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中图分类号:F830 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-4202(2011)12-048-03

摘 要 信用风险和市场风险,操作风险的定义、分类、计量和管理均存在大量的难点,且由于对操作风险的研究起步较晚,更重要的是因为操作风险本身相当复杂,而其中操作风险的时间特征又是一个值得关注但常常被忽视的重要问题。因此,通过对商业银行操作风险时间特征的研究,以其时间特征为突破口,探索操作风险发生的根源,借鉴国际经验,建立完整的操作风险管理体系,形成有效的风险预警和决策支持机制,用相应的策略、方法、程序来控制或降低风险,并根据整个风险状况和风险承担能力来及时调整操作风险政策。

关键词 操作风险管理 时间特征 持续时间 风险损失 市场风险 内部损失

I. Current Situation of Operation Risk in Commercial Bank in China

The essence of the risk management is to constrain the risk within a bearable limit,on which the maximized volume is based. It’s just like weaving the fishing net. If the hole of the net is too large,the wanted fish may escape;otherwise,the wanted and unwanted may be mixed together,thus,the fishing net may be overloaded to break. Therefore,a proper size of the hole is the key to successfully catch the wanted fish. Defects in the risk management can be compared to the holes with improper size,unable to accomplish the expected purposes. Seen from the current situation domestically,defects in the risk management can be commonly found in all the commercial banks,mainly representing as wrong concepts,imperfect framework and single method of operation risk management. These defects are the reasons why huge frauds frequently happened,high officers fell from a house and financial crimes still occurred. As an ancient saying goes,“A small leak will sink a great ship.” Defects in the operation risk management,to some degree,have become a “small leak” that cannot be ignored but needed to be repaired in the “great ship” of risk management in the domestic banking industry.

(I)Wrong Concept of Operation Risk Management

The so-called “concept of risk management” means the concept to guide the risk management. Therefore,the recognition of the risk determines the concept of the risk management. One-sided and wrong recognitions can only form the wrong concept of the risk management in the domestic banking industry,mainly representing in the following four aspects:

1.Focus more on management afterward than precautions forward

Under the guidance of this wrong concept,the banks emphasize more on the punishment of management afterward on the happened or existed risks and try to stop the occurrence of risks through strict punishment,but do not pay enough attention to the precautions forward and control inward,which are none or only existing in the name. This,at most,can “prevent the gentleman but not the mean person”. It’s just like a room filled with money,with its door unlocked,and the only precaution is to paste a notice of “to enter without permission will be subject to fines.”

2.Focus more on case investigation than overall analysis

The case analysis indicates that many operation risk accidents have something in common or closely related,however,precautions can be done as long as these common points are recognized. To recognize them,it needs the risk management department to conduct overall and systematic analysis on the operation risk and find the laws in them.

3.Focus more on the management of the operators at the base level than that of the senior managers

The auditing departments inside the banks of the domestic banking industry emphasize more on the operators at the base level;however,there is only audit on departure for senior managers instead of daily supervisions.

4.Focus more on auditing and inspection than overall management

Many domestic banks often see the operation risks as the operational risks,which is the source of the concept of “More on auditing and inspection than overall management”. Under the guidance of this concept,the banks often endow the operation risk management function to the domestic auditing departments instead of the risk management departments,thus,operation risks of several kinds,such as those caused by the system,are not managed.

(II)Imperfect Framework of Operation Risk Management

A perfect framework of operation risk management is the premise of an overall risk management. Defects in the risk management framework may cause errors in the internal control. It’s just like the fishing net with big holes,and it’s unavoidable that the risks happen. Seen from the current situations,these defects represent in three aspects:

1.No specialized management departments are established,thus the responsibilities of operation risk management are separated.

2.The operation risk management function of the branches at the base level lacks.

3.The internal auditing departments have weak authorities.

(III)Single Method of Operation Risk Management

With the continuous development of electronics bodies and financial engineering,the methods of the operation risk management are becoming perfect,from the qualitative management to the quantitative one,and from the manual management to the electronic one. In comparison,the domestic banking industry has an obvious difference:

1.Depend too much on the internal audit,but ignore the outer one.

2.The construction of the system cannot keep up and the execution is not powerful enough.

3.It lacks the electronic methods.

A trader was able to make the world-famous Barings Bank go bankrupt;an ultra vires transaction was able to cause a personnel earthquake in the National Australia Bank. There is no doubt that,the operation risks are more powerful to affect the commercial banks,and becoming a huge threat which they have to face. It can be asserted that,the bankruptcy of the commercial banks in the future may be caused neither by the credit risk nor by the market risk,but by the operation risk. It is time for the domestic banking industry to take the existing defects in the operation risk management into consideration.

(IV)Related Concept of Operation Risk Management

According to the definition in the New Basel Capital Accord published by the Basel Banking Regulatory Commission,the operation risk refers to risks which are caused by imperfect or defective inside procedure,personnel and system or external events.

The operation risk usually appears on two levels,on the technical level,the information system or risk measurement is incomplete,imperfect and low in efficiency,which can be concluded into “technical risk”. And on the organizational level,problems occur in the risk reporting and monitoring and in the related system and policy,which can be concluded into “organizational risk”.

1.Technical Risk

Technical risks include several detailed types:error in the recording procedure of business;incompleteness of the information system;and inefficient risk evaluation method.

2.Organization of Risk Monitoring

Risk monitoring is a systematic project,which involves all the risk information system,reporting system and the corresponding actions. Due to its complexity,even if both the risk information system and the risk measurement tools are advanced,the organization of the risk monitoring still needs to be paid special attention. Here are the basic principles needing to master to help the banks build a set of complete risk monitoring system:

(1)The management system shall not over-restrain the activities bearing risks. Excessive caution may delay the decision-making procedure and limit the business development.

(2)The business operation department where risks are generated shall be clearly separated with the departments for risk supervision and controlling(credit or risk management department).

(3)Departments shall be encouraged to disclose the existing risks instead of hiding them.

II. Concepts of Time Characteristics in Operation Risk Events

In general,an operation risk event involves three time concepts,including the occurrence time,the discovery time and the loss-settling time.

(I)The Occurrence Time

The occurrence time refers to the duration from the beginning to the end,consisting of the beginning time and the ending time. The occurrence time can be either long or short. Some operation risk events last for a short time,for example,the loss caused by the misoperation of ATM often happens instantaneously,so the beginning time and the ending time of the events often coincide. Others may last for a long time,such as the case where the employee had been stealing capital from the bank for several years.

(II)The Discovery Time

The discovery time refers to the time the operation risk event discloses. It may be coherent to the time the event ends,such as an instantaneous misoperation of a teller. And sometimes,it may lag far behind the ending time,such as the case where the employee had been stealing capital from the bank for several years.

(III)The Loss-Settling Time

The loss-settling time refers to the time the loss of the operation risk event is determined to enter into the account. For example,at the end of the 1980s,a wave of bank bankruptcy of huge scale happened in the history of the American banking industry. In the wave from 1980 to 1994,more than 1600 banks,who had covered in the Federal Deposit Insurance Company(FDIC,same below),went bankruptcy or accepted the assistant from the FDIC. And the amount was far more than that of any period since the establishment of the federal deposit insurance system in 1930s,thus the year 1994 is the loss-settling time.

The loss of large amount of operation risk events cannot be settled after they are discovered,partially because of the internal management. Sometimes,it may be caused by the follow-up loss,insurance settlement,lawsuits and responsibility location. Even though it is settled,as the time passes,new capital recovery or new losses may occur,hence,the data has to be revised,from which the concept of revising time comes into being. As the operation risk draws more and more attentions,many banks begins to build their own operation risk loss database,from which the concept of the time the event is recorded into the database,that is,the recording time.

III. Measures to Dealing with Operation Risks from the Perspective of Time Characteristics

Aiming at the outstanding problems and contradictions currently existing in the operation risk management in the domestic banking industry,several measures shall be taken for comprehensive management. Measures,such as executing sufficient capital,enhancing external supervision,intensifying the information disclosure and market restraint,shall be taken. Meanwhile,the commercial banks shall take positive part in building proper organizational framework and management system of the operation risk management,setting out to building and continuously optimizing the operation risk information database,carrying out advanced risk measurement method,according to the New Basel Capital Accord and such system documents as Guidance to Internal Control of Commercial Banks and Notice on Enhancing Operation Risk Prevention,in combination with the current situation of the commercial banks and operation risks,to meet the gradually complicated operation risks and the requirements of investors,operation and management of the bank itself and the external supervision.

(I)Rebuild Structure of Domestic Commercial Banks

Build and perfect the modern company management structure to form an effective system of checks and balances between the owner and the operator. Introduce advanced operation management concepts and modes,build a flattened business vertical management system and strengthen the head office’s control on the branches.

(II)Build an Independent Risk Management Structure

Formulate scientific risk management policies,form a vertically independent risk management structure,set risk management posts of different levels,define the responsibility and division of risk management,ensure the risk management policies and risk preferences and execute complete risk management.

(III)Cultivate a Healthy Risk Culture for All

Change the operation idea to realize an optimum sustainable development. Intensify the risk prevention awareness of the bank staff,enhance the training of internal control,raise the professional integrity and awareness of honesty and make efforts to raise and form a good and healthy company culture.

(IV)Intensify Inspection,Supervision and Execution

It is a most effective way for operation risk prevention to develop effective auditing and check activities. Conduct the internal audit,strengthen the audit on the person in charge at the base level and key posts and focus on the correction and implementation of the discovered problem. Intensify the initiative and consciousness of bank staff in rule obeying and regulated operation.

(V)Perfect and Complete Inspiring and Restraining System

Rationally set the examining index and gradually perfect the comprehensive review system. Build the accountability system and carry out a strict system of locating responsibility on personnel. Take full advantage of the positive and encouraging effect of policies,and guide branches of all levels,especially the base level,to focus on the risk management and prevent the moral risks.



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