
时间:2022-07-18 12:02:29


一,根据文章篇章改时态; 时间状语改时态,主从句关系改时态

1,(2011浙江卷)She knows what had happened, but she thanked me and ever mentioned it again.


2,(2010全国Ⅰ,79)… My teachers have been telling me how great my writing was.

答案:改 have为 had。解析: 2010全国Ⅰ卷改错内容仍为讲述过去的事,根据上下文,谓语用过去式。

3,(2010全国Ⅱ,77)… At that time, we often spend time together.

答案:spend改为 spent。解析:由时间状语At that time 可知谓语用过去时。

4,(2010课标卷) Nick has brought the price up to 10 cents a piece.…

答案: 把has去掉。解析: 根据上下文,讲述过去的事情时应用过去式。


二、 根据,语态加减be 或改动词形式。

6,(2006四川,80)We hung a sign on the front door that was read:…

答案:去掉was。解析:此处read 意思是“读起来,内容是”,应该主动表被动。

7,2009年全国Ⅱ,79)… ,and I was hold up on my way back.…

答案:改 hold为 held。解析:was held构成被动语态。


8,(2009年全国Ⅱ,85)… it were already 6 pm.

答案:解析:改 were 为 was。It做主语谓语用单数。


9,(2007四川,85) … he saw the animal waiting at the door, still wore his jacket with the wallet in the pocket.

答案:改wore为wearing。解析:句子when he got home, he saw the animal waiting at the door, still wore his jacket with the wallet in the pocket.结构完整,still后wearing为伴随状语。


10,( 2006天津,65)I want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person.

11,( 2009年全国Ⅱ,82)… So I helped them going to the nearest hospital.

根据短语“help sb. ( to ) do sh.”(曾几年考查此短语),上述两句分别应把helping 改为help; going 改为 go。

12,( 2009 陕西卷,83 ) … because he is busy study what he has missed in class.

根据短语“ ” 应把going 改为 go。

13(2007福建,79) Though I had difficulty walk back to my classroom.

答案:改walk为walking。解析:短语had difficult (in) doing sth. 意思是“ 做某事有困难”。

(2),表示情感的动词的-ed 和ing 形式的误用。如:

14,(2011四川卷,74)…I’m pleasing to hear it,…

(2011 陕西卷) … I was really disappointing and …

(2010课标卷)My friend told me story about his experience back in the U.S, which was interested. …

答案:上述三例中,分别改pleasing为pleased; disappointing 为disappointed; interested 为interesting。解析: 表情感动词的-ed 与人有关, -ing与物有关。

(3),to 是用作介词还是不定式符号的考查。如:

15,(2009年全国Ⅰ,77) … the neighborhood which I used to living in has changed…

解析:结合上下文,这儿的used to living … 应该是“过去常常做某事”,因此,改living为live.

16(2011重庆卷,78)… I’ve soon got used to live without my parents around.

解析: “get used to doing…” 意思是“习惯干某事”,to是介词,因此, live应改为 living。

17,( 2010全国Ⅰ,84)… He agreed to reading my story and …

解析:同样agree to do 是固定搭配。答案: reading改为 read 。

18,(2011 辽宁卷) … decided to making his findinds known.

解析:显然在“ decide to do sth.” 中应用动词原形,因此,本句中making 应改为 make。


19,(2011四川卷,73)He had time for a properly breakfast and was still the first∧reach the factory.

解析:“序数词后to do sth作定语,很显然reach 前缺了to。

20,(2009宁夏、海南)Well, I had better not stop now.

答案:去掉to。解析:Had better do 是固定搭配。


上一篇:用心说话 第2期 下一篇:新课程背景下的高中信息技术教学