
时间:2022-08-04 10:47:10


戏剧创作是一项综合艺术,尤文贵从事多剧种、多功能的戏曲创作实践能取得如此硕果,实在难能可贵。他对人说过, 此生追求的是想做一个承前启后的中国戏曲作家,为中华古老的戏剧艺术留下几粒种子。





Late-blooming Playwright Writes 23 Plays

By Zhang Baihuai

I have known You Wengui for more than two decades. His Kunqu play named Vicissitudes won a major prize at the province’s first festival of operas in 1983. He was 54 years old that year. Twenty two years had elapsed after he was wrongfully dismissed as the rightist. We did not keep in contact with each other. It was not until 2006 that I learned he was one of the seventeen playwrights honored for lifelong accomplishments in theater by Zhejiang Administration of Culture. He was 77 years old in 2006. I visited him at his daughter’s home and we had a long conversation. He looked graceful with his gray hair. He talked in an elegant way. The insightful playwright has had a life of vicissitudes.

Like many of us contemporaries, You Wengui suffered in his youth in the chaotic years and his playwriting career did not take off until he was in his fifties. In a burst of youthful creativity, the playwright in his fifties turned out excellent plays one after another in quick succession. They were staged at home and abroad and some won prizes. China Theater Press has published his twenty-three plays into two volumes. The first collection was published in December 1996 and the second in July 2007. The twenty-three historical and modern plays include tragedies and comedies and other plays. They have been staged in various operatic genres.

In celebration of You’s first collection, a seminar was held in Hangzhou in 1996. At the gathering, experts spoke highly of his playwriting achievements. They agreed that it was really amazing that You Wengui in his fifties produced so many successful plays after a dramatic life of upheavals over decades. Today, experts agree that his twenty-three plays are a phenomenon of inheritance and innovation.

He could have created more and better when he was younger, for his first play won him a major provincial playwright prize in the mid 1950s when he was 25. The talent came from his family. As a child, he followed his mother to watch local opera performances. His fourth uncle was a manager of a troupe. He is a natural for playwriting. Within eight years from 1980 to 1988, he wrote and adapted sixteen plays.

In our conversation, the modest playwright did not talk very much about himself. He spent much time talking proudly about his three promising disciples. Zheng Chaoyang is president of Wenzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Shi Xiaoqin is director of the Art Research Institute. They both have produced excellent plays and won national and international prizes. Tang Qinru is beginning to cut a brilliant figure as a rising playwright.

(Translated by David)

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