
时间:2022-08-18 08:10:17


中图分类号:F812 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-4202(2012)08-000-01

摘 要 近些年国内投资者越来越多的把投机目光转向国内房地产市场,随之而来的就是各大一线及部分二线城市房价的猛烈增长。为保持稳定的房价维护普通百姓的基本利益,中央政府连连出台了一系列调控地产价格的政策。这些政策中,尤数房产税最引人关注且被寄予厚望。鉴于此,这篇文章将简析房产税对国内房价走势影响。

关键词 房产税 宏观调控 供求关系 地产泡沫 投机者 边际成本 边际利润 房价趋势

These years the property sector in China has undoubtedly become a profitable industry; however, there is some hidden crisis behind the excessive prosperity. In order to avoid the Sub prime crisis and a deeper degree of real estate bubble, gradually the government took actions such as requesting all the nationwide business banks stop providing loans for the more householders who have more than two house properties and raising down-payment requirements for first-time buyers. Moreover, the central government is intending to carry out a more powerful one—real estate tax. In the following part, the effect of the under-going policy will be described on both of the macro and micro sides firstly. After that, a detailed analysis will be made to demonstrate the effectiveness of the action. At last, a conclusion and a suggestion will be made.

From the point of macroeconomics, the tax can keep the price of the properties under the control of central government, curb property speculation, restructure the economy, promote healthy and genuine demand for housing and bring profound benefits to China economy. In terms of microeconomics, since the annual real estate tax will be put on, which means the householders will pay extra money, less people will buy more houses than they actually need. Recently, some news agency has reported that the tax rate will be 0.3%-0.4%; what’s more, Shanghai and Shenzhen will be chosen to put into the policy first. As both of the places which mentioned before have high houses prices, even the rate of 0.3%-0.4% will turn to be a quiet big amount for the householders who have lots of properties

If the planning policy would finally be carried out, it would efficiently change the current situation which a lot of people lived in a big city but can''t afford their own houses because of the high prices raised by the speculators. In the past a few years, some persons'' idea is like that, especially the property speculators, the price of houses will definitely inflated in the following time, and the long they kept the more money they will make with little maintain cost, to some extend is like the marginal cost is nearly equal to zero, while the marginal revenue is infinity. There is no doubt that the implement of this order will curb property speculation. Since the property speculation has an elastic demand market which means the sensitive responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in its price, other things remaining the same. To the speculators, the charge of real estate tax is to some extend equal to the price rising, so the demand for estate will inevitably drop.

上一篇:浅议房产税的涉税风险 下一篇:试析医院全面预算管理问题与对策