
时间:2022-07-29 03:08:06



>> 身份认同感的缺失及其寻找的焦虑 南非对金砖国家身份的认同感研究 《追风筝的人》中主人公对身份认同感的追逐 论师范生的教师身份认同感及其培养 职校实习生身份认同感研究 最重要的是认同感 浅析融合大时代视角下设计产品的认同感 身份认同感与独立学院学生自主学习能力的关联性研究 认同感如何获取? 时尚与认同感 设计与认同感 论江户时代武士阶级的主从关系 认同感的建立与双向沟通的实现 要重视培养职工对企业的认同感 如何增强当前教师的职业认同感 新闻传播与社会认同感的搭建途径 中职学生“职业认同感”激发的策略研究 浅谈通信工程专业认同感的培养 基于预算认同感的预算效率优化研究 我所追求的是价值认同感 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

[12]古川哲史.武道初心集[M]. 东京:岩波文欤1943:32.

[13]田原嗣郎.日本思想大系32 山鹿素行[M]. 东京:岩波店,1970:62,97.

Abstract: Japan experienced its most strict identity hierarchy during the Edo period.The warrior class was separated consciously from the others.However,a baby born to this world wouldn’t bring any kind of selfidentity.In order to train and strengthen the classidentity consciousness of warriors’ children,the government of Edo period tried their best to inculcate classidentity to the “newborn warrior”,using growing rite in childhood and education in youth to brainwash them.The warrior class was the fundamental element of the social order and ruling measures of governors at Edo period.The government had trained a lot of warriors who were possessed by the warrior class identity and would guard the social order willingly.This led to the 200 years lasting peace of Edo period.

Key words: warrior class;selfidentity;Edo period;rite;education

上一篇:名著阅读的现状与出路 下一篇:推荐深耕社区教育的一部新作