
时间:2022-08-30 04:46:41

项目地址 日本神奈川

项目面积 105.88平米

设计单位 naf architect & design

竣工年份 2009年



主楼被称为House A, 而副楼则被称为House B。House B可供家人一起享受家庭影院、可供过夜的客人小憩、也可成为开夜车工作的奋战场地;总之,这里是业主自由发挥、任意施展的小空间。而两栋房屋之间的距离间隔也设计得恰到好处,既可以为前来小住的祖父母或是步入青春期的孩子们提供足够的私密空间,同时,两个房屋入口之间几步之遥的距离也进一步拉近和温暖了彼此之间的亲情。







This is a project of one family living in two houses built slightly apart from one another.

One great volume of a house which covers the entire plot was supposed first.

Then this volume was carved in a curve in three segments and two volumes at the both ends were built as two houses on the site.

The wood structures and finishing materials of two houses are standardized to emphasis the relations of two volumes being originally from “one great volume” and that they are one though apart. Carved volume in the middle became a courtyard leading to the approach to two houses.

The initial idea was to have two houses on the site.Then in order to signify that these houses are in close relations with one another which are inhabited by one family, this scheme of two volumes evolving from one single volume was created. A volume of gable roof house carved in a curve gives particular shape of section.Giving particular and similar section (elevation) to two houses will signify correlativity between the two.

The courtyard was expected to give moderate distance and tension between the two houses.The distance between the entrance doors of two houses was fixed for 10m, which was decided by various criteria.

You can see the person but not hear the voice.

Close enough to go across without umbrella when it’s raining

You can play badminton in the courtyard

Car can make a turn in the courtyard

Having another house for movies at night, overnight guests or work at home allows the inhabitants the liberty to do what they please at a time they want. This distance between two houses may be just right for inviting grandparents to move in someday or providing privacy to children at puberty.

The purpose of building two houses slightly apart is not the same as that of having a villa at a resort or a farm household having a main building and a barn.

This project is an experiment for allowing more life style options in the life based in the urban area.

设计/Akio Nakasa 摄影/Toshiyuki Yano翻译/肖俊编辑/刘序雯

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