“The article in Time on December 10th 2012…”etc.

时间:2022-07-30 09:44:05

The article in Time on December 10th 2012, Congo’s Crisis: Rebels Launch Offensive in Country’s East mentions that in the war-torn, mineral-rich Democratic Republic of Congo, rebels belonging to an armed group known as the M23 have launched a devastating offensive against the government of President Joseph Kabila, capturing the main provincial capital of Goma in the country’s east, according to reports. Though denied by the Rwandan government, many believe the M23 is armed and backed by Rwanda, as regional governments jostle for influence and control over a part of the world blessed with teeming natural wealth but afflicted by decades of war and human-rights abuses..


The article with the title saying Military to Boost its Spy Corps on December 2nd, 2012, mentioned that The Pentagon will send hundreds of spies overseas as part of an ambitious plan to assemble an espionage network that rivals the CIA in size. Among the Pentagon’s top intelligence priorities, are Islamist militant groups in Africa, and weapons transfers by North Korea and Iran.

2012年12月2日的《华盛顿邮报》刊登一篇题为“美军推动间谍成军”的文章称, 美国国防部计划在全球组建一个规模上与中央情报局相当的情报网络,作为该项雄心勃勃的计划的一部分,五角大楼将派遣成百上千的间谍赴海外各地。五角大楼所需要的情报按重要性排名依次为:非洲的伊斯兰武装派别情况和朝鲜与伊朗的武器交易。

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