专练二十七 短文写作

时间:2022-08-27 05:49:06

专练二十七 短文写作


假如你是四中高二(1)班同学林生,应以前的同学王英的请求, 根据下面这份课表, 给她写封信,向她简单介绍一下你本学期的课程开设情况。


Class 1 Grade II

No 4 High School

Jan. 1 2012

Dear Wang Ying,

I hope you are well. I am fine. I’ve been in grade II. Now I would like to tell you something about our courses of this term.

We have eleven subjects this term, namely Chinese, Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Politics, PE and working skills. We have four periods in the mornings and three periods in the afternoons. So I would say we are very busy now. But we still have a lot of outclass activities.

As science student, Chinese, Maths, English, Physics and Chemistry are our main subjects. We have five periods of Chinese, Maths and English, three periods of Physics and Chemistry each week. I spend most of my time on them and study them very well. Of course we will have to learn other subjects well.

Best wishes.

Yours truly

Lin Sheng



1. 避免简单、重复地罗列课程表信息。首先,对课表中所涉及的科目做了一个概述,然后根据上午、下午时间段的不同,有意识地进行了相应的归纳,既准确表达了信息,又避免了枯燥乏味。

2. 就课程表的设置和具体科目,作者加入了自己的思考。作为science student,学习的科目显然有所侧重,作者做了详细的介绍,并且表达了“学好理科科目,同时也学好其他科目”的观点,体现了学习的完整性和综合性。




注意:1. 可适当添加细节,使行文流畅;

2. 词数100~120,信的开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Wang Wei,

I’m sorry to hear that you are in low spirits recently and worried about your English study.

Yours faithfully

Zhang Hua


Dear Wang Wei,

I’m sorry to hear that you are in low spirits recently and worried about your English study. In fact, it’s so common among teens that you needn’t worry much.

These emotions come from the pressure of life and studies, so you should first learn to make adjustments and talk to friends you trust when necessary. On the other hand, if you want to overcome the difficulty in memorizing new words, it’s a good idea to learn sentences with the new words and recite them. There is no denying that texts are more complex than before. Therefore, it’s important for you to preview texts before class and try rewriting them, which will inspire you to have a better understanding.

I hope my suggestions will be of help to you.

Yours faithfully

Zhang Hua


这是一篇典型的建议信写作。从审题的角度,这篇习作较好地把握了此类写作的基本思路,即“呈现问题――分析问题――解决问题”,思路清晰,结构完整。文章一开始在呈现问题的时候,简明扼要,直切主题,并由“安慰朋友”转入“分析问题”的环节,自然流畅。在内容的安排上,这篇习作也是层层递进。先是从意识上要做到“make adjustments”,然后针对具体问题一一提出合理建议。针对“单词难记”的问题,提出“根据句意记单词”的建议;针对“课文复杂难以理解”的问题,提出“课前预习课文,课后缩写课文”的建议。最后,作者也表达了“希望建议有用”的希望。在文字表达上,这篇习作也有亮点。如结构表达“On the other hand”“Therefore”等等。又如一些高级句型的使用:It’s so common among teens that ..., It’s a good idea to ..., It’s important for you to ..., There is no denying that ...。因此,这是一篇优秀的习作。

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