Project Manager Resume Fan

时间:2022-07-15 12:43:35

Gender: Female Marital Status: Unmarried

Height: 165 cm Weight: 49 kg

Vision: 200 degrees Blood Type: O

Residence is located: Shaanxi, Xi'an National: Han

Professional Name: Industrial Engineering Description: Industrial Engineering

Graduation Time :2006-7-1 graduate school: Xi'an Institute of Technology

Foreign Language 1: English Language Level 1: 4

Foreign Language 2: Language Level 2:

Computer level: skilled professional standards: Fresh Undergraduate

Driver's license: Title:

Job intentions

Ideal Salary: 1,600 yuan Working Hours: Full-time

Job mobility: the ideal workplace does not matter: High-Tech Zone, Xi'an, Shaanxi, Xi'an Xincheng District, Xi'an

The ideal company size: More than 500 nature of the ideal company:


Education / Training

1990 Nian 9 Yue -1,996 Xi'an 3511 years in July at the factory school for the children studying in primary school

1996 Nian 9 Yue -1,999 Qing-year in July in Xi'an middle school reading

2002 Nian 9 Yue -2006 year in July at the Xi'an Institute of Industrial Engineering undergraduate

Personal skills

A four-year study by the University, I already have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, professional basic courses, as well as specialized courses of study, both obtained excellent results. I am fluent in the method study, work measurement and model law expertise, systems engineering is also conducted in-depth study, in particular, the system evaluation methods, decision analysis methods. In addition, operations research, logistics, engineering and human factors also have a certain expertise. I was able to more skilled use of this knowledge to solve some simple cases. A one-time adoption of the National Computer Rank Examination (3 network technology) and evaluation, and be able to skillfully operate Windows 2000/NT/XP, familiar with computer networks. For the Microsoft series of office software that I could keep a good application and in-depth study. In addition, I was also able to use a simple C language programming, but also got some knowledge of databases, be able to Visual FoxPro simple operation. In addition, I also learned Auto CAD, Photoshop and other software and get a number of certificates



I have a strong theoretical knowledge of professional, soundly and widely. Honestly cheerful, diligent and pragmatic, have strong adaptability and coordination ability, strong sense of responsibility, there is team spirit. Loving the collective hearts of, can abide by the principle of overall situation

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