
时间:2022-07-13 08:21:49

硝酸甘油炸药(又称黄色炸药)的发明者阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(1833-1896)是一位热爱和平的发明家。他痛恨战争,他发明炸药是为了挽救生命,避免人们因使用其他危险炸药而死亡。他还认为这个发明会令一切战争结束——倘若所有国家都有威力极大的武器,那么各国会发现,战争是不可能的,任何打仗的国家必定会被毁灭。可惜事与愿违,在许多人眼中,硝酸甘油炸药成为了一种极度危险的产品。1888年,当阿尔弗雷德的哥哥路德维希去世时,一张法国报纸误以为死的是阿尔弗雷德,在讣闻中称他是“军火制造商”(merchant of death)。


On October 21st, 1833, a boy was born into a family in Stockholm, Sweden, who was to become a famous scientist, inventor, businessman and founder of the Nobel Prizes award. His father was Immanuel Nobel and his mother was Andriette Ahlsell Nobel. They named their son Alfred.

Immanuel Nobel was an engineer and inventor. He built bridges and buildings and experimented with different ways of blasting[爆炸] rocks. The same year that Alfred was born, his father’s business suffered losses and had to be closed. In 1837, Immanuel Nobel decided to try business somewhere else and left for Finland and Russia.



The Family Moves to Russia

After a time, Immanuel Nobel’s business in St. Petersburg started doing well. He had opened a mechanical[机械的] workshop that provided equipment for the Russian army. With his success in Russia, Immanuel was now able to move his family to St. Petersburg.

In 1842, when Alfred was nine years old, his mother and brothers (Robert and Ludvig) moved to St. Petersburg. The following year, Alfred’s younger brother, Emil, was born. The four Nobel brothers were given a first-class education with the help of private tutors[家庭教师]. Their lessons included natural sciences, languages and literature[文学]. At the age of 17, Alfred could speak and write in Swedish, Russian, French, English and German.

Alfred Travels Abroad

Alfred was most interested in literature, chemistry and physics. His father wanted his sons to follow in his footsteps and was not pleased with Alfred’s interest in poetry. He decided to send the young man abroad to study and become a chemical engineer.

In Paris, Alfred worked in the private laboratory of a famous chemist. There he met a young Italian chemist, Ascanio Sobrero. Three years earlier, Sobrero had invented nitroglycerine[硝化甘油], a highly explosive liquid. The liquid was considered too dangerous to be of practical use.

Alfred became very interested in nitroglycerine and how it could be used in construction work. When he returned back to Russia, he worked together with his father to develop nitroglycerine as a commercially[商业上] and technically useful explosive.

Moving Back to Sweden

After the Crimean War注 ended, Alfred’s father’s business went badly and he decided to move back to Sweden. After the Nobel family’s return to Sweden in 1863, Alfred concentrated on developing nitroglycerine as an explosive. Sadly, these experiments resulted in accidents that killed several people, including Alfred’s younger brother, Emil. The government decided to ban these experiments within the Stockholm city limits[边界].

Alfred did not give up and moved his experiments to a barge[驳船] on Lake M?laren. In 1864, he was able to start mass production of nitroglycerine, but he did not stop experimenting with different additives[添加剂] to make the production much safer.

Alfred Invents “Dynamite [硝酸甘油炸药]”

Alfred found that mixing nitroglycerine with a fine sand, called kieselguhr[硅藻土], would turn the liquid into paste[糊状物] which could then be shaped into rods[棍棒,杆]. He discovered this in 1866. The rods could then be inserted into drilling[钻孔] holes. Alfred got a patent[专利权] on this material the following year; he named it“dynamite.” He also invented a detonator[雷管] which could be set off by lighting a fuse[引信]. These inventions helped reduce the cost of construction work such as drilling tunnels, blasting rocks, building bridges, etc.

Factories in Different Places

Dynamite and detonating caps[雷管,发火帽] were in high demand[需求] in the construction industry. Because of this, Alfred was able to erect[建立] factories in 90 different places. He lived in Paris but often traveled to his factories located in more than 20 countries. He was once described as “Europe’s richest vagabond[流浪者].” He also experimented in making synthetic[合成的] rubber and leather and artificial[人造的] silk. By the time of his death in 1896, he had 355 patents.

The Nobel Prizes

Alfred Nobel died in Sanremo, Italy, on December 10th, 1896. In his last will, he wrote that much of his fortune was to be used to give prizes to those who have done their best for humanity[人类] in the field of physics, chemistry, physiology[生理学] or medicine, literature and peace.

Not everybody was pleased with this. His will was opposed by his relatives and questioned by authorities[当局] in various countries. It took four years for his executors[执行者] to convince all parties to follow Alfred’s wishes.

In 1901, the first Nobel Prizes were awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, and the Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway.




























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