On Mother Fixation in Sons and Lovers

时间:2022-08-18 05:59:54

Abstract:Sons and Lovers is one immortal novel of the British famous author David Herbert Lawrence.In this novel, the love relationships between Paul and Miriam, Paul and Clara and even Paul and his mother become the main line which bring the story to develop. This novel is finished about 1913 which wins Lawrence wide reputation for the first time.In this article, firstly, the writer gives a brief introduction of Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers and the major relationships in it. Then giving a summary of the work and discussing the theme. Secondly, the writer analyzes Paul’s characters which are mainly caused by Mother Fixation. The main detailed discussion is the love relationships in it because they make us see Mother Fixation and its harm at the first glance, and the writer gives her own perspective on ture love. Finally, the writer comes to the conclusion.

Key words: love relationships; the blood relationship; Mother Fixation;true love

The Summary and The Theme of Sons and Lovers

David.Herbert.Lawrence is a great literary giant of British whose whole life is daticated to criticizing the modern civilization.With the publishment of his representative work Sons and Lovers, he reveals a new kind of feeling and psychological instructure to people. What’s more, his short novels, poetry and dramas also make great contribution to English literature.

Once I’ve heard a sentence: Mother Fixation is an abnormal love branch in the love tree. We can never criticize mother’love but we should oppose Mother Fixation from Paul’s experience. It really ruids his life.From this great novel, readers also know the background of the society at that time, so we should remember Lawrence and his contributions to English Modernism period.

Paul’s Characters Mainly Caused by Mother Fixation

Paul as the main character in Sons and Lovers, the importance of studying his characters is obvious. He is narcissistic, selfish, dependent which are mainly caused by Mother Fixation but he is also sympathetic.

In front of Miriam and Clara, Paul sets up an control and centre position. Though as Paul’s love objects, they have no value, from this sense, the nature of Paul’s feeling is to treat himself as the centre. Throughout Paul’s whole life, women are only the footsteps for Paul to realize self—improvement: Miriam adores his art like a believer; Clara wakes his passion up.When women have no value for him, Paul gives them up without any doubt.

But we also shouldn’t forget Paul has a sympathetic heart though he isn’t a perfect man, especially on how he treats Baxter Dawes. They first met with each other in a bar and Baxter Dawes insulted him. But “Paul had a curious sensation of pity, almost of affection, mingled with violent hate, for the man after the drunkard’s forced departure.”—(3)And when Dawes had a serious disease, Paul broke up with Clara and persuaded her to go back to her husband, even became friends with Dawes though Dawes once hit him seriously.

As the main character of this novel, Paul plays an important role. From the analysis of his characters, we can see how Mother Fixation influenced him.

On the Forming of Mother Fixation

Sons and Lovers is an immortal novel, the story is easy to understand but it has reflected the social reality at that time. When Paul’s mother hates her husband day by day, she puts all her love to her sons, especially to Paul. Paul loves his mother too. The love between them becomes so abnormal that it stops Paul to have his own healthy love and lead to his tragedy.

The main idea of the plot is the growth, love and death of William, Paul and his twolovers, and thelife way of Mrs Warren, the failed marriage of Mrs. Warren planted the seed of the tragic destiny of Warren and Paul, and finally led to the tragedy of the family.


From the ancient times, Mother Fixation is a sensitive topic among us, but nowadays, more and more people begin to realize and study it. From studying Mother Fixation in the novel, we would know how gifted Lawrence is. And Sons and Lovers is one of the best novels in English Modernism which really reappears the reality of the society at that time.

From studying the love relationships in this novel, we would know the harm of Mother Fixation. Although Mother Fixation is a sensitive subject in the literature world that people seldom refer to. It exists in the society as a common phenomenon that it has distorted the soul of mothers and sons, even damage the family, which also obeys the ethics of human being. As in China, most of the family conflicts are caused between the mothers and the daughters-in-law. One of the most important reasons is to fight for the domination of the husbands or sons. As to the author of Sons and Lovers, D.H.Lawrence, Mother Fixation made him so blind that he did not take care of the moral principles and did not know that he had come to the woman’s family and left it broken. Sons and Lovers does greatly reflect on the true life of Lawrence. So, as to we readers, in order to create a happy life and a harmonious society, we should pay our attention to Mother Fixation and deal with it well because Mother Fixation is a kind of abnormal human beings’ love and it does harm to us.we should pursue true love.

( 指导老师:魏嘉)

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