Discover a new India: Go Beyond

时间:2022-07-29 03:24:34

To mark The 10th year of Incredible India, the ministry of Tourism has launched the second phase of its campaign. For the domestic campaign, aimed at Indians travelling within India, the tagline is Go Beyond, urging the domestic traveller to look beyond the usual and combine new places with old favourites. We got a first glimpse recently into the fantastic new campaign. The new ads are visually fantastic and inspire the travellers to go beyond the usual by showing one old, oft frequented place and providing an unusual or lesser visited option for that place. The two images are cleverly blended in such a way that you would have to look twice to make out that these are two different places.

Launched at World Travel market 2012, which was held in London, the Go Beyond campaign will be seen all over the media starting now. along with the domestic campaign, the international campaign was also launched. The international tagline for the Incredible India campaign is Find What You Seek, encouraging the international traveller that there’s something for everyone. But the ministry, with its new campaign, wants even Indian travellers to explore and find something new.

In 2003, the then new tourism campaign, Incredible India, became perhaps one of the most successful campaigns of all times, the now iconic Incredible India took the world’s fancy and tourism grew by the planeloads. Not just foreign travellers but domestic travellers started looking at India’s range of beauty—and that one word, Incredible, that defined India so well. The Union Tourism minister Chiranjeevi who attended WTm 2012 announced that the launch of these campaigns reflects a very important paradigm shift in the ministry’s strategy to promote India within the country as well as abroad. In fact, the Go Beyond campaign focuses on promoting lesser known destinations to domestic as well as international tourists. he said, “Till now, we had been promoting India internationally from the point of view of the destinations. The Incredible India campaign, which we launched in 2002, has been extremely successful. In Take II of the Incredible India campaign, we are going to focus on the consumer”.

The Tourism minister also unfurled the second phase of the international Incredible India campaign, Find What You Seek. To this, he said “Tourists from the world over can find the destination or product of their desire in India, be it heritage sites, forts, beaches, backwaters, lakes, mountains, adventure, wildlife, culture, festivals, medical, wellness, mICe, religion or shopping. India offers something for everyone and that is why we proudly say that India is an incredible destination with a range of products as found nowhere else. In India, you will find what you are seeking.”

having created global awareness about India and the many reasons it provides the traveller to keep coming back for more, the new Incredible India campaigns will shift focus. From ‘come to India’, the focus will become on‘what to do in India when you are here’. People the world over know that India is a must-visit place and each year the inflow of tourist increases, but this new campaign will tell them what to do—in a word that is anything. Whether it is peace that you seek or a party, Incredible India has all of it. Instead of telling the world or Indians about India, the new campaign talks

directly to the traveller—be it a foreigner or an India—communicating to him that there are a plethora of options in the country.

Till now, we had been promoting india internationally from the point of view of the destinations. The incredible india campaign, which we launched in 2002, has been extremely successful. in Take ii of the incredible india campaign, we are going to focus on the consumer Chiranjeevi

Union Tourism Minister

Anand Kumar

Joint Secretary Ministry of Tourism

anand kumar, Joint Secretary, ministry of Tourism, said, “When we launched Incredible India in 2002-2003, our focus was on marketing products—a fort, a monuments, a landmark—but now, both for international and national level, our focus is the traveller and his experiences. Now that people know the basics, let’s go beyond. If you are going to kochi, also go to munnar, if you are in Bombay go to ajanta and ellora. These thoughts are reflected in our beautiful campaign. Lesser known destinations will help people discover a new side to India, our new ethos is to inspire the domestic traveller to go beyond the usual. Now that we already have awareness of our country, we need to explore beyond that.” There is something for everyone in the country. kumar said that he wants these ads to generate an“exclamation of delight” from the viewers, and wants these ads to provide an instant connect with the traveller and the destination. as he puts it well, “It is a 365 days a year country. It is a country for all seasons and all reasons.”

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