
时间:2022-08-04 09:37:12

一、 动词get的用法

英语中,动词get 可以作为及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词,过去式或过去分词是 got,现在分词是getting。中学阶段要掌握的意思比较多。现总结如下:

(1) 得到,收到

Did your brother get any compensation when he was dismissed from their jobs? 你哥哥被解雇时有没有得到赔偿费?

Did you get my email? 你收到我的电子邮件了吗?

(2) 到达,抵达

The visitors got there at eight last night. 客人们昨晚八点钟到达那里。

When we got to the station, the bus was waiting. 当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着。

(3) 获得,取得

I must get some fruit in the market. 我得在市场上买点水果。

I’ll get something to eat before I got out. 我出去之前要找点东西吃。

(4) 取来;处理

Don’t answer the telephone. I’ll get it. 别接电话,我来听。

(5) 说服某人做某事,让某人做某事

Get him to see a doctor. 劝他去找医生看看。

They wanted to get the workers to call off the strike. 他们想要让工人们取消这次罢工。

(6) 变得,变成

She was getting an old woman. 她正逐渐变成一个老太太。

(7) 感染上,得病

The old man got flu twice last month. 老人上个月得了两次流感。

(8) 理解,听到,学得

Do speak a bit slower; I don’t get you. 说慢点,我听不明白你的话。

(9) get sth done

I’ll just get these dishes washed and then I’ll come. 我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。

I must get the television fixed. 我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。

二、 “get”型被动态


(1) “get+过去分词.”与 “be+过去分词”用法相近,主要用于:①谈论意想不到的,突然的或偶然发生的情况;②谈论为自己做的事,即自身的动作而不是被动的动作。如:

I got caught for speeding. 我因超速而被抓住。

Some glasses got broken when we were moving. 我们搬家的时候有些玻璃被打碎了。

Did you get invited to the party ? 你被邀请参加舞会了吗?

The two thieves got killed in the traffic accident. 两名小偷在交通事故中丧身了。

另外:请大家注意掌握其他的一些短语get dressed 穿衣;get washed 洗脸;get lost 迷路;get married 结婚;get charged 充电;get separated 被分散。

(2) get 作为系动词,后面可接adj. 或n., 意为 “成为……”。如:

It’s getting darker and darker outside. 屋外天色变得越来越暗。

You’d better take an umbrella with you if you don’t want to get wet. 如果不想被淋湿的话,你最好带把伞。

The boy is getting ( to be ) a burden to the family. 这个男孩逐渐成为家里负担。

三、 get短语

(1) get along/on 进展,过日子,与人相处

Are you getting along well with your studies? 你的学习进展好吗?

I am getting along/on well with my work. 我的工作进展顺利。

How are you getting on with your sister? 你与妹妹相处得如何?

(2) get about 四处走动,来往各处

Does your grandmother still get about a great deal? 你奶奶仍然还四处走动,来往各处吗?

Mary has been getting about much since she recovered from her illness. 自从玛丽康复之后,她一直四处走动。

(3) get across被理解;使人了解

Did your speech get across to the crowd? 你的演说听众理解吗?


(4) get away 逃离

The enemy got away soon after the battle began. 战役开始后不久敌人就逃离。

(5) get back 取回,回来

Have you got back the story book? 你取回那本故事书了吗?

(6) get down 降下,下来,写下,记下

The young man got down from the horse. 年轻人从马上下来。

The man got down the flag at five o’clock. 那人五点把旗子降了下来。

Will you please say it slowly ? You are saying too quickly so I can’t get it down? 请你说慢点好吗?你说得太快了我不能记下。

(7) get down to sth./doing sth. 开始认真做某事

Get down to business. 开始办正事。

It is time that I got down to doing some serious work. 我该干点正事了。

(8) get hold of 握,抓住

At last he got hold of the animal’s tail. 最终他抓住了那个动物的尾巴。

After a while, the police got hold of the thief and sent him to the police station. 一会儿后,警察就抓住了那个小偷,并把他送到警察局了。

(9) get in 进入,收集,收割

The thief got in through the kitchen. 小偷从厨房进入。

They were getting in wheat when we got there. 我们到达那儿时,他们在收割麦子。

(10) get into 进入

My father got into his room when I got back. 我回来时我父亲进入了他的房间。

If you continue to do it like this, you will get into trouble. 如果你继续这样做的话,你将会陷入困境了。

(11) get in a word 插话

They had a heated discussion and I could not possibly get in a word. 他们进行了热烈的讨论,我不可能插一句话。

(12) get off 起飞;出发;逃脱(惩罚)

Their plane got off on time. 他们的飞机按时起飞了。

We must be getting off now. It’s getting late. 我们现在必须出发。天色已晚。

The criminal will never get off lightly. 这个罪犯将永远不会轻易逃脱惩罚的。

(13) get out 拔出,洗掉

The doctor managed to get the bad tooth out. 医生设法拔出这颗坏牙。

I couldn’t get the dirt on my trousers out. 我不能洗掉我裤子上的污点。

(14) get out of (使)逃避;避免;摆脱

She tried to get out of helping the man she dislikes. 她尽量逃避帮助那个她不喜欢的人。

(15) get over做完;克服;消除;摆脱(疾病)

You’ll be glad to get your operation over. 手术做完了你一定会高兴的。

They found ways to get over the difficulties. 他们找到了克服困难的方法。

She seemed to get over her sadness when I saw her at the party. 当我在聚会上看到她的时候,她似乎消除了悲伤。

It took me three weeks to get over my bad cold. 我花了三天时间才摆脱了重感冒。

(16) get rid of 摆脱,除掉,去掉

A good rest will get rid of your toothache. 好好休息会除掉你的牙痛。

If you want to keep healthy, you should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. 如果你想保持健康的话,你应该去掉抽烟的坏习惯。

(17) get round 传开

When word about the war got round, many people want to join the army. 当关于战争的消息传开时,许多人都想参军。

Don’t say anything about the death of her son. We don’t want it to get round to her ears. 不要说关于她的儿子死亡的事情。我们不想把它传到她的耳朵里。

(18) get together相聚,聚会

When can we get together? 我们什么时候聚会?

The family got together for the Spring Festival. 这家人相聚过春节。

(19) get through (使)通过;(打电话时)打通,接通;完成

But I still think I can get through the examination. 但是我仍然认为我能通过考试。

He tried to telephone me but he couldn’t get through. 他尽力打电话给我但没能接通。

After he got through with his exercises, he went to see a film. 在他完成好作业后,他去看电影了。

(20) get up(使)起床;起身

He is still asleep, he hasn’t got up. 他还在睡觉,没起床。


上一篇:School of style 下一篇:抓住标志特征,理解虚拟语气