
时间:2022-08-08 02:53:10



Mr. Alan Liu, Comite colbert honorary representative in china, explained to U-Jet the role French culture and history have been playing in solidifying the country leadership in luxurious brands globally. Personally he thinks luxury is more a way of life than materialistic indulgence.








France was not particularly good at craftsmanship before Louis XIV built the Versailles. The treasurer Courbet had dispatched apprentices to all of Europe to learn the most refined craftsmanship ceramics in the Nordics, glazing in Italy and fabrics in Germany. They came back France, along with many specialists to build one of the most renowned architecture in the history. France was able to make large strides in craftsmanship in the process. A few dynasties later, the monarchy was overthrown by the emerging bourgeois in the French Revolution, but the ways of the court proved too alluring to vanish. Those used to serve the royals stayed on to pamper the new aristocrats, who helped to spread the tastes of the noble to the mass. The industrial revolution furthered democratized luxury by combining painstakingly the ingenuity of craftsmen with the versatility of the machines.

Born with a passion for freedom, the young Alan Liu grew restless in his boring government work years back. He was eager to be in business, just when it became hot to do so. The young Alan Liu was graceful and polished, a trait much appreciated by a famous international luxury house. The company was willing to take on someone who knew nothing about their trade, and the results of many years’ grooming have been spectacular.

In 2004, at the one of the China-France Culture Year events held in Shanghai The Best of Creative France Exhibition, Alan Liu met up with Comite colbert and a long-term relationship started to be fostered. The association Comite colbert has more than 70 members from the luxury and creative sectors, spanning from fashion, wine, to food and hotels. Some of them are international giants, others are regional family businesses. But they all share an ardent pursuit of excellence.

The French leadership in luxury comes from a rigorous work ethics, as well as culture and history. Today, luxurious goods are far from unfamiliar to ordinary people. Many young people are willing to save for a few months just to get their hands on a dream piece of product and be more like their peers. The mass adoption of luxury is much welcomed and promoted by Comite colbert, which has a mission to bring French luxury closers to the general public.

The Chinese economy has been raging ahead and the desire for luxury seems to be insatiable. When luxurious brands come to China, they bring with them the culture of their motherlands. Alan Liu believes that the success of many overseas luxury brands can be attributed to their skills in promoting their brands as cultural symbols. In the past, we Chinese didn’t take up wines and whiskey. Drinkers had lots of Chinese hard liquor instead. But in France culture, drinking is more like appetizer or dissert, to be savored outside your main course. On the other hand, if Chinese hard liquor can be tasted with the same leisure, moderately before and after meals, rather than being treated as an indispensable part of networking on the table, it might be better received by foreign friends.

Alan Liu recognizes that Chinese consumers are still very new to the world of luxury and brands. They pay too much attention to products and don’t appreciate services enough. Actually apart from fashion and accessories, there are many other types of indulgencies in the world, fine food, nice hotels, an opera at the Paris Opera House, a visit to the Versailles, and a quiet reading of publications of arts, to name just a few. Luxury is not for showing off; it is more about enjoying life and spiritual uplifting. Alan Liu for one loves watching people having coffee in an outdoor café on the streets of Paris and Rome. They are not just savoring coffee, but life. For people stressed out in cities, taking the time to have a cup of authentic and aromatic coffee in an outdoor café is indeed a luxury.


3月30日,法国文化通讯部长Frédéric Mitterrand(弗雷德里克・密特朗)向为法国精品业联合会成员单位工作的六位工匠颁发法国文学艺术骑士勋章。此殊荣是为了表示对这些工匠辉煌职业生涯的高度认可,他们的职业充满着激情和奢侈品行业的核心价值观:高标准、优良品质和创新;此外,他们还不遗余力地传播着他们的知识。此份荣耀也属于法国奢侈品行业,以表彰其在弘扬法国文化遗产、营造世界影响力的过程中发挥的作用。“六位工匠是其品牌和法国真正的‘活着的珍宝’。他们是年轻人无与伦比的榜样,”法国精品行业联合会主席兼首席执行官彭怡莉Elisabeth Ponsolle des Portes评论道。

Craftsmen: Living Treasures

On March 30, the French Minister of Culture and Communication, Frédéric Mitterrand, presented the insignia of Chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres to six artisans working for Colbert members. This distinction pays tribute to the careers of craftsmen inspired by passion and the core values of the luxury industry: high standards, superior quality and innovation. Furthermore, these artisans are devoted to the transmission of their knowledge. This honor celebrates the role played by French luxury in promoting France's cultural heritage and building its influence throughout the world. "These six craftsmen are truly 'Living Treasures' for their brand and for France. They give young people wonderful role models," commented Elisabeth Ponsolle des Portes, President and CEO of the Comité Colbert.

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