Translation Review

时间:2022-07-29 06:03:29

1. Characteristics of Journalistic English

Journalistic English is suitable for newspapers, radio, television, Internet and other forms of news, it is one standard to measure English language. Journalistic English is a style of distinct language form and characteristics. The soul of stylistics is to study what kind of language suitable for what kind of social occasions. News reports, news commentary, weather forecast, etc are all have different characteristics in style. At the same time, there are also academic or science and technology articles, literary works in serial, government gazette, and legal documents doping in the journalistic English. Therefore, journalistic English refers to a particular style and it has gradually independent from the common English, and have many differences from the common English, it itself has distinctive language form and stylistic features.

1.1Characteristics of Journalistic English headlines

News generally consist of title, guide language, subject, background and the conclusion, the news title is an integral part and regarded as " eyes of news reports ". A good English title is a essence of news content, so that readers can get more information in the shortest time. Therefore, generally speaking, the news title are usually concise and vivid, it is why many people feel difficult to understand and translate Journalistic English headlines. Journalistic English headlines should be short, it often use slightly write words, thumbnail or short words; The language of the title should be also concise and refined, so compare, pun and many kinds of figures of speech are commonly used in news headlines.

In order to highlight the key of news, it can usually adopt the following methods:

a:Use abbreviations

Abbreviations also called acronyms, all use capital letters spell of the first letter of a few words together to instead of a group of long complicated words or phrases what makes people feel easy to read concise and it can also reduce the layout.

b:Widely use simplify word

The structure of simplify word are different from abbreviations, mainly through the cutting head and tail methods to cut short or shorten some common nouns, adjectives, or add a word first part to the tail of another word. The aim is also to save the number of title words.

c:Widely use the short term

Successful news reports have characteristics that use concise, popular and natural language.

d:The title words omitted

Generally speaking, the banners space of newspapers and magazines is very precious that should be with the minimum length to express the largest amount of information. In order to save a space that the title should be concise and practical strong.

1.2 Journalistic English language features

Journalistic English paragraph is generally short, the sentence structure is loose and a paragraph is often only one or two sentences; The content that must be clear and attractive, there must have time, place, involves characters, happened and results; The sentence is colloquial, understandability, language is refining and concise, usually use multi-purpose abbreviations, dashes, parenthesis; Report more objective, more use direct language.

Grammar structure

In the writing of Journalistic English, in order to make every sentence contains information as much as possible, professional journalists often use participle phrase the secondary content melt in a sentence, the adverbial leads, introduction of mode, the occurrence of background or used as a preposition.


It further description and interpretation of the center word. In the writing of Journalistic English, sentences should not only concise refining, but also to release as much as possible information, thus inevitably to the use large scale of appositive. Especially in the explain character identity, occupation, age and organization location, nature, city location, far or near and characteristics, even to explain time further, usually choose appositive. A noun, numerals, clause can be appositive and some appositive draw forth by the dash.

English often avoid repetition by using sharing, substitution, conversion and other forms in expression repeated meaning of parallel construction, Chinese often repeated to enhance the strength of words, such as: English possessive pronouns replace the front noun and phrasal verbs only repeat prepositions and omitted the active word, in the process of translation can consider repeated expression.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people mentioned above again. Thanks for their encouragement, kindness, readiness and invaluable advice and help.

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