
时间:2022-07-31 08:51:36

Whenever Ms. Wu, a self-proclaimed 1)rubbernecker in life,” would see something happening, she would run toward it as others 2)scurried the other way.省略, just to see. “I had been in relationships, but working at a law firm can be 3)all-consuming,” she said.省略, saw a posting from a pretty girl that said, “city 4)gal likes good food, visiting museums, skiing, watching sports, traveling to different countries.” He could not ski, swim or play golf, and viewed 5)Legoland Florida as a 6)quintessential vacation destination. Nevertheless, he asked her for a date.

For their first date, Mr. Woo, now 33, brought Ms. Wu, also 33, a 7)poinsettia to celebrate their shared December birthdays. She raised an eyebrow. “A potted plant?” she asked. She then invited him to a gathering of friends, which coincided with a snowstorm. So when the group took refuge in someone’s apartment and decided to 8)occupy themselves with a desk that needed assembling, Mr. Woo cheerfully 9)pitched in, thus impressing his date.

His ability to 10)get into scrapes of all kinds—like accidentally being knocked unconscious by a 11)hockey-stick-wielding player while helping out at 12)Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, his 13)alma mater—was once limited to in-state activities. With Ms. Wu, he went global, 14)smacking into trees as he learned to ski, and crashing around the waters of the South Pacific without swimming skills.

“Whatever I propose doing, Andy jumps right in,” Ms. Wu said. It is a trait that often 15)comes in handy, as it did the day they were driving on the New Jersey 16)Turnpike during a 17)northeaster. “Andy got out and pushed the car out of the flood,” she said, “That’s when I realized he was in it 18)for the long haul.” Ms. Wu came to appreciate that he always seemed “very genuine and honest,” she said, “He sees the positive in everyone. He is different from others I had met; he truly wants to make the world a better place.”

Mr. Woo said he loves that she laughs at his jokes. But he also 19)revels in their differences. “I care about keeping New York City’s lights on, and she cares about patent law.” He added, “Jennifer is an amazing woman to me.”

When he decided to propose, his plan centered on Jan. 21, 2011, at Blue Hill at Stone Barns in Pocantico Hills, N.Y., where the couple had shared their first Valentine’s Day. Ms. Wu, an organizational goddess who is a little bit impatient and remembers 20)every last task and 21)itinerary, held a high, if loving, standard. Could he meet it?

The day before, Mr. Woo went to a bar near Union Square with former Con Edison interns. He had a few beers, then set out for Ms. Wu’s apartment. The streets were coated with ice, and at 13th Street and Broadway Mr. Woo lost his 22)footing. He was, as always, smiling, and went down mouth first, knocking out his two front teeth. Friends convinced him that the proposal was still 23)viable. He called Ms. Wu the next day to break the news that a gap lived where his teeth had been. “Were you drinking?” she asked. He 24)dutifully promised never to drink another drop.

After they hung up, her phone accidentally rang his, and he heard her complain to a companion about how his carelessness led to his accident. Not 25)disheartened in the least, he managed to 26)lure Ms. Wu up to Pocantico Hills. When she arrived, a video camera recorded her laughter as Mr. Woo dropped to one knee and literally spat out his proposal. “Where did your teeth go?” she mock inquired, 27)giggling. “Will you ever eat fried chicken again?”

The couple stayed 28)true to form for their 29)bachelorette and bachelor parties: Ms. Wu held hers in Iceland, Mr. Woo in Florida at Legoland and at the Harry Potter theme park inside 30)Universal Studios. Mr. Woo stayed even truer to form when they arrived at 60 Centre Street in Manhattan to get their marriage license. He stepped into the wrong line. “I was lining up for a divorce,” he said, “Jennifer thought it was very funny.”

They were legally wed on April 20 in the Federal District Courthouse in Brooklyn by Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto. The families arrived just in time, with the bride’s father, Joseph Wu of Scotch Plains, N.J., racing across the parking lot with his shoes untied, and the bridegroom’s father, Gary Woo, still 31)sporting a bump on his forehead from a fall days earlier.

The next day, Alan D. Lourie, another federal judge, led a cultural ceremony in the Hayloft. A 32)bespectacled Mr. Woo 33)sauntered up the 34)aisle alone, grinning broadly and confidently at his guests with his two new porcelain front teeth, a posture that 35)elicited laughter from every corner. Ms. Wu, in a 36)Vera Wang gown of 37)fluffy 38)tiers, sailed up the aisle minutes later with her father and her mother, Margaret Wu, by her side.

The couple read their vows to each other.“Our love story began with stormy weather,” Ms. Wu said to him, “Through it all, you have kept on going, kept on pushing, teeth or no teeth.” And with that, the bridegroom grinned, displaying his new teeth, which he now refers to as “39)fine china.省略网站,想看看会有什么结果。“我谈过几次恋爱,但在一间律师事务所工作耗尽了我所有的时间和精力,”她说。













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