
时间:2022-08-26 04:43:14


(上海市嘉定区南翔社区卫生服务中心 上海 201802)

摘 要 目的:了解南翔社区中老年人群大肠癌发病情况。方法:对50岁以上的常驻退休人群,采用问卷调查和粪便潜血试验相结合的方法进行初筛,全结肠镜检查进行复筛。结果:实际参加初筛6 812人,初筛顺应率为98.1%,阳性率24.1%;应复筛1 642人,实际复筛712人,复筛顺应率为43.4%,阳性率30.4%。大肠病变肠镜检出率男高于女。检出大肠癌患者10例,其中早期癌1例,中晚期癌9例,大肠癌检出率为1.4%。大肠腺瘤11例,非腺瘤肉162例。结论:大肠癌综合筛查发现南翔地区居民大肠癌发病率较高;综合筛查方案对中老年人群大肠癌早发现有较好的作用和效果

关键词 大肠癌 病变 综合筛查

中图分类号:R199 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2014)18-0044-02

Evaluation of the application of the comprehensive screening in the early detection of the elderly colorectal cancer in Nanxiang Community and its effect

PU Xiaodi, ZHU Yaping

(Nanxiang Community Health Service Center of Jiading District, Shanghai 201802, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the incidence of the colorectal cancer in the elderly population in Nanxiang Community. Methods: The permanent retired population over the age of 50 was screened with the methods of the questionnaire survey combined with the fecal occult blood test, and the entire colon was examined with the colonoscopy for re-screening. Results: In the actual preliminary screening there were 6 812 participants, and their screening compliance rate was 98.1%, and the positive rate was 24.1%. One thousand and six hundred and forty-two people should be re-screened, and 712 were actually done, whose re-screening compliance rate was 43.4% and the positive rate was 30.4%. The comparison of the colorectal lesion detection rate of colonoscopy showed that the male rate was higher than the female one. Ten cases of the colorectal cancer were detected, including 1 case of the early cancer, 9 patients with the advanced cancers, and the colorectal cancer detection rate was 1.4‰. Eleven cases were adenomas, and 162 non adenomatous polyps. Conclusion: The colorectal cancer comprehensive screening of the residents in Nanxiang area has found that the incidence of the colorectal cancer is high in the community residents, and the comprehensive screening program for the elderly population in early detecting the colorectal cancer has a good role and effect.

KEY WORDS colorectal cancer; lesions; comprehensive screening




按照“知情、同意、自愿、免费”的原则,筛查上海市嘉定区南翔镇50岁及以上年龄的常住退休人口,共6 941人,其中男性2 403人,女性4 538人。








应参加筛查6 941人,实际参加初筛6 812人,初筛顺应率为98.1%,其中男性2 003人,女性4 809人。结果阳性1 642人,阳性率24.1%。其中问卷阳性608人,男性217人,女性391人;FOBT阳性907人,男性333人,女性574人。两项均为阳性者127人,男性59人,女性68人。


应参加复筛1 642人,实际参加712人,男性280人,女性432人,复筛顺应率为43.4%。检出大肠病变(大肠癌、息肉)217例,阳性率30.4%。其中男性102例,女性115例,检出率男高于女(χ2=5.977,P


大肠癌筛查模式主要对自然人群筛查(又称无症状人群筛查)和伺机性筛查(又称个体筛查)[1-2]。自然人群筛查是由政府部门组织的在一定范围内如社区,以标准化方法进行的,以人群为基础的筛查,其缺点在于无症状人群依从性较差,需要政府部门组织开展。伺机性筛查是以个体为单位筛查,医生可以灵活运用筛查方法,个体依从性较好。我们开展对50岁及以上常住居民进行筛查,重点关注炎症肠病、家族肉以及糖尿病、吸烟、肥胖等人群,经过初筛,确立高危人群,在征得同意下进行肠镜检查。初筛人数为6 812人,复筛为712人,检出大肠病变(大肠癌、息肉)217例,阳性率30.4%。检出大肠癌患者10例,其中早期癌(T1~2 N0 M0)1例,中晚期癌9例,大肠癌的检出率为1.4%。大肠腺瘤11例,非腺瘤肉162例。本社区筛查大肠癌的检出率为146.8/105(10/6 812),较海宁、嘉善等大肠癌高发地区90.3/105的检出率还高,提示城市社区居民大肠癌的发病率较高[3-5]。本次筛查出的10例大肠癌患者,经治疗后目前病情稳定,说明结直肠癌筛查不仅能够有效的从无症状人群中发现早期结直肠癌和癌前病变,而且能同时对发现的病变进行治疗,达到早诊早治的目的。另外,筛查还发现了较多结直肠炎、结直肠黑斑病、痔疮等肛肠疾病,对其他肛肠疾病的预防、诊断和治疗起到了积极作用。


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韩英, 李世荣. 大肠癌筛查方法和模式及现阶段我国筛查策略的思考[J]. 中华内科杂志, 2010, 49(9): 731-732.

沈永洲, 钱菁, 何锋, 等. 海宁市2007-2008年大肠癌早诊早治筛查结果分析[J]. 中国肿瘤, 2009, 18(9): 728-730.

郑树, 张苏展, 蔡善荣, 等. 大肠癌筛查方案及其实践[J]. 中国肿瘤, 2009, 18(9): 700-704.

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