
时间:2022-08-23 09:20:08


摘 要 调研表明,浙江省中职教师培养培训中存在一些问题,如师资中来源于职教师范类专业的比例较低,职教师资培养培训基地专

>> 浙江省中职教育现状初探 浙江省高校拓展运动课程师资现状调查与分析 浙江省中职染整技术专业教学现状和课程改革探讨 浙江省“用工荒”与“就业难”并存现状的调查及对策研究 浙江省高校毕业生现代农业就业现状调查与对策 浙江省中职教育的转型与提升之路 基于浙江省中职财会专业课改的课程开发与设置 浙江省中医预防保健服务技术(产品)体系的现状调研与分析 浙江省发展油茶产业的对策与建议 浙江省高职院校外贸俄语人才培养的现状与对策 高校师资培训工作现状与发展建议 浙江省中小民营企业财务管理现状及对策研究 浅析浙江省中小型企业跨境电商的现状和发展对策 中职学校“双师型”师资培养的对策与建议 浙江省中学生课外体育活动与心理健康及其对策研究 浙江省空巢家庭老人生存现状调查及对策研究 浙江省渔民生存现状调查及对策探析 浙江省养老服务人员现状调查及对策分析 对浙江省排球后备运动员培养现状的调查分析 浙江省农民培训需求意愿调查 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

Investigation on the Current Situation of Cultivation and Training of Secondary Vocational School Teachers and the Countermeasures

in Zhejiang Province

WANG Xiang-dong

(Educational Science Academy of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310012, China)

Abstract The results of investigation show that some problems exist in the cultivation and training of secondary vocational school teachers in Zhejiang province, such as the lower proportion of teachers from vocational normal colleges, the imperfect specialty structure and the inconspicuous school-running characteristics of cultivation and training bases for vocational school teachers and the lower proportion of specialty teachers with high academic qualifications. Aiming at these problems and combining with the development demand of secondary vocational education in Zhejiang province in the future, it is necessary for Zhejiang province to strive to establish the integrated organization system for cultivation and training of vocational education teachers, rationally improve and adjust the specialty distribution of cultivation and training for secondary vocational school teachers, extend the student sources pathways of cultivation and training for vocational education teachers and strengthen the reform of teachers’ cultivation and appointment system.

Key words secondary vocational school teachers; cultivation and training; Zhejiang province

上一篇:高职院校校园文化建设的基本方略研究 下一篇:浙江高职院校专业设置预警系统构建