The article in the Vol.180 No.16 Time issue on October 15th 2012 等

时间:2022-07-15 06:59:33

The article in the Vol.180 No.16 Time issue on October 15th 2012, Will Pain of Sanctions Change Iran’s Nuclear Calculus? mentions that for Iran’s citizens, who have seen the prices of many basic foodstuffs more than double since last year, and who are struggling to access even life-saving medicines, the effect of the sanctions is more than mere “collateral damage.” The sanctions are designed to put Iran’s economy in a “chokehold”, in the hope that one of the effects will be that the resultant economic pain rouses them to defy and challenge the regime, forcing it to rethink its nuclear program in order to win Iran’s release from the stranglehold of sanctions that are fomenting rebellion.


The article with the title saying Congress’s wealthiest mostly shielded from effects of deep recession, on October 7th, 2012, mentioned that The wealthiest one-third of lawmakers were largely immune from the Great Recession, taking the fewest financial hits and watching their investments quickly recover and rise to new heights. Most members weathered the financial crisis better than the average American, who saw median household net worth drop 39 percent from 2007 to 2010. The median estimated wealth of members of the current Congress rose 5 percent during the same period, according to their reported assets and liabilities. The wealthiest one-third of Congress gained 14 percent. Because lawmakers are allowed to report their holdings and debts in broad ranges, it is impossible for the public to determine their precise net worth. They also are not required to reveal the value of their homes, the salaries of their spouses or money kept in non-interest-bearing bank accounts and their congressional retirement plan .

2012年10月7日的《华盛顿邮报》刊登一篇题为“富豪议员财富逆势上涨”的文章称, 占国会议员总数1/3的那部分最富有的议员很大程度上对美国经济大萧条的影响具有“免疫力”。他们受到的金融冲击最小,投资额很快恢复并创新高。在这场金融危机中,大多数国会议员的日子比美国普通民众要好过一些。从2007年到2010年,普通民众家庭平均净资产下跌了39%,而根据国会议员提供的资产和债务报告,现任议员的平均净资产却在同期上升了5%。对前面提及的最富有的那部分议员而言,这一数字是14%。因为美国允许议员公布大范围的股份和债务状况,因此公众很难判定他们的资产净值。美国还要求议员不要隐匿房产、配偶收入、非利息银行存款及国会退休金计划。

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