The Strategies to Help English LearnersImprove English Public Speaking Skills

时间:2022-08-19 11:44:51


摘 要:公共演讲是一门在众多观众面前发表讲话的一种艺术(Stephen E.Lucas,2004:4)。公共演讲出现在众多场合。观世界发展潮流,流利的英语已成为必备能力之一。因此,英语演讲能力具有重要地位。英语演讲绝非容易,很多人都想提高自己的演讲水平。论文探究了基本演讲理论,为演讲者在理论和实践方面提供有效的帮助。


1.Basic theory of public speaking

Being able to communicate and transmit information effectively is a basic skill for people in modern society.Public speaking is a type of speaking in which one person addresses a group for a specific purpose.It is an art to convey message to an uncertain group of people,which indicate the speaker’s influence on others.(Li Yuanshou,2005)The speech has its own distinctive feature.

Public speaking,as its name implies,is a way of making your ideas public――of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people.(Stephen E.Lucas,2004:4)Public speaking is an art,that is to say,it is a creative process.Nobody is born to be the expert of public speaking.Any successful public speaker is still required to practice continuously to improve his public speaking skills.

2.The criteria for successful English public speaking

There are three types of judgements:the contect,artistic and laugage judgements.

Content and viewpoint are the center of the speech.Thus,there are some aspects to evaluate a successful speech,they are: The speaker has something insightful to say.The speaker provides adequate reasoning.

The speech is organic and harmonious.Besides,the speaker is natural in pronunciation,rate and pauses.Finally,the speaker is supposed to be alert and engaging,such as maintaining audience attention,adjusting strategies and so on.

3.Strategies for making a successful speech

Choosing a topic you should focus on subjects you are interested in.Once you have chosen a general topic,focus on the key points and develop it.When you receive a general topic,you must decide what to talk about.It is much better to take one point and develop that point.Specific topic is better than a wide one.

It proves that the audience prefers specific topics.First,time is limited,thus the speaker will not be able to cover a broad subject.Second,you can narrow the topic by browsing through a few books to find some suitable subheadings.

English is not your native language,thus it should be taken and prepared for seriously.There are some methods: read,listen,watch,think.However,during the process of reading,we are not supposed to believe everything,what we should do is to cultivate a critical thinking.


[1] Africa,S.Bridging the gap of culture.Writing world.English Retrieved 6 April 2006.

[2] Asher,E.The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics(vol.10)[Z].Oxford: Pergamon Press,1994.

[3] Shouhua Qi.The Art of Public Speech.[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2005

[4] 邵守义.《演讲学》.东北师范大学出版社,2004.

[5] 陈建军.《演讲理论与欣赏》.武汉大学出版社,2005

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