Analysis of the Differences between Women's Love Attitudes Reflected in Mansfiel

时间:2022-07-26 12:21:36

Abstract:Jane Austen is a famous 19th century English novelist, Mansfield Park is Jane Austen's most famous novel. The article analyzes Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, tries to have a comparative analysis of the three major female characters from the concept of love view in the work,especially analyzes the differences of three main female characters' love view:differences of love motivation and differences of love endings and the cause of such differences..

Key words:Jane Austen; Mansfield Park;Women;Love Attitudes;Differences

中图分类号:I106 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1672-1578(2015)02-0001-02

Jane Austen is a famous 19th century English novelist, Mansfield Park is Jane Austen's most controversial novel. The article analyzes Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, tries to have a comparative analysis of the three major female characters from the concept of love view in the work,especially analyzes the differences of three main female characters' love view:differences of love motivation and differences of love endings.

Mary, Maria Fanny,three of them were eager for beautiful love and took actions to pursue their love.In fact,their concept of love and love ending were different from each other.In the face of money and love,Mary shook herself and missed Edmund.At first,Maria chose a decent marriage, but she can not endure the boring marriage and eloped with Henry eventually .Only Fanny had been sticking to her true love and conquered all obstacles and get happiness finally.

1 Differences of Women's Love Motivations

Three female character's living environments, personalities and family educations are very different.Different growth environment has different affections for women's concept of love.Fanny's social statue was not as good as Mary and Marie.She simply looked forward to a true love which has nothing to do with money and status. On the contrary, prosperous life made Mary and Mary in a dilemma between money and love.

1.1 Mary:Wandering Between Money and Love

Before Mary enters the Mansfield society, she is already well experienced with love affairs and believes she has seen through it. Mary seems practical and assured of herself: “Matrimony was her object, provided she could marry well” (Jane Austen,1990:31).The Miss Bertrams’ rapturous admiration is beyond “anything which Miss Crawford’s habits made her likely to feel” (Jane Austen,1990:35). But not long after she enters Mansfield, Mary’s self-assurance is seriously disrupted. The man she falls in love with plunges her into a deep confusion. Edmund Bertram is reserved, prudish, domestic, and above all, a younger-son without a fancy vocation.

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