
时间:2022-08-22 07:37:43



You’re wearing a mask that covers your whole face and dressed in padded[加上衬垫] clothing. You dance back and forth gracefully while holding a flexible[易弯曲的] metal rod in one hand. Are you:

 Carefully fishing for man-eating piranha[产于南美产的一种小鱼]?

 Serving as an experimental human lightning rod[避雷针]?

NO! You’re fencing!

Fencing is the sport of swordplay. It began thousands of years ago as a way of training soldiers to fight with swords and eventually became a competitive team sport that anyone

can participate in. Fencers face off[对抗] on a 6-foot by 40-foot strip[带状物] with one of three kinds of swords, and duel each other not for blood or honor, but points. Individual fencers add up their points to get an overall team score, so fencing is a great example of a sport where you compete on your own, but you’re working together as a group to win the match.

Fencing requires strength, speed, balance, and a very sharp mind. A good strategy is perhaps the most important part of the sport, but fair play and sportsmanship are also necessary. Most colleges and many high schools have fencing teams, andcompetitions are held between clubs all over the world.

Fencing Basics

 There are three basic types of fencing, separated by the different weapons used:

 The foil[花剑] is a light, flexible blade that’s rectangular rather than round. Foils are about 35 inches long. To score a point, a fencer must touch his or her opponent[对手]’s torso[躯干] with only the tip of the blade.

 The epee[重剑] is about the same length as the foil, but twice as heavy, and with a stiffer[硬的] blade. As in foil, a fencer may touch her opponent with only the tip of the sword, but the entire body, not just the torso, is the target area.

 The saber[佩剑] is about the same length and weight as the foil. In saber fencing, the athlete can use both the tip and the cutting edge to score points, and the target area is anywhere from the opponent’s waist up to the top of the head注.

 Fencers wear protective gear[设备,装备] on their bodies and faces at all times during play. The object of the sport is to earn points by scoring touches within the target area, never to cause harm or injury.

Cool Fencing Facts

 At least one ancient Egyptian temple features[是……的特色] a painting of a fencing match. The painting dates back to 1190 BC!

 At about the time that Columbus was rediscovering the New World in the 1400s, fencing had become the “gentleman’s sport” in Europe.

 Fencing has been a competitive sport in every modern Olympic games since 1896.

 Fencing is a very fast-moving sport, so it can be difficult for judges to score points correctly. Because of this, many competitions are now scored electronically. The fencers wear sensors[传感器] that register[记录] points when their opponent makes contact with the sword.


 在小心翼翼地钓食人鱼?

 当一回实验性的人形避雷针?







 根据使用的剑器不同,击剑可以分为三种基本类型:

 花剑重量较轻,剑身有弹性,横断面呈矩形而不是圆形,长约35英寸(0.89米)。运动员要以剑尖击中对手躯干


 重剑的长度与花剑相当,但重量是后者的两倍,且剑身较硬。和花剑比赛一样,运动员仅能以剑尖击中对手得分,但有效区域为整个身体,而不仅限于躯干部位。

 佩剑的长度和重量都与花剑相当。在佩剑比赛中,运动员可以用剑尖及剑身得分,有效区域为对手腰部以上到头顶的


 在整个比赛过程中,运动员的身体和面部都穿戴着保护装备。该项运动的目标是击中对手的有效区域从而



 在古埃及的寺庙中,至少有一座出土了一幅击剑比赛的画。这幅画的历史可以追溯到公元前1190年!

 大约在15世纪哥伦布发现新大陆时,击剑在欧洲已经成为“绅士的


 自1896年以来,击剑一直是每一届现代奥运会的竞技运动之一。

 击剑是一种动作极其迅捷的运动,裁判员有时很难正确判决得分。因此,现在很多比赛都采用电子判分。运动员身上戴着感应器,当对手持剑击中时便记录分数。


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