
时间:2022-08-17 02:47:11

摘 要:“十三五”将是我国扶贫减贫,消除贫困的攻坚克难决战期。“精准扶贫”是中共中央总书记、国家主席同志提出的扶

>> “我的十三五” “十三五”规划期间高校财务基本思路的建议 把握精准扶贫实质 打好“十三五”扶贫攻坚 印发“十三五”交通扶贫规划 “十三五”展望和发展思路 外省“十三五”规划思路要览 实施精准扶贫战略 实现“十三五”规划目标 “十三五”能源总量的变革 电力“十三五”的新使命 “十三五”时期的“民生大礼” “十三五”时期的经济增长 “十三五规划”的律动 关于十三五规划的思考 “十三五”的绿色姿势 专家眼中的“十三五” 环保业的十三五机遇 “十三五”时期交通运输发展形势和基本思路 “十三五”规划的十三个新亮点 十三五旅游扶贫引发的思考 精准扶贫视域下“十三五”时期民族地区旅游开发的策略 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.











The Basic Thoughts of Targeted Poverty Alleviation during the Period of 13th Five-Year

Ma Yankun1,Xiao Jincheng2

(1.School of Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China;

2.Institute of Spatial Planning & Regional Economy, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing 100038, China)

Abstract:It will be the tackle tough period of reducing poverty reduction and eliminating poverty during the period of 13th Five-Year in China. The targeted poverty alleviation is the requirement that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward. The targeted poverty alleviation is mentioned relative to extensive poverty alleviation, "one-size-fits-all" poverty alleviation, "flooding" poverty alleviation and blind poverty alleviation. The basic starting point of the targeted poverty alleviation is that different water and soil raised different people. But, the key issue that whether or not one side water and soil can support the population It bears is its economic developing potentiality rather than its existing economic developing strength. The basic thoughts of the targeted poverty alleviation are from taking counties as a unit for poverty alleviation to taking households as a unit for poverty alleviation and from development-oriented poverty alleviation to urbanization-oriented poverty alleviation. The paths of the Targeted poverty alleviation mainly include transferring employment, city construction, ecological relocation, ecological projects, educational idea and guaranteed assistance.

Key words: The 13th five-year plan; Targeted poverty alleviation; Basic thoughts

上一篇:自媒体对媒介接近权的影响 下一篇:吃喝玩乐寻机敛财 两面人生终食恶果