The Impact of Network Economy on High—tech Industries and Information Technology

时间:2022-08-08 12:43:59

Abstract. With the booming of modern information technology revolution, this new economic form of network economy came into being and rapidly develop, we can say, modern information technology constitute the technical basis of the network economy. In the process of the advancement of modern information technology, computer technology and network information technology are essential and provide a strong technical support for the development of the network economy, China's high-tech industry is an important force to participate in international competition, improve the level of the national economy, the main body of the national scientific and technological innovation and a comprehensive reflection of the national innovation capacity, its innovative research has aroused great concern in academic circles. This paper analyzed the necessity and urgency of the high-tech industry, innovation and the network economy under the network economy, which provide an opportunity for the development of high-tech industries, and to provide opportunities for the development of the IT industry. Therefore we put forward some countermeasures and suggestions that are directed against these problems.

Key words: network economic; high-tech; information technology


Network economy built on a new economic form, on the basis of computer network modern information technology as the core. It not only refers to the emergence and rapid growth of the computer as the core of the IT industry, including the rise of the high-tech industry as a whole based on modern computer technology and the rapid development of more traditional caused due to the promotion and use of high-tech profound revolutionary changes in industry, the traditional sectors of the economy and the development of a leap. Therefore, you can not understand the network economy as an independent of traditional economic diametrically opposed to the traditional economy purely "virtual" economy. It is actually a traditional economy based on the computer as the core of modern information technology to enhance the economic development patterns.

The pure network economy refers to the information economy, rather than the industrial economy dominated the national economy. The pure network economy and the information economy are characterized the following: first, the relationship of the network economy and the service sector: manufacturing economy of the industrial society, the most important characteristics of the separation of the production process and consumption process. Division of circuitous intermediate links is the value of the main growth point. The relationship of the network economy and the information industry: the information industry of information technology and services industry. IT-based economy is the information economy. The information industry is the growth of the information economy is driven service-oriented economy and the direct economic locomotive. The typical characteristics of the high-tech enterprises to highlight the value of human capital, the support base of the enterprise value maximization is to maximize the value of human capital.

1.The need for innovative high-tech industries

The high-tech industry is the focus of competition between countries, is an important foundation of a country's economy, the development of China's high-tech industries in the past 25 years, especially in the past decade has made considerable progress, but with the developed countries , the gap is still large, even compared with some developing countries such as India, South Korea, Brazil, China, Taiwan, there are also a large technology gap in some high-tech, especially in scientific and technological innovation capability is weak and competition is not strong. Innovation is the source of power and the nature of the pursuit of high-tech industries, more marked in the scientific and technological innovation, knowledge innovation environment, competition between the country's current particularly necessary to strengthen the innovation of high-tech industries.

2. Technical innovation of the high-tech industry

Technological innovation capability of China's high-tech industry is still relatively weak, not strong capability of independent innovation, leading to products is uncompetitive, competitive advantage is not obvious. The high-tech industry is striving to improve the work of self-development, and to improve their capacity for independent innovation, has important practical significance. First, it has a direct bearing on the fate of the high-tech industry and future relations with the country's national security and economic security. Second, it is to accelerate high-tech industrialization breakthrough to improve important of China's scientific and technological quality. In a competitive market environment, the high-tech industry only by market-oriented, self-development work is continuing to do a good job, and continuously improve their capability of independent innovation, the only real solution to the conflict between good technology and practical productive forces, to technology progress promote industrial upgrading, while constantly improve their own scientific and technological quality, but also improve the quality of science and technology for the country as a whole.

3. The information technology and development of and network economy

3.1 The role of information technology

IT makes it possible to be more reasonable, more fully take advantage of the natural and social resources, information technology continues to progress as people continue to open up new markets and opportunities, IT is indispensable infrastructure of the modern economy. The developments of information technology and communication costs are declining, making it an extremely cheap international information channel to promote the internationalization of the various market segments.

3.2 The network economy is built on the basis of the information technology

The network economy is a new economic form of development together with the development of the Internet and its applications, based on the information network based platform, characterized by the application of information technology and information resources, economic activities; generalized level, the network economy refers to the development and integration of computer technology, network technology and communication technology, driven by the widespread emergence of the networked enterprise, e-commerce, online banking and electronic money, competitive strategy, in the form of business processes, organizational structure, and even the economic structure economic activity and changes in other aspects of the network response fields.

3.3 The rapid development of information technology industry and the network economy

Demand for information technology and the rapid development of industry, to promote investment and financing environment adapting to the running of the network economy gradually formed, due to and doubled development of the rapid innovation of IT and information industry demand. Investment and financing system is gradually formed: In recent years, the country has increased investment in high-tech R & D efforts and focus on supporting sophisticated technology and product development; SME board in Shenzhen established in 2004, has formed a complete risk capital formation, development, investment exit mechanism for technological innovation plus venture capital to support the rapid development of high-tech mode laid the foundation.

3.4 Information Technology is the main driving force of economic growth

The basic goal of information technology is to achieve is: to make high-speed acquisition and processing of information, the information storage capacity, rapid and reliable transfer of information. The reality of the outcome of the application of these technologies, mostly reflected in the construction and development of computer network technology matures and the internet. Conduct network technology based on network economy is changing the world, changing economic subjects, the growing impact of the enterprise, industry, national and even global economic efficiency.

3.5 The status of the high-tech industry in the national economy

The high-tech industry in the national economy will occupy an increasingly important position; economic growth will also depend, to a large extent, on the development of high-tech industries. The world's high-tech industry development practice shows that the strong support of the national industrial policy, whether in developed or developing countries, the high-tech industry are formed and developed. Government should be developed from both the macro and micro levels corresponding to the high-tech industry development policies and regulations, policy and institutional support for the market development of high-tech industries.

3.6 The law of the network economy

Information Technology law: the value of information technology, sooner or later will realize its huge market value. In this process, it showed an expected value that is a leading network of economic development, thus both dynamic mechanism roles and there are relatively high risks. market currencies rule: market currency value is the value of IT to achieve, and the network economy must eventually translate into market monetary value of the value of IT, network economic development in the final analysis by market monetary value has been established and conclusive evidence.

4.The problems of network of economic

development and IT risk

4.1 The problems of network economic developments

The development of network economy, an urgent need for the Government introduced a series of rapid and orderly expansion policy to encourage emerging markets in our existing application infrastructure and resource conditions. Only to develop a policy based on the long-term development; purchasing power and consumer willingness to society as a whole network of technology products and services in order to fully explore, through a centralized and efficient use of social resources and the steady improvement of the level of application of network technology, to achieve the healthy and orderly development of the network economy its multiple role in boosting economic growth, and ultimately effective to enhance the quantity and quality of China's economic growth. Network economy involving the Internet, computer hardware and software, communications and other fields, it is a comprehensive study difficult. The leading industries in the network economy are the information industry, software industry and are the basis of the information industry. Thus, the development of the software industry to some extent reflects the overall economic development of the network, through the analysis of the software industry can broadly understand the problems of the network economy.

4.2 The risk of Information Technology

Project risk refers to the risk of the project can not be delivered, and is a significant IT failure. Information technology projects are likely to occur for a variety of failure modes, the failed region may go far beyond a predetermined range. The three are the most critical: time, quality and scope of project performance failure. The possible consequences include: complete date postponed, resources and money to spend more than originally planned, and a lot less compared with the original plan submitted to the user function, the delivery of a product does not meet the standard. Information service interruption risk refers to the risk of service interruptions due to the low level of IT services or unreliable information systems.

5. The progress of the development of high-tech industries and IT countermeasures in the Network Economy

Strengthen independent R & D capabilities, rational introduction and absorption of foreign advanced science and technology play a new capacity to be a fundamental solution to the current problems faced by the high-tech industry, it is necessary to strengthen the independent innovation, improve the competitiveness of high-tech industries in the province, and establish enterprise new technological innovation as the main mechanism. The business community as a technology recipient to strengthen rely on science and technology awareness initiative for scientific and technological development-oriented, consciously thoroughly and actively promote scientific and technological development process, and strive to improve the quality of science and technology, and constantly improve the digestion and absorption and ability to compete, to create the conditions for the technology industry and trade process of cooperation and financial cooperation. Through mastery of core technology, the conversions of the technical innovations achieve the purpose of promoting the rationalization of the industrial structure in the province and the Advanced.

5.1 Accelerate the development of the IT industry, and promote the healthy development of the network economy

IT network economy, the development and improvement of the network economy is inseparable from the development and application of information technology, we must vigorously develop the information technology industry, promote the healthy development of the network economy. From a global perspective, the network economy as a specific form of the technology economic integration has become a reality. As a developing country, in the tide of economic globalization invincible should seriously learn from the experience of countries such as the United States, India, the development of information technology and its industry, vigorously strengthen the network of economic infrastructure and network of qualified personnel, and to implement modern computer technology as the core of the development of the information technology industry.

5.2 Attention to train IT personnel

According to statistics juice, the domestic software professionals only 100,000 people about 10 software personnel treatment relative to other countries, the countries over the years painstakingly trained personnel have moving abroad, and lack of talent plaque has become a very prominent problem of the development of China's software industry, to reverse the passive situation of shortage of software talent, must develop policies and adopt a variety of measures, efforts to create a stable talent to attract talent, motivate personnel innovation environment. To increase efforts to train personnel, in particular, and to speed up the cultivation of senior software. To increase the efforts of the employer and the reform of the distribution system, the establishment of competition in the development of mobile incentives to create and international working environment, relying on the strength of the policy is to retain and attract top talent, is to actively create conditions for efforts to attract overseas scholars to return home run software companies.

5.3 The development model of the network of cultural industries

Network of cultural industries as part of the network economy and the digital content industry, even if the site hardware such as servers unchanged, content elements inputs increasing, and even continue to copy existing products, it will not cause the marginal cost of improved can even deemed to be zero marginal cost. "Because the input variable factors of production information, and the information is shared on the network, in theory, can be infinitely replicated copy of an information product cost is almost zero." The so-called business model, profit model, is to give customers point of interest or value of the point, and with customers and win-win mode, reflecting the benefits of enterprise resource allocation.

5.4 Transaction costs and economies scale in the Network Economy

The network economy is essentially a transaction cost savings mechanism. transaction costs is the inevitable cost of the operation of the price mechanism, it can be seen as a series of system cost, including the cost of information, the development of the cost of the contract, to define and control property costs, the cost of supervision and management, and implementation of the contract cost. Briefly, including all cost does not occur directly on the material in the production process. Market uncertainty and increase the cost of the transaction, for example, the parties to the transaction in order to try to keep themselves from less adversely affected by future changes in the market, to learn as much as possible about the trend of price movements This increase in the negotiations and reached the cost of the contract.

5.5 Industrial organization characteristics in Network Economy

In the network economy, the information industry have become the dominant industry, information technology products to become the dominant product in the market. The production of this product by the information network technology support and drive, network economic effects so compared to the characteristics of the industrial economy of the industrial organization of the information product has undergone tremendous changes. In network economic conditions, the economy and the demand side of the coupling body production prominent economies of scale. Members can give full play to their respective advantages, and other low value-added enterprises function virtualization, spread to the corporate network, and the help of other network enterprises to integrate, in order to achieve the complementary advantages between member enterprises.


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