Part 3 Back to the Basics

时间:2022-08-11 05:54:02


Kristie: Hey, guess what, Bryan?

Bryan: ①I haven’t got a clue. What’s up?

Kristie: I finished that spy novel you were 1)nagging me about!

Bryan: Wow, so quickly! Didn’t you have an exam to study for?

Kristie: The exam was yesterday, and I decided to 2)tackle that shallow reading problem right after.

Bryan: Looks like you really took it seriously!

Kristie: Of course! If shallow reading is lowering my grades, then fighting it is like studying for every class at the same time!

Bryan: I didn’t think about it that way, but I guess you’re right! So, how was the novel?

Kristie: Still pretty hard, but I managed. It got easier after I decided to be careful and read every single word.

Bryan: That’s good. Reading’s not a race.

Kristie: No, indeed. Sometimes slower is better.

Bryan: And you followed everything?

Kristie: 3)To the letter.

Bryan: Didn’t your new, shiny iPad distract you?

Kristie: Nope. I’m too smart for that. I left the iPad at home, and went to read in the library.

Bryan: Now, that IS smart. You really 4)licked that problem!

Kristie: And how rewarding it was! Turns out, the book was really an exciting read! The 5)twist ending was a real 6)mind-blower.

Bryan: Well, ②don’t spoil it for me! Maybe I’ll read it later.

Kristie: I’d be happy to lend it to you―I need to find some way to thank you for telling me about that shallow reading problem.

Bryan: My pleasure. If you really want to thank me for filling you in, then just pass it on!

Kristie: You think lots of our classmates might have the same issue?

Bryan: Not only that, but think about students a few years younger than us.

Kristie: What about them?

Bryan: These days, with iPads, fast Internet, dozens of news websites and hundreds of podcasts, some kids may never learn deep reading at all!

Kristie: Now, that’s a scary thought: A whole generation of people who can’t read well!

Bryan: But it’s already coming true! ③Reading scores are down across the board!

Kristie: ④What are we coming to?

Bryan: I’m not sure. Sometimes I think the future will be a scary place.

Kristie: Now, don’t be all gloom-and-doom. ⑤I think I know how we can lick this problem once and for all!

Bryan: How’s that, then?

Kristie: I’m gonna write the best spy novel ever written! Then, people will have to learn good reading skills just to finish it.

Bryan: ⑥Now that’s a tall order! Better get to it, then!

Kristie: Sure thing! Right after I get ready for my next English test…

Smart Sentences

① I haven’t got a clue. 我毫无头绪。

haven’t a clue (about sth.): not know anything about sth. (一无所知,毫无头绪)。例如:

―Jane, what is this early morning meeting about?


―I haven’t a clue.


② Don’t spoil it for me! 别透露太多扫我的兴!

spoil it for sb.: ruin sb.’s enjoyment by leaking the clue, conclusion, or result of a story, movie, or novel(事先向某人泄漏故事、或电影、或小说等的情节、结局等,让某人扫兴)。例如:

Keep the result to yourself. We’re going to watch the game tonight. So don’t spoil it for us.


③ Reading scores are down across the board! 阅读能力在全面下降!

across the board: including all, everything in a particular group(包括一切,全面地)。例如:

We got a pay cut across the board.


④ What are we coming to? 我们会变成什么样?

come to: arrive at or reach (a certain state)(发展到某个程度,得到某个结果)。例如:

So after months of fighting, the death of Gaddafi, and now the semi-split state, what do you think Libya will come to?


⑤ I think I know how we can lick this problem once and for all! 我想我知道如何帮大家彻底解决这个问题了。

once and for all: sth. happens completely, permanently(彻底地,一劳永逸地)。例如:

We have to resolve this leaking in the bathroom once and for all.


⑥ Now that’s a tall order! Better get to it, then! 那么高难度的挑战,你最好尽快着手!

a tall order: a very difficult job(非常困难的事,过高的要求)。例如:

To finish the job in two days is quite a tall order for them.


上一篇:Part 2 New World, New Toys 下一篇:参考译文 第5期