
时间:2022-07-29 09:47:54



>> 学科制度视野下社会科学跨学科研究路径探索 对高校人文社会科学科研评价的思考 试论社会科学研究的功能 高校人文社会科学科研创新能力评价初探 高校人文社会科学科研成果评价制度刍议 我国体育社会科学科研成果转化现状的研究 跨学科战略规划对大学人文社会科学国际化发展的影响* 人文社会科学视角下的中英科研诚信学术行为规范研究 人文社会科学科研经费管理制度系统性创新路径研究 试论高校哲学社会科学育人功能的发挥 构建高校哲学社会科学育人功能发挥的实现途径 高校人文社会科学研究现状解析 浅论社会科学科研项目管理中的财务管理与监督 浅析社会科学研究之实践法的功能 文化发展与高校哲学社会科学研究的思考 高校哲学社会科学研究青年人才培养的思考 关于社会科学研究方法的研究 用社会主义核心价值体系引领高校哲学社会科学教学科研工作 法国的人文社会科学研究 中国社会科学的研究方法导论 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l

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The Social Early-warning Function of Interdisciplinary Social Science Research in university:

A Case Study of The Institute for Social Research,The University of Michigan

WEN Shao-bao

Abstract: Interdisciplinary social science research of the university is committed to solve practical problems in society, in order to influence corporate management, social values and government policies for the purpose of enabling the realization of social early-warning function. This paper analyses the research domain is most of the problems of practical significance, using the data, case studies and statistical empirical research to create new ways, new ideas and develop new solutions to solve problems, influencing corporate and government decision-making in various fields, in order to achieve the realization of social early-warning function in the Institute for Social Research,the University of Michigan. This article analyses the main reasons of its success, in order to provide the enlightenment and significance for the university’s interdisciplinary social science research in our country effectively.

Keywords: Social Research Institute; interdisciplinary social science research; social early -warning; enlightenment and significance






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