Mergence of universities should pay attention to the problem

时间:2022-08-29 04:12:18

Abstract: In the late 1990s, the Chinese education sector emerged a surge of "the college merger" boom, which caused many problems also attracted the attention of social all circles. Mergence of universities can integrate resources, major initiatives to promote the development of universities, there are important practical significance. But universities merger also exist many problems, such as the integration of resources is unreasonable and the purpose is not correct.

For the "merger of colleges and universities" scholars have different definition, but the common point is: mergence of universities actually is a form of restructuring of educational resources, joint educational ,optimizing resource allocation. Since the nineteen eighties later Chinese began to advocate the smaller school merged into larger schools. 1992 - 2004, university merger as many as 870 items.[1] Large universities presents a rapid development, thriving scene. On behalf of the University, is not the size of the school, number of teachers and students, but the University of spirit. So the merger of colleges and universities should give full consideration to the following issues.

One, the necessity of merging universities

Each university has its own characteristics and history, so the merger of colleges and universities is the premise of should be considered with great necessity, and should not be a trend model. President of Nanjing University Professor Jiang Shusheng talks about the international first-class university standard,three criteria listed in a comprehensive, research based, international and points out that the so-called comprehensive refers to the high level university should have the structure optimization, relatively complete class discipline system, able to cover the arts, science of the basic disciplines and application disciplines[2]. Construction of a university should be emphasized that the heritage of a culture, of a scientific spirit to flourish, it is an internal accumulation, rather than external decoration. One-sided pursuit of scale and neglect to establish the academic field of studying and good academic atmosphere, then loses the necessity of the merger.

Second, the emphasis of the complexity of merging universities

The United States of America Lewis University Professor, President of interdisciplinary education professor O Hobson points out: University is much more complicated than the company, the school is not as simple as selling stocks and make rice porridge. University is a relational schema mode, it is not the pattern of accumulated credits, but doing things.

The merger of the colleges and universities can promote the restructuring of resources, Improve the research capacity of universities, science and technology to economic conversion efficiency, the soft power of these universities can not be solved by the simple combination. Chinese universities in the world, ranking the relative backwardness, the number of papers in China ranks first in the world, but the reference rate ranking in the 100 away. These alerts us correct treatment merger, establish their own campus culture。 Before the Mergence of Universities ,to be aware of the complexity of the merger, and fully take into account various factors, in order to achieve the optimization of the combined.

Third, the clear purpose of merging universities

Mergence of universities is to achieve integration of resources, to achieve an advantage complementary, so as to promote the development of education. Mergence of universities is mainly due to three factors: bigger, stronger, and do the whole.[3] Peking University according to the results of a survey, the top 100 first-class university, is the most comprehensive university. The university is committed to the goal of comprehensive university is good, but the blind merger will only get the results run counter to one's desire.

Some universities merge in order to win the 211 project, some universities merge to higher specifications and grades. However, after the merger, it is dubbed the merger, in fact, the state of disunity.[4]In this situation, it is difficult to form an upward force, not to mention the academic atmosphere, learning habit.

Mergence of universities for the development of higher education in China has a positive role, but we also must pay attention to the problem. Colleges and universities should proceed from the actual situation, combined with the actual situation of each school. Blindly follow the trend not only can not realizes the education resource rational distribution, but also sometimes form a waste of social resources.


[1] 纽芳怡,曾满超.李树培译.发达国家高校合并研究[J].教育发展研究.2007.6A:1

[2] 黄成凤.对高校合并的几点思考[J].江苏高教. 2003 (2 )

[3] 张 朔 中国高校合并的反思与前瞻[J], 三峡大学学报. 第29卷.2007(3)

[4] 刘辉华,曹受金.关于高校合并后的思考[J].山西师大学报(社会科学版).第33卷 2006(9)


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