
时间:2022-08-19 02:50:56



>> 高职社区法律事务专业人才培养途径研究 中职法律事务专业人才培养方案的构建 高职动漫设计与制作专业人才培养目标与培养模式探讨 中高职会计专业人才培养目标的比较研究 高职工商企业管理专业人才培养目标与规格研究 应用型本科与高职会计专业人才培养目标比较研究 基于高职专业人才培养目标的《农业应用化学》课程改革研究与实践 高职新型材料类专业人才培养目标与途径 高职专业人才培养目标确立与实现途径 新形势下会计专业人才培养目标及对策研究 工程造价专业人才培养目标与方法的研究与实践 商科院校金融工程专业人才培养目标与模式研究 缩短数控专业人才培养目标与企业需求差距策略研究 “大数据技术与应用”专业人才培养目标定位研究 酒店管理专业人才培养目标与定位研究 论职业技能竞赛目标与高职专业人才培养目标的对接 关于高职商务英语专业人才培养目标与课程设置的探讨 高职铁道工程技术(工程机械)专业人才培养目标的制定与实施 高职自动化生产设备应用专业人才培养目标与规格分析 探析高职房地产检测与估价专业人才培养目标定位 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.


Problems in Cultivation of Legal Affairs Talents at Higher Vocational Colleges and Solutions

LU Jun-song,LEI Shao-ling

(Guangdong Justice Police Vocational College,Guangzhou Guangdong 510520,China)

Abstract:Legal Affairs is one of the important majors in higher legal occupational education. Its training objective can meet the needs of providing unified, standardized and multi-leveled legal services in our society. The employment difficulties faced by Legal Affairs major at higher vocational colleges are not caused by its training objectives but by the limited professional access and access to authentication.The professional qualifications for legal service in our country can no longer meet the need of the social and economic development and human resource management in China, calling for a unified, standardized and multi-leveled qualification certificate system for the legal profession, based on which the education system for legal talents should be established at higher vocational colleges.

Keywords:Legal Affairs major at higher vocational colleges;training objective; access to the profession; profession certificate authentication

上一篇:滨海新区专业英语人才需求调查与高职商务英语... 下一篇:天津滨海新区应用型人才培养现状、需求及对策