
时间:2022-07-12 02:07:19




Gustav Mahler was born in Kaliště, Bohemia (in the southwestern corner of what is now the Czech

Republic), in 1860. He was the second child, and the first of fourteen to survive. After his birth, his family moved to the nearby town of Jihlava, where his father ran a tavern[酒馆] and distillery[酿酒厂]. He began learning the piano at age six, and gave his first public recital[独奏会] in 1870. He studied briefly in Prague, before entering the Vienna Conservatory[音乐学校] in 1875.

The Vienna Conservatory

While at the Conservatory, he studied piano under Julius Epstein, harmony[和声] under Robert Fuchs, and composition with Franz Krenn. He became one of the earliest supporters of Anton Bruckner注1, declaring his music the most original to have appeared in many years. During his stay at the Conservatory, Mahler composed and played in performances of his piano quintet[五重奏] and violin sonata[奏鸣曲].

Early Conducting Success

After leaving the Conservatory, Mahler began his career as a conductor in 1880 in a series of provincial opera houses[歌剧院]: Ljubljana, Olomouc, Kassel, Prague, Leipzig, Budapest, and Hamburg.

During his post at Kassel in 1883-5 he had an unhappy love affair recorded in his song cycle[联篇歌曲] Songs of a Wayfarer[旅行者]. He moved to Prague in 1885, and in the next year to Leipzig. During his period at Leipzig, he accepted an invitation from Weber注2’s descendents[后裔] to reconstruct Weber’s unfinished opera The Three Pintos[杂色马]. The opera was a big success when it was first performed in 1888.

Triumphs and Downfall

After his conversion[改变信仰] to Roman Catholicism[天主教], he became conductor of the Vienna Court Opera (known today as the Vienna State Opera) in 1897. He revolutionized the way opera was staged, and under his directorship, the Vienna Court Opera reached unprecedented[空前的] heights of excellence.

In 1902, he married Alma Schindler (1879-1964), a musician 19 years his junior. They had two daughters, Maria Anna, who died at the age of five, and Anna, who later became a sculptor. Immediately following the loss of his daughter, Mahler learned that his heart was defective[有缺陷的], which cast a shadow over his activities.

Mahler described himself as “three times homeless: a Bohemian amongst Austrians, an Austrian amongst Germans, and a Jew throughout the world.” Indeed, his enemies in the anti-Semitic[反对犹太人的] press eventually led to his resignation[辞职] from the Vienna Court Opera in 1907.

Late in his life, Mahler went to New York, first to conduct the New York Metropolitan Opera and then to lead the newly re-formed New York Philharmonic. He was not successful in America. The audiences did not like him and he was not able to rule his orchestras[管弦乐队] as he had in Vienna. He left the city without completing his last season and died from bacterial endocarditis[细菌性心内膜炎] shortly thereafter.

Mahler’s Music

Mahler’s conducting career was mainly concerned with opera, but his main compositional output consists of lieder[德国民谣], song cycles, and ten monumental symphonies, the last left uncompleted at his death. He accomplished[完成] most of his composition during his summer holidays spent at a villa[别墅] he had built at Maiernigg on the Worthersee.

In 1889 he conducted the first performance of what is now known as his Symphony No. 1 Titan then described as a “symphonic poem.” His second Symphony, Resurrection, was completed in 1894, and first performed in Berlin in 1895. During the years 1896-1907, he composed the Symphonies 3 to 8, and the song cycle Songs on the Death of Children. His massive song-symphony Song of the Earth注3 was first performed under Bruno Walter in Munich 1911. Walter also premiered[初次公演] the 9th symphony in Vienna 1912.

Although Mahler left his 10th symphony unfinished, he left extensive sketches[草稿] and formal outlines for the work, allowing it to be completed by Deryck Cooke in 1960.

Mahler’s symphonies were greeted with hostility[敌意] at first, but thanks to the advocacy[拥护] of conductors such as Mengelberg and Walter, they are now recognized as the very height of the Austro-German symphonic tradition. His genius can be seen in the way he takes completely unrelated elements post-Wagnerian注4 harmony, Austrian folk, child-like innocence, and a curiosity about death and blends them into musical masterpieces. He supported the music of the younger generation of composers, and had a profound[深刻的] influence on modernist[现代主义者]

composers such as Shostakovich and Schoenberg. In Mahler’s music, the 20th century has found expression of its hopes and fears.



















Facts About Gustav Mahler

Mahler’s 1st and 5th Symphonies

According to Naxos注5, Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 is the second most-recorded symphony of all his symphonies. In a survey taken of three traditional Mahler orchestras (Vienna, New York, and Amsterdam), it was found that Mahler’s

Symphony No. 1 was the most performed.

Mahler’s Longest Symphony

Mahler’s Symphony No. 3 is one of the

longest symphonies ever created, clocking in at roughly 95 minutes. Composed between 1893 and 1896, it is still performed in symphony halls around the world to this day.

Mahler’s Symphony No. 4

Many of the themes used throughout Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 were, in fact taken from previous compositions from Mahler’s The Youth’s Magic Horn.

Mahler’s Symphony No. 8

Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 was nicknamed the “Symphony of a Thousand” by Mahler’s agent, because its premiere performance

featured over 150 orchestra members and over 800 choral[合唱队的] singers.

Mahler’s The Song of the Earth

The Song of the Earth is unique to Mahler’s body of work. It is the only composition to use Chinese themes. It is based on German translations of ancient Chinese poetry.

Mahler and the Vienna State


In 1897, in order to secure a position

as the artistic director of the Vienna Court Opera, Mahler converted from

Judaism[犹太教] to Catholicism as the opera company would not hire Jews.

Mahler’s Quote About Music and Composing

Here’s a fascinating Mahler quote that sums up Mahler’s music. “It is always the same with me; only when I experience

something do I compose, and only when composing do I experience! After all, a musician’s nature can hardly be

expressed in words.”






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