
时间:2022-08-16 01:37:40


If you’ve never read the Rozen Maiden manga[日本漫画] or watched the anime[日本动画], you will find Rozen Maiden 3 to be well out of your reach. If, however, you have fond memories from past seasons and are willing to see the story in a new direction, Rozen Maiden 3 will welcome you with open mechanical[无意识的] arms.

Sakurada Jun and Shinku are fighting a desperate[不顾一切的] fight against the seventh Rozen Maiden doll Kirakishou, and they are losing. After Kirakishou traps them both and renders[致使] them unable to fight they devise[想出(计划)] an out-of-the-box plan to get themselves out of the bind[捆绑,束缚]. Meanwhile in a parallel[平行的] dimension[(数)维], another Sakurada Jun who chose not to become Shinku’s medium exists. After recovering from his hikikomori注1 tendencies on his own, Jun is now a university student with a part-time job at a used bookstore. One day he finds a strange magazine about doll-creation. Following the magazine’s instructionsJun builds Shinku from scratch[从零开始]. He is then contacted by kid Jun and is given instruction that will help him bring Shinku to life. Adult Jun agrees to help kid Jun in his battle against Kirakishou. But he has nearly no knowledge about the Rozen Maiden dolls and Kirakishou is following his every move…

The show seems to have matured alongside[与……并排] Jun. Gone are the frivolous[轻率的] childish fights between the dolls. They are replaced byJun’s attempts to rebuild his life. When the Alice Game bits are thrown in for good measure[附加] they are always dreadful[讨厌的].

Rozen Maiden 3 feels both foreign and nostalgic[怀旧的] to fans of the original anime. It’s the franchise’s[系列动画] first foray[尝试] into the HD注2 zone, and looks fantastic. Studio Deen注3 really pushed their budget and expertise[专业知识] to strengthen[强化] the grim[严酷的], realistic atmosphere inJun’s world. And it shows. The characters look crisp[活泼的] and the CG注4 merges[融合] seamlessly with the digital art.

Rozen Maiden 3 isn’t for everyone. You need to have read the original manga, or at the very least watched the first season of the anime to even understand half of what you are thrown into. If you were expecting this to be a reboot[重启] or a remake you’re definitely out of luck.




《蔷薇少女》第三季使原著动画的粉丝感到既陌生又充满怀旧感。这是该动画系列初次涉足高清领域,而效果看起来极好。实际上Studio Deen增加了他们的预算,还极力提高了专业技能来加强成年纯世界里严酷而逼真的艺术效果。效果有目共睹。动画形象活泼鲜明,电脑绘图与数码艺术融合得天衣无缝。


Know More about Rozen Maiden:

Sakurada Jun(田ジュン)& Shinku(しんく)


Rozen Maiden(ロゼンメイデン)




Alice Game(アリスゲム)


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