
时间:2022-07-20 03:30:30


【毕业论文标题】 论高职院校学生的职业价值观教育

【英文标题】 Talk about the Vocational Value Education of Vocational College Students

【中文摘要】 随着我国改革开放的不断深入,市场经济体制已经确立并逐步深化,经济成分和利益主体、社会组织形式、社会生活方式、社会岗位和就业形式呈现出多样化的特征,这些发展变化,将直接影响到人们的思想观念、价值取向、思维方式、行为习惯、就业观念和人际交往等诸多方面,其中不可避免的便是对当代高职院校学生的职业价值取向的冲击。高职院校学生正处于青年时期,其自身的职业价值观正在迅速形成阶段,处在当今中国改革开放大变革时代的高职院校学生,其自身职业价值观的形成,又是整个社会价值观念变革与整合的一部分,具有鲜明的时代特征和较大的变动性。社会主义经济体制改革需要巨大的精神支持和科学的价值导向,而促使传统的职业价值观的更新,形成适应社会主义市场经济发展的职业价值观,就是其中的一项重要内容。本文正是通过对职业价值观教育基本内涵和当前高职学生职业价值观及其教育现状的分析,从理论与实践相结合的角度,对加强高职院校学生职业价值观教育的基本对策进行了综合探讨。全文共分三部分第一部分为职业价值观的涵义及职业价值观教育的意义。首先,阐述了职业价值观的基本理论,界定职业价值观的概念和内涵结构,为后面的研究奠定理论基础。其次,指出了高职院校学生职业价值观教育的意义。笔者认为,正确认识高职院校学生职业价值观的特点,教育和引导高职院校学生树立科学的职业价值观,不仅关系到学生的自我发展,而且对高职院校自身综合竞争力的提高、高等职业教育的发展乃至整个社会的进步都将产生积极的,深刻的影响。第二部分为高职院校学生职业价值观的现状及成因。通过对当前千余名高职院校学生职业价值观及其教育问题的调查,总结归纳了高职院校学生职业价值观的现状:高职院校学生职业价值观呈现出多元化;高职院校学生对职业认知程度不高;在职业价值取向上表现出功利性倾向和个人本位倾向;职业价值评价和选择标准的务实性;择业自主意识增强,实现职业价值的途径多样化。其后对形成当前高职院校学生职业价值观现状的原因从社会经济和文化、家庭与学校教育等方面作了简要分析,并指出高职院校的职业价值观教育对学生职业价值观的形成有至关重要的影响,具体阐述了调查中所发现的当前高职院校职业价值观教育所存在的一些不足:课程体系不完备,目标不明晰;职业价值观教育形式单一;教育者的职业价值观教育观念落后,整体素质不高;高职院校职业价值观教育缺乏与社会、学生家庭的沟通。第三部分针对高职院校学生职业价值观及其教育存在的问题,提出了加强高职院校学生职业价值观教育的对策:明确高职院校学生职业价值观教育的内容和原则;构建职业价值观教育的教学体系;探索职业价值观的实践教育方式;创设符合本校特色的职业指导体系;充分发挥校园文化和德育的综合作用;加强学校、家庭、社会三位一体的综合性职业价值观教育。

【英文摘要】 With China's reform and open policy developing further, the market economy system has gradually established. Meanwhile, economic elements, profit main body, the way people chose to work are presenting a characteristic of diversity as well. These changes and developments will directly influence people’s thoughts, the orientation of values, mode of thinking, the habit of behaving, vocational view, social communication and so on. These changes and developments are bound to clash with the orientation of values of college students. Students are in the period of youth, their vocational values are forming gradually. So in an era of great changes made by china's reform and open policy, vocational college students’vocational values also are part of the change and combination of social value. It has distinct features of times and certain variability. The reform of the socialist economic system needs great moral encouragement and scientific values leading. While spurring the renewal of traditional vocational values and forming vocational values which is adjust to socialist market economy are just ones of the important items.This text analyzes exactly the basic connotation of the vocational value education, the present condition of the vocational value of the current vocational college students. From the angle of combining the theories with practice, the thesis makes a concrete ana

lysis of methods of the vocational value education of vocational college students.This article is divided into three parts:The first Part elaborated on the meaning of vocational values and the important meaning of reinforcing the vocational value education. First, expounded the vocational values elementary theory,lays the rationale for the behind research. Second, pointed out the important meaning of reinforcing the vocational value education of vocational college students. The author believes that educating and guiding students to set scientific vocational values, not only relates to the development of one's career, but also is of vital importance to competitiveness of vocational colleges and the development of higher vocational education even the progress of society as a whole.The second Part elaborated on the current situation and the causes of vocational values of vocational college students. Through the survey of vocational values and education for more than a thousand students of vocational colleges, summed up the status quo of vocational values of vocational college students: Showed a diversity of vocational values; Awareness of vocational low; Showed utilitarian-based sexual orientation and personal inclination on vocational values; The pragmatic nature of evaluation and selection criteria for the value of occupation; Career self-awareness enhanced, the way to realize the value of career diversified. Then made a brief analysis of causes of the formation of the current vocational values of vocational college students from socio-economic and cultural reasons, family and school education, and pointed out that the values of vocational colleges of education to the vocational values of the formation of vocational college students have a critical influence. Elaborated the shortages discovered in the survey of higher values of the current vocational education in detail: system of curriculum incompletes, Goal is not clear; the form of vocational value education is single; Pedagogue's vocational value education idea is backward; the overall quality is not high; the vocational value education of vocational colleges lacks with social, the student family communication.The third Part elaborated on the existing problems with regard to vocational values of college students and the vocational value education of colleges are holding and proposed the countermeasure for strengthening the vocational value education of colleges and college students : Clearing the content and the principle about the vocational value education of vocational college students ; Constructing the teaching system of vocational value education ; Exploring the practice educational mode of vocational values; Displaying combined action of campus culture and moral education fully; Strengthening the vocational value education consisted of the school, family and society .

【中文关键词】 高职院校; 职业价值观; 教育; 问题; 对策

【英文关键词】 vocational college; vocational value; education; problem; countermeasure


中文摘要 5-7


导言 9-12

(一) 选题意义 9

(二) 国内外研究现状 9-11

(三) 研究方法 11

(四) 本文的创新之处 11

(五) 研究思路 11-12

一、职业价值观的涵义及其教育的意义 12-18

(一) 职业价值观的涵义 12-15 (二) 高职院校学生职业价值观教育的意义 15-18

二、高职院校学生职业价值观的现状及成因 18-24

(一) 高职院校学生职业价值观现状 18-20

(二) 形成高职生职业价值观现状的原因 20-22

(三) 调查中所反映出的高职院校职业价值观教育的不足 22-24

三、加强高职院校学生职业价值观教育的对策 24-35

(一) 明确高职院校学生职业价值观教育的内容和原则 24-27

(二) 构建职业价值观教育的课程教学体系 27-28

(三) 探索职业价值观的实践教育方式 28-29

(四) 创设符合本校特色的高职院校职业指导体系 29-30

(五) 充分发挥校园文化的熏陶作用 30-32

(六) 加强学校、家庭、社会三位一体的综合性职业价值观教育 32-35

注释 35-38

参考文献 38-41

作者攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 41-42

致谢 42

上一篇:学生欠管教吗?由“惩罚”教育想到赏识教育 下一篇:责任到人管教并举依法理财