-heart talk with their teachers. Of course helping can reduce the distance between the teachers and students, so the sincere relationship forms. The teachers can make good use of the close period, intimate period, sympathetic chord period and believed period to talk with students honestly, and the steady relation between the teachers and students forms at last.

Sometimes, however, the very closeness of the relationship challenges that necessary distance. Feelings of admiration and respect may become intense and personal. There are many other cases from many kinds of novel, teleplay and movie can remind us.

“Out window”, written by Qiong Yao. The protagonist, named Jiang Yan Rong falls in love with her Chinese teacher. At last, the teacher also accepts her love.

“Class Loving”, a Sweden movie, a 37-year-old teacher falls in love with a 14-year-old boy.

When those feelings do occur, what do we do with them? Can we experience them comfortably and still maintain appropriate student-teacher boundaries? What are appropriate student teacher boundaries? Is there a necessary limit to the personal, social, or even sexual interaction that may be experienced between student and teacher without compromising one's professional responsibilities? Most of the rules regarding relationships between a teacher and student are common sense. Teachers should never, under any circumstances, date their students (even if the student initiates the idea). A male teacher should never meet a female student in seclusion and should always leave the office door open when talking to a female student. Teachers should not make sexually suggestive remarks to students, even facetiously.

As we know, the active emotion is good for teaching, but if the emotion is changed, “love her, love her dog” is the effect. One side, the teachers’ emotion influence the students’ attitude to their teachers and the subjects, on the other side, the students’ emotion can gain concern from teachers. Owing to the teachers’ loving, the students are willing to finish the work and task and would like to share their secret with their teachers. Contrarily, if overstepping the scope of limit, it will cause bad effect. How to establish an appropriate relation between the teachers and students?

5. Principles of establishing harmonious relationship

Teachers play the important role in the teaching as well as the emotional relation in class, so the teachers will hold these principles well.

First, understanding and concern. Appreciating and concerning every student is the precondition to establish a nice relation. Listening to their personal problems with sympathy and understanding helps they handle the stress of school, and counseling a student in this way once or twice is probably appropriate.

Second, respect and trust. Everyone wants to be respected. Home Lynskey, a Russian psychologist, said: “when a child criticized, please don’t hurt its self-respect.” The teachers ought to treat every student equally and friendly. If the teachers don’t respect the students or even sneer at them, it’s harmful for their growing.

Third, strictness and justice. The American psychologist, Adams, had introduced the justice theory. In the school, teachers would treat every equally which is not only good for establishing fried relation but also can inspire the student to study well, but at the same time, teachers may adopt “combination of strength and kindness ” principle. “strength” means strict, “kindness” means fatherly, so the teachers can concern the students well.

Finally, the conversion pondered. “The true education is the self-education”, students will think themselves back into the shoes of the teachers and the teachers can also understand the students well, so the collectivity will becomes more and more harmonic.

6. Conclusion

Dual relationship between teachers and students promotes them to maintain appropriate student-teacher boundaries. As a teacher, he or she ought to know these principles how to deal with the emotional relation in class. Perhaps the traditional ideal of "Mark Hopkins on one end of a log and a student on the other" remains the best goal for all teachers.


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This paper is accomplished under the enlightenment of our respectable supervisor, Mr. Wang Dexing, I’m extremely grateful to him for his instructions and suggestions, and his generosity in spending his precious time revising the draft of my dissertation.

My profound thanks will be sent to the other teachers: Miss Zhang Yu, Miss Zhu Yi, Mr. Lv Jing, Mr. Yuan Shu, and Mr. Li Xueshu. Their earnest teaching and constructive suggestions are of great help for me.

Last but not least, I’m also grateful to my parents and my close friends for their encouragement, supports and help, if not, it is out of question for me to complete this dissertation during the expected period of time.



上一篇:对于建筑工程雨季施工的探讨 下一篇:双向水泥土搅拌桩荷载传递规律及桩身强度