
时间:2022-08-31 12:36:32



>> 智能小区的宽带网络基本概念 关于旅游学科基本概念的共识性问题 谈谈旅游学科中基本概念的“可靠性”问题 智能社会的智能战 函数的基本概念 运动概念智能眼镜 中职乐理教学中的基本概念问题分析 家具包装的基本概念及其设计问题 智能电视真的智能吗? 智能城市中智能交通的构建 人工智能与人的智能 “伪智能”的智能家居 智能家庭系统的智能网关设计 论智能交通建设 旅游社会学科建设的基本理论问题研究 民族传统体育学科建设的基本理论问题 关于经济学学科建设的三个基本问题 “中国近现代史基本问题研究”学科建设的再思考 学科建设管理的基本职能 智能的,无线的 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

Basic Concept Problems of Academics Construction of “Intelligence”

WEI Shize

(Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050021, China)

Abstract: The intelligence related academic association, the consociation convenes a special subject meeting, study and discuss the construction problem of the intelligence academics(profession), in really urgent matter of the moment.But the content of “intelligence” concept, outside postpone how to position, demarcation?This is still a pending problem.Pass this time study and discuss, if can make the definition of “intelligence” explicit, academics fixed position more accurate, is the wishes that the national intelligence section teaches a worker.This text can be regarded as from the intelligence concept of since, development and academics position to talk about of a writing form speech.

Key words: person; nature; civilization; intelligence; science; academics; academics constuction

上一篇:汇编语言和微机接口技术实验教学探讨 下一篇:模式识别课程的教学探索