‘Academic Research is Rare in India’

时间:2022-08-27 05:33:02

The Indian economy – dogged as it is by scams and slow growth – is still exciting to many. Many professors in other countries are keen on working here, but there are some flies in the ointment. Salaries here are relatively low, and finding suitable jobs for spouses and schools for children can be tough.

But Galit Shmueli, an IsraeliAmerican professor of statistics, data analytics and information systems, made the move. She came to India in 2011 to teach at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Having nearly lost her voice, thanks to a series of lectures and a nasty cold, she told Business Today in an email interview: “I spent a few weeks on campus in 2010 while co-teaching a data mining course and really liked the experience.” Because of that, and having travelled extensively in Asia, she did not experience culture shock, she says. However, she adds:“Relocation ... is often a challenge for the spouse and children.”

In her case, things fell into place, though. “We were eager to move to Asia after spending a sabbatical year in Bhutan,” she says.“My husband’s career is location-independent and my daughter happily attends school in Bhutan.”

She describes India as a“happening place” but adds that life here seems “much more bureaucratic on a daily basis”. A sense of humour is a necessity, she says. “Luckily, the Indian mindset seems to be in sync with my Israeli chutzpah.”

She says she would recommend teaching in India to “anyone who can take spicy food and is a stellar teacher”. But research is a different kettle of fish. “For those interested in a research-oriented position, a move to a university in India requires careful consideration. First and foremost, academic research is quite rare in India.” She says ISB is an exception, as its research culture matches that of overseas universities in terms of rigour, importance and funds.

ISB’s tenure process adheres to global norms, too – six years after joining as assistant professor, candidates are evaluated on research quality and compared with global peers. Researchers in top schools are invited to assess their work. Professors who fail to make tenure. Shmueli says those who wish to work at an Indian institute should assess its productivity in terms of research and publications. “I recommend spending a sabbatical in India to gauge what life here is about,” she says. “Because of the nascent stage of academic research in India, it is important to connect fully with the core research community in your area before moving here. Once you are part of the community, it is relatively easy to maintain a strong connection.”

She says: “I must confess that I would not have contemplated such a move 10 years ago, because I would fear isolation from the research community in the West. Today, location is much less of a barrier.”

And what about money? “It is true that compensation is much lower than in the US, especially when the rupee has been depreciating so quickly,” she says. “It is a matter of personal priorities. Obviously, I have made my choice.”

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