How to Develop the Shale Gas Industry in China?

时间:2022-07-16 01:29:00

Recently, the energy dependence overseas of China is increasing rapidly. According to the White Paper: China's Energy Policy 2012 issued by the Information Office of the State Council, the percentage of imported petroleum in the total petroleum consumption has risen from 32 percent at the beginning of the 21st century to 57 percent at present. Would China become the biggest petroleum-importing and consuming country? It causes people’s worry about China’s energy diplomacy and security. Changing the way of economic development and energy structure and controlling the consumption amount of energy is inevitable.

Fake Bloom of Shale Gas Industry in China

In the 2013 International Shale Gas Conference on Mar. 18th, 16 successful tenders in the second round of shale gas prospecting right sale attended the conference. Most of those enterprises which eagerly stepped into the shale gas industry lack the experience of exploiting shale gas. 19 of the successful tenders in the second round of shale gas prospecting right sale last year don’t have the experience of exploiting traditional resources like petroleum and natural gas, 12 of them are private enterprises and 4 were just founded two or three months ago. On one hand, domestic enterprises rushed into this industry all together; on the other hand, overseas enterprises itch for a try. Transnational enterprises like Shell, BP and Conoco have successfully entered the shale gas industry in China. The Unconventional Gas and Oil Summit last September attracted foreign agencies in China like Energy Division of US Embassy, Beijing Office of US Natural Resource Protection Committee and Economy Division of Poland Embassy and international enterprises like Halliburton and GDF SUEZ.

As for the exploitation heat of shale gas in China, Mr. Zhang Dawei, Director of Mineral Resources Reserves Evaluation Center in Ministry of Land and Resources, deemed that the status of the tenders obviously showed the market enthusiasm and the development potential of the shale gas industry. The main reason that those enterprises are so keen on the shale gas exploitation is the rapid development in US. However, lack of experience will bring greater challenge to shale gas exploitation in China. So we must realize that it’s a fake bloom in shale gas exploitation, and avoid the irrational exploitation in a crowd.

Ren Haoning, the Energy Industry Researcher of CIC, said, “Without technology, equipment, market and transportation, such a great scale of industry entering will bring many problems. Blind investment and over exploitation are the universal problems in the economic development in China, which often take place in industries like the Wind Power and PV. Although the shale gas industry is promising, a great deal of enterprise entering might cause excessive production capacity, industrial structure imbalance, environmental pollution, etc.” According to a Asia-Pacific natural gas expert Mr. Gavin Thompson, it’s necessary to do deep research on the potential and exploitation technologies of shale gas. Moreover, the problems like getting lands, environment pollution, lack of supply chains and foundation facilities, will bring challenges to shale gas exploitation in China.

Technological Difficulties

The exploitation of shale gas requires very difficult technologies, such as well drilling, logging and completion, fracturing and acidizing, and enhancing oil recovery system. At present, horizontal well technology and water-based hydraulic fracturing technique are adopted in shale gas exploitation. In US, over half of the shale gas is exploited with hydraulic fracturing technique. Hydraulic fracturing is the propagation of fractures in a rock layer by a pressurized fluid. It’s the successful application of those advanced technology, plus the excellent service departments covering finance, distribution, processing and marketing, that render the shale gas exploitation in US a rapid development with high quality.

Chairman of Sinopec Mr. Fu Yucheng said to the press in NPC&CPPCC that some enterprises wanted to directly adopt the current US techniques in China. Actually, US techniques are not that mature but limited. In China, the shale gas is hidden more deeply and more scattered, which makes it hard to adopt US techniques all over. The shale gas in US is mostly distributed in plains and hidden shallowly. 3000 meters of hidden depth is deep in US, but in China it’s shallow while 4000-6000 meters is normal. The hidden depth and the complicated geology make the exploitation harder. Take Sichuan Basin as an example, it’s a reservoir of marine shale and US Newfield Exploitation Company happened to have advanced experience and techniques in this field, so such cooperation will promote the development of the exploitation in Sichuan. On the contrary, the Jilin Eastern Basin is continental shale reservoir where it is not suitable to adopt the marine shale techniques. Therefore, we must independently develop related technologies instead of importing them from US.

Environmental Concerns

Hydraulic fracturing can produce big amounts of shale gas but could also bring a negative impact to the environmental and human health, including great consumption of water, water and air pollution, earth destruction, etc.. In US, according to the shale geology, a work of hydraulic fracturing has to consume 10 million liters of water. However, in China, most production areas are waterless, which is a big challenge. And improper management will make the waste water a threat to the water quality in surface and underground. Statistics shows that in long term every million cubic meters of shale gas will produce 30-130 thousand liters of waste water. Despite the difference of shale geology, the life cycle of a shale gas well could at most last for 40 years, while the produced waste water could reach millions of liters per well.

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