
时间:2022-08-30 12:22:20

众所周知,我们可以用“be + V-ing”来表示正在进行的动作,但介词也具有这样的功能。本文就介绍一些常见的具有表示进行功能的介词。


1. at表示“处于……状态”。

含at的常见短语有: at work 在工作、在上班; at play在玩耍; at lunch在吃午饭; at rest在休息中。例如:

Tom is at work. 汤姆正在工作。

Li lei is at play. 李磊正在玩。

2. in表示状态或状况

含in的常见短语有: in pursuit在追赶、在追踪、在追求; in motion (= moving) 在运动。例如:

The ship is in motion. 船正在行驶中。

The line is in use. 电话占线。

3. on用于说明活动或状况

含on的常见短语有: on duty 在值班; on show/exhibition在展览中; on fire在燃烧中; on strike 正在罢工; on sale 在销售; on holiday在度假。例如:

We are on holiday. 我们正在度假。

The books are on sale. 书正在销售。

The workers are on strike. 工人们在罢工。

The pictures are on show. 画正在展览。

4. under在……过程中

含under的常见短语有: under discussion在讨论中; under construction正在建设中; under repair 正在修理; under investigation 正在调查; under way 正在进行中; under attack遭抨击、受到攻击。例如:

Preparations are well under way for a week of special events in May. 五月份特别活动周的准备工作正在顺利展开。

The program is still under discussion. 这个计划正在讨论中。

The case is under investigation. 这个案子正在调查中。


1. The pictures are___________.

A. in show B. under show C. on show D. showing

2. Now Iraq and America aren’t___________.

A. at war B. fought C. on war D. in war

3. The road is ___________.

A. building B. at construction

C. on construction D. under construction

4. Look, they are___________.

A. in play B. under play C. at play D. for play

5. Listen! The plan is___________.

A. at discussion B. on discussion

C. under discussion D. above discussion

6. Don’t talk when you are___________.

A. in table B. for table C. with tabled D. at table

7. The building is___________ .

A. on fire B. in fire C. at fire D. under fire

8. ―What are you doing?

―Oh, I am___________.

A. in holiday B. on holiday

C. at holiday D. under holiday

9. Help! We are___________by a dog.

A. on attack B. in attack C. under attack D. at attack

10. A tiger is coming and the zebra is___________.

A. at danger B. on danger C. in danger D. for danger


Key:1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B9. C10. C

上一篇:形容词和副词三个等级的判别及相关句子 下一篇:假如我又回到开始