
时间:2022-07-24 12:47:44


1 引言

根据高中英语课程目标结构中“综合语言运用能力”的五个方面的能力:语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识及系统功能语言学的提出的三大元功能来设计这堂课。系统功能语言学的主要继承人英国著名语言学家韩礼德(M. A. K. Halliday)提出了三大元功能:一是概念功能(ideational function),语言借此解释我们的人生经验,主要通过导入里面提问和竞猜的方式来体现这一功能的,也是为了让学生熟悉文化背景知识并理清肖伯纳、皮格马利翁、奥黛丽・赫本等之间的关系,回答“是什么”的问题;二是人际功能(interpersonal function),语言借此作用于人与人之间的关系,一般通过反问篇章中的内容或通过判断正误或结合篇章内容讨论文中人物之间的关系来体现这项功能,在这篇文章中通过判断文中的长难句子的正误和读后讨论环节来实现这一功能;三是语篇功能(textual function),语言借此为使另外两大功能成为可能的现实建立一种离散的顺序,语篇功能可以通过主位成分的选择来建构。韩礼德在《功能语法导论》(第二版)第二章建立功能语法中提出传统的“主语”概念是心理主语(psychological subject)、语法主语(grammatical subject)和逻辑主语(logical subject)的统一体,在实际语篇中并不总是如此。因此,韩礼德分别给以主位(Theme)、主语(Subject)和动作者(Actor)这些不同功能标记上述主语。韩礼德建构系统功能语法的目的之一就是为语篇分析提供一个理论框架,韩礼德在1994年的An Introduction to Functional Grammar一书中有明确的解释,其目的就是为语篇分析建构一种语法,一种尽可能为现代英语中的任何语篇,无论是口头还是书面的语篇,表述出合情合理的、有用的东西。扬信彰的《语篇分析入门:理论与方法》中提到:语篇分析解决了语言与社会文化之间的关系问题,语篇分析的对象是使用者的语言。因此,我们需要有一种语法作为工具,来分析说话人或作者未留达到有效交际的目的如何用语法手段来组织句子和语篇的。韩礼德的系统功能语法就是这样的工具。

2 教学模式课堂运用

2.1 教学内容分析:


这节课主要侧重在阅读部分的学习,着重解决对课文的理解。这是本单元的第二课时。由于学生对“皮格马利翁”希腊神话的陌生感,利用五分钟的时间向学生引进另一个他们比较熟悉的希腊神话故事“潘多拉的盒子”(Pandora’s box)和利用竞猜的方式了解萧伯纳、皮格马利翁和奥黛丽・赫本及他们之间的关系,根据图式理论和心理学中的正迁移理论,将新学的知识与学生已有的知识结合起来,激活学生脑中已有的图式和好奇心以及竞争意识,有利于新知识的掌握。通过这个阶段的语言训练为后面的课作铺垫和打下基础。



2.2 教学目标。

2.2.1 语言知识目标。

(1)理解、掌握课文中关于戏剧情节、人物等的单词、词组,如adaptation, classic, caption, plot, whistle, garment, outcome, classify, upper, remark, condemn, pass…of…as…,make one’s acquaintance 等。




2.2.2 语言技能目标。




2.2.3 情感态度目标




2.3 教学过程。


Step 1 :Preparation (6mins)

Show the pictures of Pygmalion,Pandora,George Bernard Shaw and Audrey Hepburn.I will ask students whether they are familiar with Pygmalion.If not,I will show the pictures of the latter people as they are more acquainted with those famous people,and also ask students to analyze the relationships between them by the competition in doing the Quiz.Then,to get more about George Bernard Shaw and make full use of the exercise in the post-reading on Page 32,I will require students to do Exercise 2 about the profile of George Bernard Shaw.

The questions students should answer:

1.Who wrote the play Pygmalion?

A. Pygmalion B. George Bernard Shaw C. Audrey Hepburn

2.What’s the definition of the Pygmalion Effect?

A.The Pygmalion Effect means Pygmalion has a strong influence on people whatever times they are


B. The Pygmalion Effect refers to those who appreciate the sculptor Pygmalion in the ancient Greek


C. The Pygmalion Effect suggests that people are always appreciated or praised and then they will

have more excellent performances or better behave themselves in their occupations or the daily life.

3. Which of the followings was the movie adapted from Pygmalion?

A. My Fair Lady. B. Arms and the Man. C. Superman.

4. Who is the actress in the movie adapted from Pygmalion?

A. Vivien Leign. B. Audrey Hepburn. C. Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor

The answers are as follows:

1.B. 2.C. 3.A. 4.B.

The last question: Do you want to know more about George Bernard Shaw? Please turn to Page 32 and do Ex.2.


Step 2:Practice

Activity 1:Fast-reading (8mins)

M. A. K. Halliday, the representative of the Systemic Functional Linguistics proposed the three meta-functions: ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. In this procedure, I invite three top students to imitate the intonation and the tones of the characters in the text and record it into the MP3 and play it before the whole class. After listening to the record, I use the ideational and textual functions to get students to know who the characters are and have the textual awareness about the whole discourse, and students are required to seek out how many characters there are in the passage and their respective relationship, meanwhile, they should use their own words to express the general idea and the writing style of the text.

After listening to the record , students should answer the following questions:

1.what’s the writing style of the text?

2.Can you find out the heroes or heroines in the text?

3.What’ s the relationship between them?

4.what’ s the general idea of the text?

设计意图:根据系统功能语言学的三大元功能,首先我运用了概念功能和语篇功能去分析文中有多少角色和身份以及他们之间的关系,找出文章的大意和写作风格,让学生具有语篇的整体意识,不致把文章变得支离破碎;同时让三个平时模仿能力和基础较好的学生录了这篇文章的录音,这是一个创新点,可以给全部同学起很好的领头羊作用,让学生体验学习英语的成功感,而且拉近了和课文之间的距离,也是系统功能语言学中交际功能(interpersonal function)的体现。

Activity 2:Careful reading(15mins)

1.I apply the interpersonal function in the Systemic Functional Linguistics to analyzing the text by way of determining the following sentences are True or False , moreover, those sentences probably are long or difficult for students to make sense of.

Students should decide the following sentences are true or false:

⑴ A policeman in disguise is hiding from the rain listening to people’s language and watching their reactions. (F)

⑵ Eliza doesn’t fear anybody as she thinks she doesn’t do anything wrong and has the right to sell flowers. (F)

⑶ Professor Higgins tells Colonel Pickering that people of a lower social class betray themselves every time they open their mouths and Eliza is a case in point. (T)

⑷ Colonel Pickering makes a promise that once taught by him,Eliza,the flower girl,will become an upper class lady,even can pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party. (F)

⑸ Henry Higgins intends to go to India to meet Colonel Pickering. (T)

⑹ A handful of money is thrown carelessly into Eliza’s basket before they leave and Eliza feels sorrowful as she thinks they treats her like dirt . (F)

2.I apply the textual function in the Systemic Functional Linguistics to retell the text by means of using the first word or phrase to fill in the blanks. To fulfill the textual function, Halliday mainly used the Theme Theory(主位理论) to help to fulfill it. In each sentence, I will use the Theme(主位) of each sentence as the word that will be filled in the blank.

Students are required to retell the text via the following short passage:

⑴,the story happens in London,England outside a theatre.⑵ are blowing in all directions as the rain is pouring.⑶hides from the rain there,overhearing people’s conversations and watching their reactions,at the same time, he makes some notes. ⑷ , ⑸,is also sheltering from the rain. ⑹ passes and has a dialogue with her.⑺gives her some small change at last. ⑻,she accepts the outcome and is grateful to him. ⑼,she finds a man taking down her words secretly.⑽ feels frightened and begins to cry. ⑾has to comfort her. ⑿ has been watching Eliza and had a conversation with Professor Higgins,exchanging their views on phonetics,social classes and people’s income and speech.“⒀ people open their mouths, they betray themselves,”Higgins claims,“⒁ by me, the girl will become a fair lady,even can pass herself off as a duchess.”⒂have sympathy for Eliza and want to help her. ⒃,they find both of them are the men that they desire to meet. ⒄ happen between them,meanwhile,⒅has been transformed by them since then on.

The answers are as follows:

⑴.In 1914 ⑵.Cab whistles ⑶.A man. ⑷.A flower girl.

⑸.Eliza. ⑹.A gentleman. ⑺.He. ⑻.Disappointed.

⑼. At this time.⑽.Eliza/She. ⑾. Professor Higgins. ⑿.Colonel Pickering

⒀. Every time/ Each time/ Whenever .⒁. Once taught. ⒂. They.⒃.Surprised.

⒄.The fateful meetings. ⒅. Eliza’s fate/ destiny.


Step 3:Production(10mins)

1.At the end of the story ,probably Elisa Doolittle will become a fair lady and the two men will fall in love with her. If you were Elisa, which man would you choose to be your husband, Henry Higgins or Colonel Pickering? In Comprehending, Ex4 maybe will help you to decide.

2.After reading the text, what do you think can improve your present situations?

设计意图:在学生充分阅读文章以后,设计了这个读后活动。第一个问题充分利用了教材资源,利用课文31页第四题提供的关于人物性格的单词,第一个问题联系时代特点,巧妙地让学生4个同学一组分析戏剧中各个角色的性格特点并探讨个人对这问题的看法。同时通过运用系统功能语言学中的交际功能,联系现代电视台很多相亲的节目,如“非诚勿扰”等,设置了 “选择配偶”和“改变现状” 这两个话题激发学生的兴趣,让学生有话可讲,促进学生对未来的人生以及价值观的思考,一方面提高了“语言技能”,另一方面使“情感态度”教学目标得到实现。

Step 4:Promotion(3mins)

1.Write a short passage about the question: If you have a chance to change your face to become more handsome or beautiful,will you do it? (Give at least three reasons to express your own thoughts about the question)

2.Do the exercises in Learning about Language on P32-33.

3.Preview the next reading passage “Making the bet”.

4.Search the Internet to find out some popular books related to the Pygmalion Effect.


3 总结及评价




[1] Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 2005. Teaching Language, From Grammar to Grammaring[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

[2] Krashen, S. D. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition[M]. Oxford: Pergamon?Press.

[3] Nunan, D. 2004. Task-based Language Teaching[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[4] 陈素萍. 2010. 输入方式对初中学生写作能力影响的研究[J],中小学外语教学(中学篇), (8): 1-7.

上一篇:怀念泥土的气息 下一篇:打好人生的高尔夫