
时间:2022-08-26 03:06:55



Last fall, Ang Lee’s Life of Pi was released to glowing reviews from critics and paying moviegoers alike. Time magazine’s Richard Corliss called the film “the next Avatar” because of its superior use of 3D technology. Theaters around the world filled up with people eager to watch the exciting tale of a young man trapped on a life boat with a tiger. The result: a $611.8 million global box office total, more than $90 million of which came from China.


This year, Gravity looks like it will be the next big 3D film. Director Alfonso Cuarón (Children of Men, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkban) spent years developing the film about two astronauts who are stranded in outer space after an accident.

Gravity is already drawing comparisons to director Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, a legendary sci-fi film that inspired a new generation of filmmakers. Avatar director James Cameron even said that it’s the “best space film ever.”


Critic reviews out of various film festivals have also been very enthusiastic. Here are a few samples:


“Gravity is the most visually sophisticated, super-immersive weightless thrill-ride flick I’ve ever seen. If Stanley Kubrick had been there last night he would freely admit that 2001: A Space Odyssey is no longer the ultimate, adult-angled, real-tech depiction of what it looks and feels like to orbit the earth. Nifty and super-cool from a pure-eyeball perspective, Gravity is certainly the most essential theatrical experience since Avatar. You can’t watch a top-dollar 3D super-flick of this type on anything other than a monster-sized IMAX screen.” - Jeffrey Wells,


“Gravity is the kind of film that reminds you why going to the movie theater is still such a sacred experience. That there really is nothing like sitting amongst friends and strangers in a dark room as you all experience the rush of emotions that

only come from a giant screen that does nothing but feed your imagination. “ - Erik Davis,


“Every once in a while, a film comes along that pushes the form to such an extent that it throws down the gauntlet to other filmmakers, daring them to be as audacious in their craft. This is one of those.” - Chris Bumbray,


If the paying public is even half as enthusiastic as most critics, the Gravity is headed for huge grosses at the box office. Box- is already predicting a $110 million total gross in North America alone. The film should also do quite well in China, the UK, Russia, Brazil and any other key territory where sci-fi films deliver strong results at the box office.


Gravity should also serve to silence people who are critical of 3D technology. Yes, there have been plenty of bad 3D movies released over the last couple of years. There’s no denying that. Yet when filmmakers who truly understand how to use 3D make films in the format, the results are stunning.

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