Top 10 World’s Best Countries to Live in世界上最适宜居住的10个国家

时间:2022-07-31 07:14:55

Top 10 World’s Best Countries to Live in世界上最适宜居住的10个国家

Australia 澳大利亚

Kangaroos & Koalas!That’s the first thing that crops up into our heads when we talk of Australia. The world famous spots here are Ayers Rock, Bondi Beach, the Sydney Opera House, and the Sydney Harbor Bridge among many more places. As a developed country, Australia has the 5th largest per capita income and ranks 2nd globally in the human development index. Either as a holiday destination or a place to live in, Australia is one place that you just cannot ignore when we talk about the best countries on earth.


Denmark 丹麦

The people of Denmark are avid nature lovers and unsurprisingly Denmark was the first country in the world to bring in the environmental law. Education is free and those aged 18 or above may apply for state educational support grants[1]. Denmark is known worldwide for its generosity[2], and it donates freely to nations who are in need. The

great Danes are said to be the happiest people on earth, resulting in high life expectancy rate.


Netherlands 荷兰

Netherlands has two capitals, Hague and Amsterdam. The nation has a maritime climate that brings in cool summers and mild winters. The name “Netherlands” means “low country”. About half of the surface area is a little less than 1 meter above sea level. But that does not really take away the fact that Netherlands is one of the most beautiful countries on the face of earth. The world identifies Netherlands with tulips, windmills, canals, cheese and not to forget “klompen”.


Sweden 瑞典

Sweden is Europe’s third largest country. It has a temperate[3] climate. Sweden is known for its high standard of living and low crime rate. If you’re an outdoor person who’s crazy about camping, hiking and picking berries, then Sweden is the place for you. The Government has granted the right of public access to soak in the country’s nature.


Norway 挪威

We just cannot finish talking about Norway without discussing about Fjords. Fjords is probably the sole[4] reason for travelers to visit Norway because they offer a view which words just cannot describe. The people of Norway love being close to nature. A favorite sport among Norwegians is skiing, also a subject of national pride, skiing has been practiced on the Norwegian land for thousands of years. Last and definitely not the least, a unique thing about Norway is, during summer a few parts of Norway enjoy sunlight for 24 hours! Surprising, isn’t it?


Switzerland 瑞士

Chocolates!Cheese!Watches!Swiss Alps!Swiss Army pocket knife!These seem to be symbols of Switzerland. The country takes protection of the environment very seriously; it tirelessly[5] works towards recycling and anti-littering regulations, also making it the one of the major recyclers of the world. Due to its specific[6] climatic conditions, sports like

mountaineering, skiing and snowboarding seem to be tailor-made exclusively for Switzerland.


The United States of America 美利坚合众国

The US is undoubtedly one of the most multicultural nations. Similar to its culture, the forests, plains, hills are very diverse[7] and provide shelter to different wildlife. USA stands to be the most powerful nation in the world. US has a capitalist mixed form of an economy combined with abundant[8] resources, advanced infrastructure and excellent production rate.


The United Kingdom 英国

Britain is famous for a list of things like its long history; the needs-no-introduction royal family; magnificent castles and historic houses; fertile[9] lands, lush countrysides and green

hills; educational institutions like Oxford, Cambridge and London University; the prehistoric structure of Stonehenge; Wimbledon; London City and oh yes, David Beckham! The United Kingdom is a developed country and is the first industrialized nation. Their language, English is the most spoken language in the world.


New Zealand 新西兰

New Zealand’s capital is Wellington. Maori is an ethnic group of New Zealand and Maori people have been the residents[10] of the Pacific Ocean from the past 1000 years! The famous things of New Zealand are the Silver Fern, Kiwi (the flightless bird), the Maori tribe and of course their language. The tourism here is developing rapidly, making the residents to use nature’s resources to the fullest potential by engaging in doing sailing and rowing, and other outdoors sports and activities to earn their living.


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) 阿联酋合众国

The center of trade and cultural activities is in Abu Dhabi which also stands as the capital of UAE. With the help of funds that arise from its oil exports, the education, healthcare and national infrastructure have been marvelously developed. Not surprising, because the UAE ranks 7th in worlds largest oil reserves, it makes the country the 7th spot for earning the highest per capita income in the world. The largest city in UAE is Dubai. Dubai mall is the world’s largest mall and the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa stands in Dubai. A nation known for its glitzy malls, extravagant lifestyle, excellent infrastructure and great healthcare, UAE is undoubtedly a part of this list.


[1] grant n. 拨款 [2] generosity n. 慷慨大方

[3] temperate n. 温和的 [4] sole adj. 唯一的;仅有的

[5] tirelessly adv. 不知疲倦地 [6] specific adj. 特殊的;特定的

[7] diverse adj. 不同的,多种多样的 [8] abundant adj. 丰富的;充足的

[9] fertile adj. 肥沃的 [10] resident n. 居民

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