《Lesson8 I'm sorry》教学设计

时间:2022-07-15 10:29:10

《Lesson8 I'm sorry》教学设计

教材分析:本课内容是陕旅版《小学英语》教材四年级下册Lesson8,第一课时Listen and Repeat及Listen and Read部分。本课话题以学生上课迟到为主线,编排相应的词汇与句型。本课学生通过sorry, tired, broken, seats以及I’m late. I’m sorry. My bike is broken.等句型来学习“主系表”结构。本课内容与学生生活密切相关。通过本课的学习,学生能运用所学词汇、句子在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际达到学以致用的效果。



a. sorry, tired, broken, seats的单词卡片;

b. Listen and read部分的录音带;

Part I Teaching aims(教学目标)

A. Knowledge aims(知识目标)

a. The students can read and grasp the new words: sorry, tired, broken and seats;

b. The students can learn how to apologize when they do something wrong;

c. The students are able to understand the dialogue and recite it.

B. Ability aims(技能目标)

a. Be able to read, write, understand the meaning of the new words and sentences;

b. Be able to use what they’ve learned to everyday life.

C. Emotional aims(情感目标)

a. By completing the task, the students can increase their interest and build up self-confidence in English learning;

b. The students can learn how to behave well and have good manners.

Part II the key point and the difficult point(教学重难点)

A. the key point

The students can master the words, sentences and dialogue of this lesson.

B. the difficult point

The students can use what they’ve learned in everyday life and can communicate with each other with English in a real scene.

Part III Teaching Methods and Study Methods(教法和学法)

A. Teaching Methods

a. TPR-Total Physical Response

b. TSA-Total Situational Action

c. Gaming method of teaching\

B. Study Methods

a. competing method of teaching

b. gaming method of teaching

Part IV Teaching Process(教学过程)

Step1 Greeting and Warming up

A. Greet with students

B. Reward system (Divided the class into two groups.)

C. Warming up

Clap your hands in a minute (From the warming up to tell students: Don’t say a limit before you do something, and what’s more, practice makes perfect.)

Step2 Presentation

I. Listen and repeat (new words: sorry, tired, broken, seats)

A. Lead-in

T: Are you happy today? Now look at me? Am I happy (Teacher do some expressions to lead in the words “sorry” and “tired”.)?

Ss: Yes, you are happy.

T: What do I look? (sad)

T: Here is a basket. It’s so heavy. I’m tired.

a. tired ( “high and low voice” 学生读单词的声音随着老师手势的高低变化,也可以玩相反,手势高,声音小,反之。)

b. sorry (“happy and sad tone”)

c. broken (“one finger, two fingers and fist”)

d. seats (group reading)

II. Practice the four words

a. I say, you do (Teacher say the follow sentences and at the same time students do the related body language.).

I’m tired. I’m sorry. The bike is broken. Touch your seats. (TPR)

b. a little teacher

c. read my lips(教师只摆口型,不出声音,学生根据老师的口型猜单词。)

上一篇:学生个性化阅读能力的培养 下一篇:如何让多媒体在小学语文课堂中的应用