
时间:2022-07-24 06:18:38



>> 国之外事 水之母,国之外 张译:“暖男”之外大有可为 江湖之外的国源 家国之外 去留之间 情系在家国 执着于故土 《三国志·和洽传》译评 『雪国中叶子之「美的译析 意料之外的2009中国车市 国礼馈赠与国之外交(下) 国礼馈赠与国之外交(中) 我国“在家上学”的现状分析 一本能让我国译学走得更远的书 可译·常译·非常译 我国刑法贿赂犯罪行为对象之外延界定 关于我国青少年在家庭中的性教育分析 关于我国在家上学的原因及问题探析 我国传统审美文化在家庭伦理剧中的传承与流变 我国“在家上学”现状及存在的问题 《左传》中徘徊在家、国之间的女性形象一瞥 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:)

⑤ 译者认为夫子的家庭价值观对于中国当代家庭及东南亚国家仍具有巨大的凝聚力。家庭关系,包括婚姻关系都是人们非常珍视的部分。赡养父母仍然是每个子女义不容辞的责任。而父母与子女同住不仅方便子女照顾,也可帮忙教育孙辈。这远比西方人将父母送进养老院,孩子放入幼儿园要好得多。参见:Chichung Huang, trans. The Analects of Confucius:A Literal Translation with an Introduction and Notes[Z]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997:8同时,黄继忠译本扉页录《诗经・小雅》“蓼莪”献给先慈黄赵英及爱女黄麦,此举折射了译者身上的中国传统家庭伦理观及儒家忠孝思想。

⑥ 译者分别阐释:the Way (dao); virtue (de); Humanity (ren); righteousness(yi); the rituals (li); wisdom; humanity; courage(zhi, ren, yong); wholehearted sincerity and truthfulness(zhong, xin); whole-hearted sincerity and like-hearted considerateness (zhong, shu); the constant mean (zhong yong); expediency (quan); filial piety and brotherly obedience(xiao, ti); refinement and simplicity (wen, zhi); respectfulness and reverence (gong, jing); sage men (sheng ren); benevolent men (shan ren); dukedom; marquisate; earldom; viscountcy; and baronage(gong, hou, bo, zi,nan); consuls; ministers and shi (qing, daifu, shi); the gentleman; the small man (junzi, xiaoren); the scholar-teacher (ru); men and people (ren, min) 参见:Chichung Huang, trans. The Analects of Confucius: A Literal Translation with an Introduction and Notes[Z]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997:14?35.

⑦ 译文为:The Master said: “The gentleman is not a utensil.”译者加注为:A utensil usually has only one use; the metaphor represents a man who is specialized in one branch of learning or one skill and thus can serve only one purpose. According to Master Kong, a gentleman should be well accomplished in virtue and widely informed in the classics so that he may assume great responsibilities.

⑧ 译文为:The master said: “He who conducts government with virtue may be likened to the North Star, which, seated in its place, is surrounded by multitudes of other stars.”译者加注为:The simile implies a virtuous ruler who, seated in his court and guiding the nation with his own moral excellence, is revered and obeyed by all the people.

⑨ 译文为:The master said: “zang wen-zhong housed a Cai in a hall with hills carved on the brackets of its capitals and aquatic plants painted on the columns of its beams. What do you think of his wisdom?”

⑩ Zang was generally known as a wise man; hence the Master’s sarcasm.


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