
时间:2022-07-06 10:23:06



1. 狼吞虎咽wolf down

例如:I have to wolf down my breakfast; I’m rushed for time. 我得快点吃完早餐,时间不够了。

2. 胡吃海喝pig out

例如:Would you like to pig out with us tonight?今晚想不想跟我们一起去胡吃海喝一顿?

3. 吃得很少eat like a bird

例如:Girls always eat like a bird in order to keep a slender figure. 女孩子们吃得很少,为的是保持苗条的身材。

4. eat out上馆子吃,出去吃饭

例如:It’s a good idea to eat out once a while. 隔段时间在外面吃一顿真不错。

5. eat in在家吃饭

例如:Are you going to eat in or eat out?你今天打算在家吃还是在外面吃?

6. 随便吃几口垫垫肚子grab a bite/grab something to eat

例如:Let’s grab a bite before we go. 走之前咱们先赶紧垫垫肚子吧!

She often wakes up very late in the morning and can only grab something to eat on her way to school. 她早上总是起得很迟,只能在上学的路上随便买点东西垫肚子。

7. 饿坏了I can eat a horse.

例如:I can eat a horse after coming back from the gym. 从健身房回来,我都饿坏了。

8. 吃饱了I’m full. /I have enough./I am stuffed.

例如:―Do you want another fish burger combo with coke and fries?你还想来一份鱼肉汉堡套餐吗?

―No, thanks. I’m stuffed. 不,谢谢,我已经饱了。

9. 吃得很撑up to one’s ears/throat

例如:I’m up to my throat after the New Year buffet and can’t eat a bite any more. 吃过新年自助餐,我已经撑到喉咙了,一口也吃不下了。

10. 吃宵夜eat one’s midnight snack

例如:She enjoys eating her midnight snack even though she’s gaining weight. 尽管在发胖,可她还是很喜欢吃宵夜。

关于吃还有两个词一定要知道,那就是Yuck和Yum。如果你觉得某种东西很难吃,你可以说It’s yuck!或者It’s yucky!,记得说的时候要拖得长长的, 让它读起来像是yuuuuuuuck,听起来才会像。相反,如果觉得某种东西很好吃,你就可以说Yum!或者Yummy!

当然,有些关于食物的词汇,我们也必须知道,如:staple food主食;appetizer开胃菜;main course主菜;dessert甜点;seasonings调味料;beverage酒水类;snack零食。



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