
时间:2022-09-01 11:27:19

“金融海啸”一定会成为今年的关键词之一。在同样受到严重冲击的时尚界,“简一代”(Cheap Chic)风潮或者平民化的街头风日益被人们挂在嘴边。谁说潮流一定要靠重金打造?――花最少的钱买最多的东西,这样的时尚达人才是当下王道!

Robin and Julie are 1)penny pinchers.

Robin: ’Cause we joke about how we don’t want to use the 2)windshield wiper fluid too much, she calls, just, “You know, if you kinda 3)scoot out behind somebody on a freeway that’s using theirs, you can 4)maximize yours!” Yeah, like, “Wow, she’s cheap!” We need to write a book about this!

That’s exactly what these lifelong friends have done. The Cheap Book is a collection of bargain

5)jargon and super-saver tips, like Page 188’s item on in-store card 6)swapping for couples.

Robin: Separate, pick out their special cards, present them to each other of course don’t write on them read it, appreciate the message, put it back…where it came out of.

Julie: Part of what we want to come out of this message is that you should be proud of being 7)frugal and of being cheap.

The book and its website are filled with ways to be cheap, like collecting the cold water that comes before the hot shower for flowers and future 8)flushing. And there are instructions for building a bigger, better bar out of little soapy 9)scraps. These two are as 10)crafty as they are cheap.

Julie: Absolutely! Yeah!

And so is Karen Gunter.

Karen: I paid a dollar for this one and a dollar for this one after a 11)coupon and then they gave me a four dollar register reward, so they actually paid me two dollars to take these two Zests.

Karen loves…a bargain, because she doesn’t pay much for most things.

Karen: Canned vegetables, peanut butter, shampoo, soap, 12)conditioner, toothpaste, 13)deodorant…just to name a few.

Karen got all of it…for nothing.

Karen’s rule is “Wait for the sales, the coupons, and stock up.” Before she shops, she surfs.

Karen: This is my 14)home base.省略, which promises some of the hottest, most current bargains available, powered by shopping secrets from Karen and nearly 29,000 other members. Bargains pop up around the clock.

Karen: “Oh, man, at Walgreen’s you can get this for free, but run quick!”

So, Karen runs.

Karen: Now, who wouldn’t want to save 66%?

Because she says, “You can’t beat getting something for nothing.”

Karen: It…it is this natural 15)high to save money, and it’s there. And it’s like, when I see people paying full price, for like, “You’re 16)nuts! Why are you paying full price for this?!”

A question worth asking after checking out Karen’s collection.省略的网站,上面会一些最热门、最及时的特价商品信息,消息来源于凯伦以及其他近29000位成员的血拼秘笈。特价信息时刻更新。









上一篇:《极速赛车》:诚者无敌 下一篇:拇指一族的短信世界