Module 11Units 1―2 单元点拨

时间:2022-08-20 04:46:15

Unit 1


1. tough adj.

【课文原句再现】 Also, sometimes as a boss in the business world, you have to make difficult decisions that hurt people. 此外,有时作为商界管理者,你得做出一些会伤害到别人的艰难决定。

【拓展】 1) “坚韧的;有韧性的”如:as tough as leather坚韧如皮革

2) “严酷的;苛刻的”如:a tough winter 一个严寒的冬天。

3) “困难的;费力的;难切难吃的”如:tough meat老肉

4) “困难的;费力的或麻烦的”如:a tough job棘手的工作;a tough team一个难以应付的团队

5) “坚决的;强硬的;顽强的”如:a tough policy强硬的政策;a tough law 严格的法律

【高考链接】 ―Why didnt you invite John to your birthday party?(2015年 江苏卷33)

―Well, you know hes .

A. an early birdB. a wet blanket

C. a lucky dogD. a tough nut

【解析】 考点:英语俗语。an early bird早起者,早到者;a wet blanket扫兴的人;a lucky dog幸运儿;a tough nut难对付的人;难题。根据情景,应该选B。

2. support vt. / n. 支持,支撑,赡养,供养

【课文原句再现】 Many actors, actresses and models hold ordinary, less glamorous jobs, often working as waiters and waitresses, in order to support themselves.为了养活自己,许多演员和模特做一些普通的、没那么风光的工作,常常打工做服务员。

(1) “支撑;托住”如:The roof may need extra support. 这个房顶需要额外的支撑物。

(2) “养活;资助;鼓励;帮助”如:Tom has to support a large family. 汤姆得养活一大家子人。

(3) “拥护;支持”如:Which volleyball team do you support? 你支持哪个排球队?

【拓展】 be in support of sb. / sth.“支援某人/某物”如:They signed a petition in support of the pay claim.他们在请愿书上签名支持这次加薪要求。

supportable adj.可忍受的;supporter n.支持者;support group互助组;supporting role配角

【高考链接】 1. There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some and then let me know. (2015年 安徽卷30)

A. thoughtB. support

C. protectionD. authority

【解析】 句意:现在没必要告诉我答案,你再思考一下,之后告诉我。A思考;B支持;C保护;D权威,当局。这里指让对方再好好想想,故选A。

2. It is widely acknowledged that students should be in terms of overall quality.(2014年福建卷25)

A. supportedB. matched

C. evaluatedD. controlled

【解析】 句意:普遍认为应该根据学生的全部素养来评估他们。A. support支持; B. match匹配; C. evaluate评估; D. control控制。根据句意,选C。

3. reflect v. 反射;反映,表现

【课文原句再现】 The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect. 高中的最后一年是勤奋学习的时刻,也是认真思考的时刻。

Mirrors reflect light. 镜子能反射光线。

【拓展】 reflect on“思考”如:The investigation reflects on her character. 调查(的结果)表明她的品格是有问题的。

reflection n.“反射,反照”如:Can you see your reflection in the glass? 你能看到镜中的映像吗?

on / upon reflection=on second thought经再三考虑; be lost in reflection / thought陷入沉思

4. approach v. 对付,处理,向……靠近 n. 方法

【课文原句再现】 This allows our hospital to work better than if we only approached problems one way.这使我们医院的工作效率比我们只用一种方法处理问题更高。

【拓展】 approach a problem 处理问题; approach sb. on (或 about) sth.为某事同某人打交道; the approach to a bridge引桥

5. option n. 选择;选择权;选择自由,可选择的东西;任选项;取舍;任意

【课文原句再现】 Maybe a career as a local grocer would be a better option. 可能做一名当地的杂货店店主会是更好的选择。

There are four options in our college. 我们大学里有四门选修科。

We have two options―either we sell the house or we rent it out. 我们有两种选择――或是卖掉房子,或是将其出租。

【拓展】 at ones option 随意; have no option / choice / alternative but to do不得不做某事; leave ones options open 暂不做选择;留有选择余地; leave to ones option 任意选择;make ones option 进行选择

There are three options open to us in that matter. 在那个问题上我们有三个选择的可能。

optional adj.“可选择的”如:

Family Album, USA is an optional subject in our school. 走遍美国在我们学校是一门选修课。

Attendance at the lecture is optional. 这一讲座可随意参加。

6. investigativeadj. 研究的,调查的

【课文原句再现】 Investigative (people who like to think)(P.15, L.37)调查型(思想家)

investigative report / work调查性报告/工作

【拓展】 investigate vt.“调查,研究”如:The lawyer was sent to investigate the case. 那位律师被派去调查该案件。

investigation n.“研究;调查”如:conduct / carry out an investigation实施调查

7. actually adv. 实际上,事实上

【课文原句再现】 Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society,while others can appear very exciting but are actually very difficult and boring. 有些工作可能看起来枯燥,但是对社会非常重要,还有一些工作可能看起来很令人激动但实际上非常难做和无聊。

【拓展】 同义词:in reality; in practice; in fact; as a matter of fact

8. enterprising adj. 有事业心的,有进取心的,有创业精神的

Its enterprising of them to start up a business like that. 他们那样去开创生意是很有魄力的。

Smith is an enterprising student. 斯密斯是个别出心裁的学生。

【拓展】 enterprise n. 经济活动;企业;enterprise culture企业文化;private enterprise 私人企业; stateowned enterprise 国有企业


1. under pressure 处于压力之下

【课文原句再现】 They are also under great pressure to appear young and beautiful. 他们也承受着巨大的压力,要显得年轻漂亮。

The boss was under pressure to deal with the tough problem. 老板处于要处理棘手问题的压力。

put pressure on sb. to do sth. 给某人施加压力做某事

【拓展】 stressn. 1) 压力,紧迫,困难,(心理、生理或情绪上的) 紧张

under the stress of poverty 在贫困的压力下; stress and pressure 紧张和压力

2) 重视;强调;lay [place, put] stress on 把重点放在……上;在……上用力

Father always put stress on good table manners. 父亲一向非常强调要有好的席间举止。

vt. 着重;强调 He stressed the need for better education.他强调需要更好的教育。

2. go about sth. 从事,着手做, 继续做……

【课文原句再现】 These people,who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow others to go about their daily lives. 这些人做着如此平凡却必不可少的工作,使其他人得以继续他们的日常生活。

Go about your business. 忙你自己的事情去吧。

He went about doing good. 他经常做好事。

go about ones daily routine “忙于日常事务”;go about (doing) sth. “开始,着手” 如:

How do you go about repairing the machine? (= set about)

3. go through... 经历……

【课文原句再现】 As we go through our daily lives, we meet many different kinds of people. 在我们的日常生活中,我们要接触到许多不同的人。

【拓展】 (1) “遭受,经历” 如:They have all gone through the war. 他们都经历过这场战争。

(2) “仔细检查,审查” 如:The customs staff went through our luggage. 海关人员检查了我们的行李。

(3) “穿过;通过”如:The telephone call quickly went through. 电话很快接通了。

其他词组:as far as it goes就目前情况来说;go down 下降;倒下;go with 伴随;跟……相配;协调;go against 违背;反对;抵抗;go in for 参加;喜欢;go all out全力以赴

4. correspond with... 和……相对应;与……相符合

【课文原句再现】 Find the letter which you chose the most often and look at the description which corresponds with it on the next page. 找出你选择次数最多的字母,阅读下页与之相对应的描述。

【拓展】 (1) 符合,一致[(+ to / with)] His actions do not correspond with his words. 他言行不一。

(2) 相当,相应[(+to)]

The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。

(3) 通信[(+with)] He frequently corresponds with his uncle.他和他的叔叔经常通信。

5. bring... to... 把……带到……

【课文原句再现】 Another advantage of having male nurses is that they see things from a different angle than women and bring a male way of thinking to solving problems. 拥有男护士的另一个好处是,他们看待事物的角度与女性不同,并能以男性的思维方式来解决问题。

【拓展】 Will you bring her to Toms party? 请你带她去汤姆的宴会,好不好?

What brings you here? 什么风把你吹来啦?

其他词组:bring about造成,导致;bring back送回,使回忆,恢复(健康);bring down打落,降低,打倒;bring in引进,收获,产生,介绍;bring to an end结束;bring up养育;呕吐

Unit 2


1. process n. 过程,进程,流程

【课文原句再现】 We can split the interview process into three parts. 我们可以把面试过程分为三个部分。

【拓展】 the digestive process消化过程;an advanced industrial process先进的工作生产流程

短语:in the process同时,在……过程中

v. 加工,处理,冲印 processed cheese经过加工的奶酪

Your application for a mortgage is being processed.你申请抵押贷款的事正在办理中。

【高考链接】 Studies have shown that the right and left ear sound differently. (2015年 浙江卷5)

A. produceB. pronounce

C. processD. download

【解析】 试题分析:句意:研究已经表明,左耳和右耳处理声音是不同的。A意为“生产或制造”,B意为“发音”,C意为“处理”,D意为下载。该题考查的是词义辨析,四个选项的意思都非常的不一样,所以在作答的时候,每一个单词都要代入空格进行翻译,找出最佳答案。根据常识,耳朵不能够生产或制造,不能发音,更不可能下载。所以答案只能是“处理”,也就是C。

2. make 作联系动词用,意思是“(使)成为”

【课文原句再现】 Another reason that men make great nurses in that in general, men have stronger bodies than women. 男性可成为优秀护士的另一个原因是,男性通常比女性体格更强壮。

【拓展】 You have a very good idea. It will make a good book. 你的想法很好,可以写成一本书。

John made Alice his wife. 约翰娶爱丽丝为妻。

Mary will make Carola good wife.玛丽将成为卡罗尔的好妻子。

make还可以构成许多词组:make sense有意义,讲得通; make up编造,组成,化妆,和好; be made of由……制成(看得出原材料);be made from由……制成(看不出原材料);be made up of由……组成;make for走向,向……前进;make out起草,辨认

【高考链接】 1) See, your computer has broken down again! It doesnt sense to buy the cheaper brand of computer just to save a few dollars. (2015年 天津卷14)

A. haveB. make

C. displayD. bring

【解析】 句意:看,你的电脑又坏了!只为省几美元买最便宜牌子的电脑是没有意义的。该题考查动词短语的固定搭配:make sense有意义。根据句意可知选B。

2) There is no doubt that this candidates advantage his ability to communicate with foreigners in English.(2015年 湖北卷25)

A. leaves outB. goes against

C. lies inD. makes up

【解析】 句意:毫无疑问,这位候选人的优势在于他能够用英语和外国人交流。A.“遗漏,省略”;B.“违背,和……作对”;C.“在于”;D.“编造,组成,化妆,和好”。故选C。

3. split (split, split) vt. 劈开,切开,分开

【课文原句再现】 We can split the interview process into three parts. 我们可以把面试过程分为三个部分。

【拓展】 split up 1) 把……划分2) 相当于break up 离婚,分手,断绝关系

split up a farm into 5 lots将农田划分为5块

Her parents split up a few months ago. 她的父母几个月之前离婚了。

【高考链接】 If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to on the sea? (2015年浙江卷16)

A. floatB. drown

C. shrinkD. split

【解析】 句意:既然铁重于水,为什么船可以浮在水面上。A. float意为“漂浮”;B.drown意为“淹死”;C.shrink意为“收缩”;D.split意为“洒出”。此题考查的是4个动词的词义辨析,正确理解这4个词及结合常识可以得出答案为A。

4. potential adj. 潜在的,可能的

【课文原句再现】 An interview is a talk between an employer and a potential employee so that the interview can assess the applicant and see if he or she is suitable for the position. 面试是雇主和潜在雇员之间的谈话,是为了让面试官评估应聘者,看他(她)是否适合这一职位。

【拓展】 potential n.“潜力,潜在性,可能性”如:

He shows potential as a teacher. 他表现出当老师的潜在能力。

The area held a potential for slides. 该地区有滑坡的可能。

5. yawn vi. 打哈欠

【课文原句再现】 Make sure you get a good nights rest, so that you will be refreshed and not yawn during the interview. 一定要保证你前一天晚上休息好,这样你就会精力充沛,不至于在面试时打哈欠。

【拓展】 It was already 12 oclock. She couldnt help yawning, looking at her watch. 已经12点了,她忍不住打哈欠,看手表。

6. wag v. (wagged; wagged; wagging) 摇动,摇头或晃动手指(表示不赞成)

【课文原句再现】 Nod your head when you agree with something or wag your head when you dont. 当你同意时点头,不同意时则摇头。

【拓展】 “You naughty girl!” Mom said,wagging her finger at me.“你这淘气的丫头!”妈妈对我摆了摆手指说道。

The dog was wagging its tail, following its master. 那只狗摇着尾巴,跟随在其主人后面。


wag ones finger at 向……摇指头 (表示责难, 轻视);wag ones head 摇头

The dog was wagging its tail slowly on the hot summer day. 大热天,狗轻轻摇着尾巴。

My uncle held his arms and wagged his head in disapproval. 叔叔抱臂胸前摇头表示不赞成。

7. bond n. 关系;联系

【课文原句再现】 This is one of the quickest ways of making a bond. 这是最快地建立与他人关系的方式之一。

【拓展】 1) “牢固的联系:纽带;联系;关系;契合” 如:

the natural bond between mother and child 母子间的自然的紧密关系

The two companies have bonds with each other for so long. 这两家公司多年来一直保持联系。

A bond of friendship had been formed between them. 他们之间形成了一种友谊的纽带。

2) “债券;公债;证券” 如:My father put all his money into Canadian Northern Railway bonds.我父亲把他所有的钱都投到了加拿大北方铁路的债簧稀

v.“粘合”如:It takes 2 minutes for the two surfaces to bond.两个表面两分钟就会粘到一起。

8. roundabout n. 环形交通枢纽;环岛;旋转椅;旋转木马

【课文原句再现】 The interview will not care about how bad the traffic was at the roundabouts... 面试官不会关心交通环岛上的交通状况有多么不好……。

【拓展】 This is the biggest roundabouts in the world. 这是世界上最大的环形交通枢纽。

roundabout adj. “不直截了当的;转弯抹角的;绕弯子的” 如:

a roundabout route to avoid the worst of the traffic绕道避开交通最拥挤的地段。

It was a roundabout way of telling us to leave. 这是在转弯抹角地要我们离开。


1. in response to 作为对……的回应,答复

【课文原句再现】 Im writing in response to your advertisement in the Local Daily for a software Engineer. 我在写信回应你们在当地日报聘请一位软件工程师。

【拓展】 response是名词,其动词形式为respond;respond to意为“作为对……的回应,答复”; make a response 意为“作出响应,作出回复”。


He responded to my suggestion with a laugh. = He laughed in response to my suggestion.

【高考链接】 1) These comments came specific questions often asked by local newsmen. (2015年 浙江卷17)

A. in memory ofB. in response to

C. in touch withD. in possession of

【解析】 句意:这些评论是对某些经常被当地新闻人问到的问题的回应。A. in memory of意为纪念;B. in response to意为回应;C. in touch with意为联系;D. in possession of意为拥有。分析句子成分知道空格处充当介词短语作状语的作用,根据常识和句意,评论应该是对问题的回应。所以答案应该是B. in response to回应。

2) I am always delighted when I receive an email from you. the party on July 1st I shall be pleased to attend.(2013年 江苏卷26)

A. On account ofB. In response to

C. In view ofD. With regard to

【解析】 句意:当我收到你的电子邮件时,总是很高兴的。关于7月1日的聚会,我将非常高兴参加。A. on account of因为,由于;B. in response to对……做出回应;C. in view of考虑到,鉴于;D. with regard to关于,至于。根据句意,选择D。

2. have butterflies in ones stomach(做某事前)心慌,紧张

【课文原句再现】 Dont worry about having butterflies in your stomach before the interview. 不要担心在面试前会心慌意乱。

【拓展】 have butterflies in ones stomach“紧张,忐忑不安”如:

Sam had butterflies in his stomach as he went to the bosss office to ask for a rise. 萨姆到老板办公室去要求加薪时,心里十分紧张。

其他短语:butterfly stroke蝶泳;butterfly nut蝶形螺母;buttermilk脱脂乳;butterscotch奶油糖果;butterball胖子;buttercream奶油;butterfat乳脂

3. make (an) allowance for... 考虑到……

【课文原句再现】 When you set off for your appointment, make allowance for the traffic and make sure you are on time, or even a little bit early. 当你赶去约定的面试时,你要考虑到交通状况,确定准时,甚至提前一点。

【拓展】 同义词:consider;同义词组:take something into consideration

The plan doesnt take people working on night shifts into consideration. 该计划没考虑上夜班的人。

My brother made no allowance for my shorter legs, and I had to run to keep up.我哥哥不考虑我的腿较短,我得跑步才能跟上他。

其他短语:make allowances体谅,顾及; housing allowance住房津贴

4. look somebody in the eye 注视“某人”,直视“某人”

【课文原句再现】 Smile when you shake hands with the interviewer, and look him or her in the eye.与面试官握手时要微笑,眼睛要看着对方。

【拓展】 The father asked his son to look him in the eye, telling him what had happened. 父亲要儿子看着他的眼睛,告诉他发生什么事了。

类似的短语还有:hit sb. in the face / on the head / on the shoulder / on the back打到某人的脸部/头部/肩膀/背部;lead sb. by the arm拉着某人的胳膊;lead the cow by the nose牵着牛鼻子

5. follow something up 采取后续行动

【课文原句再现】 You should follow it up by writing and thanking them for giving you the interview.接着,你应该写信,感谢他们给了你这次面试机会。

【拓展】 follow up: vt. 跟进,补充,采取后续行动;穷追(跟踪,重复补充,继承,监督)

The salesman usually follow up a letter with a visit.推销员往往在写了信之后又上门拜访。

其他词组:as follows如下;follow up (与with连用) 贯彻;follow up on a suggestion 根据建议采取适当的行动;follow about / round / around到处跟随着;follow after追求,争取;follow on继续下去;继续击球;follow out把……弄个水落石出;贯彻,完成,执行;follow through做随球动作;进行到底

6. give sb. the edge

【课文原句再现】 It can also give you the edge over other candidates, so remember to check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. 这也会让你比其他应聘者略胜一筹,因此要记住检查你的拼写、标点和语法。

【点拨】 名词edge在这里的意思是“微弱的优势”。如:

hold / have the edge in... 在……占优势;win by a narrow edge险胜;lose the edge失去优势;have / get / gain / hold / keep / maintain an edge over sb. 胜过某人

The edge was with Mrs Smith. 优势在史密斯太太一边。

其他词组:give sb. the edge of ones tongue谩骂某人;on edge直立着;紧张不安;over the edge精神错乱;take the edge off减弱;turn the edge of挫……的锋芒

7. as easy as pie 十分容易

【课文原句再现】 If you follow the advice Ive given you today, landing a job should be as easy as pie. 如果你按照我今天给你的建议去做,找到工作应该是易如反掌。

【拓展】 同义词短语:as easy as ABC / a piece of cake

Its as easy as ABC for him to solve the maths problem. 对他来说,解这道数学题太容易了。

其他词组:as clear as day一清二楚;as cool as a cucumber镇定自若;as sly as a fox老奸巨滑;as tall as a tree很高; as sharp as a spear像长矛一样锋利;as hungry as a lion饿极了

8. off the top of ones head 未加思考的,不假思索地,信口地,即兴地

【课文原句再现】 This allows you to prepare good answers and means you wont have to answer questions off the top of your head during the interview. 这可以让你准备好合适的答案,并意味着在面试时你不用临时仓促应答。

【拓展】 talk off the top of ones head即席发表谈话

I cant tell you the answer off the top of my head. 我不经考虑无法告诉你答案。

He was famous for answering difficult questions off the top of his head. 他因为信口回答难题而有名。


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